Server: 407
Region : UK
Current BP : 43K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : The current ninjas offered in Lucky Board is outdated : Sage Jiraiya, flying raijin kunai
Reasoning : Im just repeating what everyone thinks here, but i want to show my support for this initiative. No one in the current meta uses sage Jiraya, while Sage naruto is one of the most versatile ninjas. As for the kunai, it is the one most useless item for any and all players, be it new or experienced. A 20k or 50k coin spot would be much better and woudn't change much for the developpers since that spot existed previously bit was changed to something better.
Suggestions : To replace Sage Jiraiya with Sage Naruto Fragments, replace flying raijin kunai with coins.
Events : Crazy slot machine and all rng events
Opinion : The rng rates of random rewards should be disclosed
Reasoning : I liked this event since the odds of getting something good were fairly high. However it would go a long way to have access to the real odds of getting something. In China a law was passed that demanded rng based events in online games to publish the odds. Tencent already started complying with other games such as lol. I do not know if this game also follows chinese laws or those of other countries. But it would be a huge boost to the trust relationship between players and developpers/publishers of the game if they published the odds.
Suggestions : Publish the odds of getting rewards in rng based events.
Events : Nine tails strength
Opinion : In a week with lucky board, 9 tails strength is irrelevant and takes an event slot.
Reasoning : While not a big fan of the event, I realize it has a decent value/coupon ratio. However it is a bad move to have it the same week as lucky board. Both events are similar in that they give many items as well as redeemable points for ninjas. However lucky board is far superior to Nine tails strength in all regards, wether it is value/coupon ratio or the number of coupons needed for a ninja.
Suggestions : Don't put nine tails strength in the same week as lucky board.
Events : Activity lucky bag
Opinion : New items should be added to activity lucky bag.
Reasoning : A great event for f2p. However a bit outdated in its rewards (i.e common cloth wasily obtainable elsewhere). It would be great to add some charms materials as well. Not a charm pack, but an individual charm for a random gear in the rewards. Charm materials are very hard to come by and very limited even in ultimate training. This would increase, if only by a little, the charms players could get for free.
Suggestions : Add individual charms to the activity lucky bag.
Your statement about taking into consideration our suggestions is greatly appreciated. The latest events made the community fell as though their suggestions and opinions where being copletely overlooked. Although we understand that we have little say on how things are implemented, it is good to know that we are not being completely overlooked.
Ps. edited in order to separate Opinion/reasoning which was merged before
This post was last edited by 106***@google at 2017-6-3 16:03