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[ Updates ] Events Feedback - 1st June


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On 2017-06-01 18:51:52Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello Ninjas,

as per mentioned in the Events-1st June thread, we will be opening a thread focusing in collecting feedbacks, suggestions and improvements idea towards our events. This is one of our critical action and necessity for our community to grow, as it allow us to identify and improve our overall content and events for all of our players. Following format shall be used in order to ensure a uniform and ease data collection towards the end of the week.

Example:-Server : 34
Region : HK
Current BP : 58K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : The current ninjas offered in Lucky Board is outdated : Sage Jiraiya
Reasoning : With the current treasure and meta, it is very hard to find a spot for Sage Jiraiya, a universal ninja which can suit into multiple type of strategy would serve better example : Sage Naruto. On top of that, it has been Sage Jiraiya for past few months a new ninja would be a good change.
Suggestions : To replace Sage Jiraiya with Sage Naruto Fragments

We would also, like to inform everyone that we are trying our best to push for changes / improvements that the players have suggested. However, the final decision would be at the hand of the management and there is no guarantee of the time it might takes.

Fortunately, please rest assured as all your feedbacks are being entertained by our team and will always be in our discussions. The example that we have provided is merely a guideline for everyone, feel free to elaborate on your reasonings/suggestions to ensure the message are throughly communicated.
Any unrelated comments or posts that doesn't follow the format will be deleted.

Thank you.

Naruto Online Operation Team.

This post was last edited by Acer1 at 2017-6-1 19:01
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On 2017-06-01 20:31:04Show this Author Only
Server: 76
Region: UK
Current BP: 60k
Events: Monthly Event
Opinion: The current ninjas offered in Monthly are outdated and constantly repeated: Pains (Ningendo, Shurado, Gakido)
Reasoning: Those ninjas, although somewhat usefull in some lineups (but far from meta), are constantly repeated each month making the Monthly Event not offering anything interesting Ninja-case. Plus both Ningendo and Gakido can be farmed/received doing Plot and Elite Instances. At the beggining the Monthly Event offered variety of useful nin's like Sage Naruto, Darui, Danzo, Onoki, Chojuro etc. Putting in kage ninjas would allow players to get those that rng wouldn't allow them to get from kage treasure even though they are getting dupes now with every rare pull. More variety of ninjas will also encourage people to invest in Monthly Packs.
Suggestions: Replace Pains in Monthly Event with higher variety of ninjas, especially rares from Kage Treasure.
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On 2017-06-01 21:06:05Show this Author Only
Server : 145
Region : NA
Current BP : 60K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : I should get free Cursed Hidan
Reasoning : With the current meta , it is hard to get coupons. Therefore , I should get 20k coupons to get Cursed Hidan
Suggestions : Give me Cursed Hidan for free.
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On 2017-06-01 21:22:24Show this Author Only
Current BP: 40k (42k if you look in ranking)
Events: Lucky board (everyone else is doing this)
Opinion:It's a nice event, though the sage jiraiya frags are...little
Reasoning:You see, it's always been a good event, it has a good spread of ninja atm, but sage jiraiya's always been there, even since when I started back in october, but I only have like, 8 frags for him. Maybe you could bring it up due to him not being as amazing as he was? maybe 3-5 frags on his place?
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On 2017-06-01 22:45:47Show this Author Only
Region: LA
Current BP: 35k
Events: Lucky Board
Opinion: Lucky Dice are too expensive compared to the rewards.
Reasoning: Looking at Time-Limited Recruitment from last week, those keys being 10 coupons each, then looking at Lucky Board being 20 with the rewards being roughly the same amount of points as both events. So I'd like to see Lucky Dice either be able to be obtained 10 max daily like the keys were or reduce the lucky dice price to 10 coupons in the shop.

