Neji is fine, but might die really fast, if you don't have super def. on him.
Since he got that aggro all normal attacks in 1st round.
Choji can be a really strong Tank too, he heals before every atk + every time he heals, he increase atk.
& 4th War Choji got full AOE atk, on normal atk, & every heal he get, he increase atk + def.
Hinata is also good, as she can silence the target during combo trigger + she got a passive,
which increase her def + resistance, after how low her HP is.
Also don't forget Gaara, his a bit rare, but you can get him from secret shop & some events.
Well u get him free, if you gonna invest anything.
Gaara stacks a earth shield every round, + his immune to most combo triggers, which send your char flying AKA ground slam, slam to the wall, medium float, high float.
+ he got a really strong AOE Jutsu.