Since we won’t ever get a proper official patch notes for 3.0, we might as well do them ourselves. There’s a lot of official information, although it’s either lacking or wrong at some point so I decided to make a detailed thread that includes everything. If you notice anything that is missing, wrong, a typo or anything to be changed, please post detailed information what and where so I can update the thread. Wording of the change might be slightly different from what we see ingame, but it reflects the truth and is easier to comprehend. I want to add here changes that are already in the game as we speak, might do a separate list of things “yet to come aka promised in preview” somewhere in a post later. Let’s get started.
Text formatting:
Something was there
Something new
Table of content:
1. Class changes
2. Ninja changes
3. Fighting Matsurii changes
4. Sage World Battlefield changes
5. Nine Tails Invasion changes
6. Rescue the jinchuuriki change
7. Strong Approaching changes
8. Ninja Bonding
9. Summon changes
10. Redemption market changes
11. Added daily exclusives
12. Group related changes
13. Rich field changes
14. Team instance changes
15. Other changes
16. Changelog/sources
1. Class changes
1.1. Scarlet Blaze
*attack - Fire style – flame jutsu
Attacks the opponent's units in the front row and has a high chance of
causing [10 COMBO]. This skill can not be evaded.
*3rd passive - Oboro clone - reduced ammount of stats clone is ba
1.2. Breeze dancer
*Chase - Wind style – vacuum blast barrage
[Triggered with at least 10 COMBO], causes Wind
attribute damage to 2 3 of the opponent's units.
*Passive - Chakra coordination
If your Main Character is in the field, when
your Lineup recovers Chakra, the units who recover Chakra will give 7% 10% of this unit's Life back.
1.3. Midnight blade
*mystery - Lightning sealing slash
Deals tai/nin tai lightning damage and causes acupuncture for 3 rounds
*passive – heart flux
When you have a minimum of 40 20 chakra, for each chakra point
main’s attack will increase by 2% (up to 160% instead of 2.0 120%)
1.4. Crimson fist
*mystery – earth style – super stone fist jutsu
Before: deals dmg (…)
generates a shield for main ba
Now: deals damage (…)
generates a shield for all ninjas in your TEAM ba
*mystery – earth style – super lightened boulder jutsu
Before: can be cast only on your own team. Now: can be cast on any team from your lineup (so on other friendly players as well), clears 1 debuff on each affected target.
*passive – pose of duel
Before: +30% tai/nin for ninjas with full hp. Now: +30% tai/nin for ninjas with a shield
*passive – defense knowledge, guidance
Change: swapped places with each other
1.5. Azure fang
*Passive placement changes:
Souls absorbtion (chakra regen) – was 3rd row 3rd column. Now is 2nd row, 4th column.
Curse mark test – was 3rd row 4th column. Now is 3rd row 3rd column.
Reserve seal – was 2rd row 4th column. Now is 3rd row 4th column.
2. Ninja changes
2.1. Kabuto
*mystery – added “curse
mark” tag to dead souls desc
*2nd passive – PASSIVE REWORKED - when kabuto is in the field, all hidden sound units will heal themselves by 10% of their dmg done to the enemy. (old passive where kabuto received x2 healing – removed)
*3rd passive
– passive changed – deals a small amount of damage to all units curse mark ninjas in your lineup. Can be triggered x2
each round.
2.2. Kankuro
*mystery – damage type changed from TAI to NIN (nerf, kankuros tai growth is roughly 2x better than nin)
*3rd passive – new - dealing taijutsu dmg to kankuro poisons enemy. Old passive 'puppet guardian' removed.
2.3. GNW Kankuro
*mystery – damage type changed from TAI to NIN (see above), added fire element to the damage type. Still ignites, no longer poisons.
*1st passive – change – chases knockdown into low float. Can be triggered twice each round.
*3rd passive – new – each time this unit chases, it recovers 20 chakra.