Region: LA
Current BP: 35k
Events: Activity Lucky Bag
Opinion: Common Cloth needs to leave the bag for Medium Cloth.
reasoning: We can obtain Common Cloth easily already and you don't need much of it, Medium Cloth is a bit harder to obtain due to costing more coupons and very few events have it obtainable by points and obviously SA can give them. So for this event can it scale to your Battle Armor level accordingly to give the player what they need so they won't have useless junk in their inventory?
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On 2017-06-01 23:29:03Show this Author Only
Server : 17
Region : EU
Current BP : 60K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : There are currently too few power items to redeem from the Lucky Board
Reasoning : Having only 30 Charm Packs and 100 Medium Refine Runes as the reedemable items is a bit low (you can buy all of them for about 5.3k coupons), more different options and/or higher redeem caps would be good.
Suggestions : Have about 2-3 ninjas and 4-3 power items as redeemable items in the Lucky Board
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On 2017-06-01 23:46:10Show this Author Only
Server: 273
Region: UK
Current BP: 42k
Events: Lucky Board
Opinion: Please don't announce Strong Ninja if they aren't the Ninja Appearing in Events. Also When announcing events please show what the redeem rewards ARE in said events.

Reasoning: Well was really looking forward to getting a few more Nagato frags, instead found Hidan Blood (AGAIN). Did it really need to take 14 hours to realise the Strong Approaching Ninja was wrong?

Suggestions: When announcing the next events, please simply include an image showing what the redeemable items/frags are.

Feedback: Announcing the new events the day before has been a big positive. People usually chat more during this time and the change was welcome.
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On 2017-06-01 23:56:06Show this Author Only
Server: 177
Region: NY
Current BP:66k
Events:Spending Rebate and Slot Machine
Opinion:Ratio of "paid" events to "free" events is too high
Reasoning:I guess this is more a comment on the style of event in general, but events where payment is necessary to even participate should not dominate the events for the week. It's not uncommon for the majority of the events for the to be "play to win" as people call them. Don't get me wrong, I indulge in them on a semi-frequent basis, but I also know that the majority of the players on my server either can't (as younger players without access to credit card) or won't. That I think is one of the primary reasons for servers to die
Suggestion: Try to make it so there are more "free" events a week than there are "paid" events. You'll still make money from the players who will spend anyways, and you'll keep the other players happier and more likely to * around to keep your servers alive.
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On 2017-06-02 01:01:15Show this Author Only
Server: 483
Region: UK
Current BP: 26k
Events: Lucky Board
Opinion: There were already too few power items to redeem and yet you reduce the amount of medium refine runes we can redeem by half.
Reasoning: As has been already said. Currently, you can max out for around 5k coupons. After that there is no incentive to spend coupons/ingots whatsover if you are after the raw power.
Suggestion: Bring back the medium threads and medium refines.
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On 2017-06-02 02:13:52Show this Author Only
Server : 164
Region : HK
Current BP : 86K
Events : All events
Opinion : Giving out some frags of Itachi Susanoo instead of 80x frags
Reasoning : Atm the few events where you could get Itachi Susanoo are RNG heavy (look at the wheel) or 1x 80 frags (like Sakura's events). As we have 2 treasure where people could pull Itachi (3-4 if we consider the incoming Jinchurichi) people are getting more frags of him. Giving out 5-10 frags as various prizes + other items could make more people interested in spending in events and at the same time give them a more interesting reward.
Suggestions : Use itachi frags (5-10) as rewards to more prizes in the events, besides the 1st.

Server : 164
Region : HK
Current BP : 86K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : GIve us a "german-style" Lucky board
Reasoning : Atm most of the rewards inside the wheel are useless to p2w, if someone want medium refines/threads, he could buy them with points. The .de's LB is far more interesting than ours, with far better rewards (even if dices cost 50 coupons/ingots)
Suggestions : Replace current Lucky Board with one similar to the one we see in germany.
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On 2017-06-02 09:48:27Show this Author Only
  • Shryke On 2017-06-02 02:13:52
  • Server : 164
    Region : HK
    Current BP : 86K
    Events : All events
    Opinion : Giving out some frags of Itachi Susanoo instead of 80x frags
    Reasoning : Atm the few events where you could get Itachi Susanoo are RNG heavy (look at the wheel) or 1x 80 frags (like Sakura's events). As we have 2 treasure where people could pull Itachi (3-4 if we consider the incoming Jinchurichi) people are getting more frags of him. Giving out 5-10 frags as various prizes + other items could make more people interested in spending in events and at the same time give them a more interesting reward.
    Suggestions : Use itachi frags (5-10) as rewards to more prizes in the events, besides the 1st.

