Server: 488
Region: NY
Current BP: 66k
Events: Lucky Board
Opinion: Not enough redeemable power items for redemption, Sage Jiraiya needs to be changed out after being in for so many months.
Reasoning: As it's been pointed out multiple times already, the Lucky Board does not have enough redeemable items for power players. Jiraiya Sage has been in for countless months now and it's really just time for a change.
Suggestions: Increase amount of redeemable charm packs, add other power items such as Advanced Refines as a redeemable option. Exchange Sage Jiraiya out for something else - a few good examples of ninjas that aren't readily available and the community has expressed desire in (on top of being around the same rarity level) are the GNW ninjas: GNW Sakura, GNW Hinata, GNW Neji, GNW Ino, etc.