2.4. Chojuro
*3rd passive
– increase Chojuro’s tai/nin by 6% for each water ninja in your team lineup.
2.5. Kurotsuchi
*3rd passive – increase Kurotsuchi’s ninjutsu by 12% for each
earth ninja in your team lineup.
2.6. Sasori – 100 puppets performance
*mystery – Old: fills the team with puppets. New: summon up to 4 puppets. If you have at least 4 puppets alive, cause taijutsu damage to 9 enemy units, poison them and selected unit suffers from low float.
Battlefield cooldown: 1 0
*auto – summon 1-2 puppets 1-3 puppets. Puppets cause
poisoning (unchanged)
*3rd passive – chase – triggers after 10combo, deals dmg and ignites 2 enemy at random. Gain additional standard attack
2.7. Minato Namikaze - the 4th Hokage
*mystery - Interrupt added. If used on a non-tagged target, deals damage and interrupts the target. If used on a tagged target, interrupts whole team
*passive dodge - increased chance for the 1st dodge. Removed chance of additional dodges
2.8. Ay - the 4th raikage
*3rd passive - chase - chases high float into knockdown, causes paralyze immobile.
2.9. Killer Bee - Seven Swords Style
*Ninja name changed from Seven Sworded Thug to Seven Swords Style
*2nd passive - tailed beasts instructor - now can apply a shield and buff to jinchuuriki clones (sage naruto clone for example)
2.10. Shizune
*Poison expert passive - significantly increase shizune's damage to units suffering from debuffs (ingame describtion finally updated to match passive's real effect)
2.11. Darui
*mystery - damage type changed from water/lightning to lightning
2.12. Chio, Kakashi[boy], Obito [boy]
*name - renamed from "Chiyo" to "Elder Chiyo", Kakashi [Boy] to Kakashi [Shonen], Obito [Boy] to Obito [Shonen]
2.13. Naruto [9 tails chakra]
*3rd passive - critical chance boost removed. Now it increases attack and ninjutsu by (0,8% - 3* ninja) / (1,2% - 4* and 5* ninja) for each 1% of life missing.
2.14. Cee
*mystery - chakra cost changed from 20 to 0
2.15. Kakashi [beheading sword]
*mystery - additionaly removes buffs and shields on a selected target
3. Fighting matsuri changes
Ammount of ranked coins reduced, other rewards unchanged (from 1200 to 580 at 5wins)
It’s now possible to reconnect and continue a fight if you got disconnected.
4. Sage world battlefield
Ammount of ranked coins reduced. Ammount of summon coins increased. Top 10+ players from each field get advanced refines (previously: only top3), only top3 get seal scrolls (unchanged). Ammount of refines seem to depend on individual performance.
After you lose a fight, gain stack of rage buff. Each stack of rage increases your att/nin by 5% (up to 4 stacks -> up to 20%). Reset stacks after won battle.
5. Nine tails invasion changes
Randomly during fight obito can ambush you. Defeating Obito gives you coins, 1 layer of hokage support buff and might get you minor items. 9tails hp increased.
6. Rescue the jinchuuriki changes
Charm material pack
fragments removed, rainbow mangatamas removed. // 03/08/2017 changes reverted, charms and rainbow mangatams drop again
Added retreat *on (only team captain c*e it)
7. Strong approaching changes
Consumes 10 stamina to enter on any difficulty. Rewards seem to be unchanged.
SA merged with group instance – by entering with a team of groupmates, you get additional items.
8. Ninja bonding changes
Added new ninjas: konan, sasori, asuma, kakuzu, pain – ningendo, ino, choji, kiba, shino, guy, kurenai, killer bee, hanzo, hashirama.
Added chat with everyone *on. Automatically correctly chats with ninjas with level 8+.
Clicking on a ninja teleports you to him/her.
9. Summon fight changes
Fight is devided into 3 stages.