    Server : 164
    Region : HK
    Current BP : 86K
    Events : Lucky Board
    Opinion : GIve us a "german-style" Lucky board
    Reasoning : Atm most of the rewards inside the wheel are useless to p2w, if someone want medium refines/threads, he could buy them with points. The .de's LB is far more interesting than ours, with far better rewards (even if dices cost 50 coupons/ingots)
    Suggestions : Replace current Lucky Board with one similar to the one we see in germany.
that is not gonna happen.. itachi costs 3k .. the ones that used so many scrolls to get him ?? its unfair .. its like stealing.. so 1 itachi frag is pretty much balanced
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On 2017-06-02 12:24:00Show this Author Only
Example:-Server : 15
Region : East
Current BP : 69K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : Return medium threads to exchange + other minor tweaks.
Reasoning : I recognize that threads were replaced with charms and this is one of the few ways to get charms, but it's important for players to have access to bulk amounts of threads at a decent discount. The amount needed from 5-7 is absolutely massive. Add threads back and raise the limit back to 200 (also refines). Remove the Pain, they're out of meta and there are many ways to acquire Pains. 1 Kage/Edo/Sage Naruto rare, 1 mid-tier ninja (Haku in this case), 1 top (Hidan). Replace the teleport thing, the only useless item on the board now, with something like a purify protection. Sage Jiriya could be rotated with stuff like Hanzo, Sailor Sakura or cosmetic ninjas like Chinese TenTen and Bikini Ino.
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On 2017-06-02 14:48:28Show this Author Only
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On 2017-06-02 15:18:42Show this Author Only
Server: 488
Region: NY
Current BP: 66k
Events: Lucky Board
Opinion: Not enough redeemable power items for redemption, Sage Jiraiya needs to be changed out after being in for so many months.
Reasoning: As it's been pointed out multiple times already, the Lucky Board does not have enough redeemable items for power players. Jiraiya Sage has been in for countless months now and it's really just time for a change.
Suggestions: Increase amount of redeemable charm packs, add other power items such as Advanced Refines as a redeemable option. Exchange Sage Jiraiya out for something else - a few good examples of ninjas that aren't readily available and the community has expressed desire in (on top of being around the same rarity level) are the GNW ninjas: GNW Sakura, GNW Hinata, GNW Neji, GNW Ino, etc.
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On 2017-06-02 16:18:21Show this Author Only
Server: 318
Region: UK
Current BP: 47k
Events: Lucky Board
Opinion: Time to replace Sage Jiraiya, more power items to exchange, more free dices able to gain daily.
Reasoning: It's been quite a long time with Jiraiya on board- and he's also often appearing in other events- it would be nice to replace him on Lucky Board with other ninja. Not enough power items for redeem, for sure. Amount of free dices daily- in other events we get like 10 keys or so daily for example- little bit more of a chance for F2P players.
Suggestions: As long as Sage Jiraiya is a nice ninja- it's time for some fresh option to get-and many people mention ninjas like GNW Sakura, so it would be really nice to get someone new in it. Points exchange- stay with 2-3 ninja to redeem there and add more power items, like advance refine runes. Give a chance to gain more daily free dices- like let's say 5 max. F2P players needs some love too :)
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On 2017-06-02 16:50:11Show this Author Only
Server: 143
Region: HK
Current BP: 44k
Events: Lucky Board and Monthly Events
Opinion(s): 1. As already stated before, Sage Mod Jiraiya is outdated to the point that's rarely used. And as well as the dices we get daily. 2. And the Monthly Event Rewards have never changed. It's always Nigendo, Gakido/Shurado.
Reasoning: 1. While Sage Mode Jiraiya is a good ninjas, he's barely even used and appears in other events. It's time to have him step down the pedestal to be changed.
2.And the dices we get feels a bit small, only 2? While in other events just as Time limited ninja recruitment, we get 10 daily. So it feels we have more of a chance to redeem/get stuff from it.
3. Now for the Monthly Event rewards, it hasn't changed. It's always either Ningendo and Shurado or Ningendo or Gakido. I can't remember a time where they aren't the rewards. They need to be stepped down and be replaced with someone else.
Suggestions: 1. Perhaps on the Lucky Board, I can't really decide. But perhaps....either Kyuubi Naruto(forgive me if it seems to be a high suggestion.) Beheading Sword Kakashi, or a random rare from either Kage or Edo(again, forgive me if it's seems to be a bit too much.) The exchange shop isn't that bad, so it stays but add more bp increasing stuff.

2. Monthly Event Rewards needs to be fresh. It's been giving us Pain Paths for a long time, not including Tendo. Perhaps other ninjas like those only obtained from events like Sarutobi, Playboy Sasuke.....this maybe a bit high of a demand. So perhaps other rares, like Beheading Sword Kakashi, Danzo, Gaara and etc.

(I ask for forgiveness if some of these feel like I'm demanding a lot, but I'm trying not to.)
This post was last edited by Zephyr of Troviator at 2017-6-2 20:53
This post was last edited by Zephyr of Troviator at 2017-6-2 20:55
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On 2017-06-02 17:21:36Show this Author Only
Server: 407
Region : UK
Current BP : 43K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : The current ninjas offered in Lucky Board is outdated : Sage Jiraiya, flying raijin kunai
Reasoning : Im just repeating what everyone thinks here, but i want to show my support for this initiative. No one in the current meta uses sage Jiraya, while Sage naruto is one of the most versatile ninjas. As for the kunai, it is the one most useless item for any and all players, be it new or experienced. A 20k or 50k coin spot would be much better and woudn't change much for the developpers since that spot existed previously bit was changed to something better.
Suggestions : To replace Sage Jiraiya with Sage Naruto Fragments, replace flying raijin kunai with coins.

Events : Crazy slot machine and all rng events
Opinion : The rng rates of random rewards should be disclosed
Reasoning : I liked this event since the odds of getting something good were fairly high. However it would go a long way to have access to the real odds of getting something. In China a law was passed that demanded rng based events in online games to publish the odds. Tencent already started complying with other games such as lol. I do not know if this game also follows chinese laws or those of other countries. But it would be a huge boost to the trust relationship between players and developpers/publishers of the game if they published the odds.
Suggestions : Publish the odds of getting rewards in rng based events.

Events : Nine tails strength
Opinion : In a week with lucky board, 9 tails strength is irrelevant and takes an event slot.
Reasoning : While not a big fan of the event, I realize it has a decent value/coupon ratio. However it is a bad move to have it the same week as lucky board. Both events are similar in that they give many items as well as redeemable points for ninjas. However lucky board is far superior to Nine tails strength in all regards, wether it is value/coupon ratio or the number of coupons needed for a ninja.
Suggestions : Don't put nine tails strength in the same week as lucky board.

Events : Activity lucky bag
Opinion : New items should be added to activity lucky bag.
Reasoning : A great event for f2p. However a bit outdated in its rewards (i.e common cloth wasily obtainable elsewhere). It would be great to add some charms materials as well. Not a charm pack, but an individual charm for a random gear in the rewards. Charm materials are very hard to come by and very limited even in ultimate training. This would increase, if only by a little, the charms players could get for free.
Suggestions : Add individual charms to the activity lucky bag.

Your statement about taking into consideration our suggestions is greatly appreciated. The latest events made the community fell as though their suggestions and opinions where being copletely overlooked. Although we understand that we have little say on how things are implemented, it is good to know that we are not being completely overlooked.


Ps. edited in order to separate Opinion/reasoning which was merged before
This post was last edited by 106***@google at 2017-6-3 16:03
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On 2017-06-02 19:44:01Show this Author Only

Server: 234
Region : HK
Current BP : 92K
Events : Crazy slot machine and all rng events
Opinion : The rewards for a lot of the p2w rng events are usually fairly good. However, seeing as they are RNG it is impossible to know if it's even worth spending ingots on them. For all we know they could have impossible chances of getting the top rewards.
Suggestions : Disclose the drop rates for any RNG event of the week so at least we know and have some trust that there's a remote chance that we can get the top rewards.
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On 2017-06-03 04:59:01Show this Author Only
Example:-Server : 468
Region : NA
Current BP : Not Enough
Events : None
Opinion : I think it would be nice to see more of that roulette event with the star thingies.
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On 2017-06-03 05:35:06Show this Author Only
Example:-Server : 310
Region : HK
Current BP : 84K
Events : Crazy Slot Machine
Opinion : The rates feel really rigged against us, should be raised or made public
Reasoning : I had recharged 200 USD today for 103 Spins and I didn't get a tsunade or itachi even. I think the rates should be made public so we can compute expected returns and not be disappointed by bad spins
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