1st stage: random enemy ninja appear (weaker versions of sealed ninja teams). Defeat them all to proceed to stage 2. Every defeated ninja grants you coins/coupons and a buff token for group. You can fight in teams (note: you can only create a team outside of summon fight map), each team member gets buff token. You can give buff tokens to npc in the map to boost your groupmates!
2nd stage: like old summon fight: summon appears. 10 round summon fight. You can fight serpent in a team as well.
3rd stage: new wave of enemy ninja appear, this time they are really strong (stronger than sealed counterparts), it is recommended to create a team again before attempting to fight them. Kill your way to the summon, enter a fight with it and kill it in order to end summon capture.
10. Redemption market changes
Group shop:
added pain jigokudo – 1500coins/3frags
pain chikushodo – cost changed from 2000/5frags to 1500/3frags (100coins per frag price increase)
Ranked shop:
Added pain shurado 1000coins/2frags
Added pain gakido 1000coins/2frags
Added GNW sakura 1000coins/5frags
Space-time shop:
deluxe tactic pack - removed emerald, tiger hunt, vehicle suspense, thunder god pages from fixed drop. Cost unchanged.
11. Added daily exclusives
Daily exclusives are events, that benefit one side of the game on a daily basis (similar to 2.0 double sweep exp on Mondays, double exp from daily on Tuesdays etc. They can be found in Hot Topics (previously in benefit hall).
Monday: 2x Exp for sweeping
Tuesday: 2x Exp for Kakashis Training
Wednesday: 2x Group Contributions from convoy and plunder
Thursday: 2x food from Fukurokumaru
Friday: 2x coins from Fukurokumaru
Saturday: 2x coins from convoy and 2x items from plot instances
Sunday: 2x exp/coin from ninja quiz and 2x items from plot instances
12. Group related changes:
12.1 Great Ninja War:
* Victorious group is awarded 10 packs now (3/4/3) instead of 9 packs(3/4/2) - (legendary/hero/feat)
* GNW restriction changed. Before after leaving group, you had to wait 8h to join a new one, then you had a 7days penalty for gnw. Now penalty starts when you leave the group, effectively saving you at least 8h.
12.2 Convoy changes:
*Ammount of gold for A-S convoys increased.
*SS convoys give 35 instead of 30 coupons.
12.3 Other changes:
*scheduled summon fight can be canceled
*added pop-up notification for leaders and seniors when someone applies to the group
13. Rich Field:
* added sweep *on to rich fields. In order to unlock it player has to complete manually that mode and difficulty. Each mode and difficulty has a separate *on. Sweeping rich fields grants awakening materials of the same type (doing it manually still gives the same ammount but random ones).
* rich field's availability moved from left side of the screen to it's icon (sparkles when available)
*cooldown removed (previously non-medal players had 10min cooldown)
14. Team Instance changes:
*ninja tools now require 3 five nature stones (up from 1), however matching nature bonus increased from 10% to 30%
*several ninja tools got their ba
15. Other changes
* Lvl cap increased to 95
* 3 new elite instances added
* new plot instances added
* summon interface got visual update
* clothings show during fight (except space-time related outfits)
* added auto explore for treasure maps
* system, team and camp channel added
* added new power gift packs, up to 70k power. Players can reclaim previous packs once again (7k, 10k, 15k power packs have summon scrolls instead of seal scrolls)
*added new option for besetting mangatamas/rune stones.
*blacklist works properly now.
*added 'power change details' *on under stamina bar.
*added "skip battle" *on during ranked and space-time matches. Removed cooldown between matches during space time
*added 2 additional team slots for jonin medal users
*added new weekly mission to Kakashi's handbook
*added new questions to Cat Quiz
*ranked battle's cooldown for non-medal user removed
*rainbow mangatamas lv 1/2 added to ninja exam drop list
*friend list is now organized by friend level first, and then alphabetically, instead of just alphabetically
*player's inventory got reorganized into 4 tabs
*you can no longer send flowers for coins (ingots only). You can send shuriken instead for coins which increase friendship but doesn't contribute to popularity rankings.
*new puzzles added to weekend missions
16. Changelog/sources
1. added blacklist changes to "Other". Added Winning GNW pack change // Zangetsu-
2. added sweep results of rich field to "Other". // Armand__
3. Added minato [4th hokage] and Ay [3rd raikage] changes. // Nemini
4. Added space-time shop (Redemption market) and ninja tools changes (Others) // Facepalm
5. Added ninja tools, rich field and Killer Bee (SSS) changes, new weekly missions and cat quiz questions. // Armand__, JackyChan, DankMemes
6. Added removal ranked battle's cooldown for non medal users to "Other". // Yellow Popcorn
7. Updated daily exclusives // s177 Kira
8. Added rainbow mangatamas to ninja exam
9. Minor thread reorganisation, added some of the changes from post #26, #28, #32
10. Updated 'rescue the jinchuuriki' section
Let me know if you find any errors, typos, things I haven't included. Hope you find it useful. This is a compilation of official info and ingame testing.
You c*so add the following on rich field:
Sweeping experience field in extreme mode will net you 6 awakening items of one type. While clearing it manually will give you different ones.
Thx for this it really is helpfull for those that don't follow the forums too much.
Ninja Tools: Matching Nature Bonus 10% -> 30%
Sage World: Rank 1 (my field, not sure overall) 18 Adv Refines, 1 Seal, 70k coins
Space-Time Clothing: Honor of the Strongest & Ruler's Glory outfits does not show up in battle
Strong Approach: Group (3 person team) Expert Difficulty did not consume any stamina (99% sure on this)
Five Natures now requires 3 stones instead of 1 (to make up for 30% instead of 10%)
Less group contribution/victory points from SA than we got from GI
7k, 10k, 15k power gift packs switched to Summoning Scrolls from Seal Scrolls
Can someone check if they changed the Hot Springs too? Today I finished up my 2 hours in the Hot Springs and I didn't get the bonus stamina I used to get pre 3.0 for being in there the full time.
It's not related with 3.0. Even before patch you had a chance to obtain bonus stamina, not a guarantee. Personally haven't had bonus stamina after hot springs in over 2 months. No testing here, but my bet is it could be related to your level, server age or basically anything like that.
Can someone check if they changed the Hot Springs too? Today I finished up my 2 hours in the Hot Springs and I didn't get the bonus stamina I used to get pre 3.0 for being in there the full time.
This is a bug that existed in 2.0 as well.
I triggered it when i exited the hot springs less than 10 minutes (maybe a bit more) before my alloted time ended. Then once i got back in I would not get the extra 50 stamina when the timer ends.
In order to avoid it try to stay the whole last hour of your timer inside the hot springs, since I do this I have yet to trigger this bug again.
A friend of mine ranked near the last spots in Sage and got purification runes instead of refines, he did not remeber his rank but won only 1 battle.
Ninja Changes / Killer Bee
I'm pretty sure this is new.. but Killer Bee now buffs & shields Sage Naruto's clone. He definitely use to only shield Naruto / other Jin but never the clone.
Ninja Tool Changes
*Shura Broad Sword Ba
Life 75 / Attk 60 > Life 55 / Attk 40
*Sword of Totsuka Ba
Attk 70 / Def 65 > Attk 40 / Def 35
*Paper Shuriken Ba
Attk 60 / Res 50 > Attk 40 / Res 30
Also, thanks for this compilation. I wish Oasis would at least make the effort to do this rather than drop ghosted changes not included in the update threads.
It is.
Also now the super kage scrolls can not be redeemed in spacetime for credits. So they keep piling up.
Silly they changed that.
Edit: There seem to be new weekly kakashi missions. Just got one regarding doing 10 times 8 gates and another requiring me to get 10 points in cat quizz.
8. Ninja bonding changes
You can auto chat with ninjas whose bond lv >=8.
Rich field also no cooldown now.
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