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[ Help ] When you going to nerf these BS healing teams?


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On 2017-05-25 15:54:27Show this Author Only
I hate salty people :D if you will nerf water main's healing, why not nerf MB as well? Lol.
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On 2017-05-25 17:16:03Show this Author Only
What needs to be done is poison tai needs to stop after like 3 rounds - there is no reason why every other buff that is strong for every other class ends after like 2/3 rounds yet the most ridiculous one of them all poison just lasts forever until the main is dead. the combination of triple heal and poison taxis ridiculous!
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On 2017-05-25 18:06:50Show this Author Only
  • GodPaiη On 2017-05-25 17:16:03
  • What needs to be done is poison tai needs to stop after like 3 rounds - there is no reason why every other buff that is strong for every other class ends after like 2/3 rounds yet the most ridiculous one of them all poison just lasts forever until the main is dead. the combination of triple heal and poison taxis ridiculous!
Maybe because there are 100 ways to remove it and to apply it again you need to actually hit the enemy? A poison stack lasts 3 rounds if you aren't hit again infact, like every poison effect. I wonder why none complains about earth main shields that work in the same way. This post was last edited by ayr*** at 2017-5-25 18:08
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On 2017-05-25 19:57:20Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-05-25 18:06:50
  • Maybe because there are 100 ways to remove it and to apply it again you need to actually hit the enemy? A poison stack lasts 3 rounds if you aren't hit again infact, like every poison effect. I wonder why none complains about earth main shields that work in the same way. This post was last edited by ayr*** at 2017-5-25 18:08
They did complain ... a lot ... and earth main got his shield halved with 2.0 update. Old Steel Body gave 100% res, so earth main had double shields if he used that. Same with Fire Mains old Mirror, it gave more damage then other talents and also gave you mirror so they nerf it in 2.0.

Currently this water team is on the op side, considering it only needs Sakura and rest of ninjas you can just fill with whatever, although i think it's more Sailor Sakura that's op then Water Main.
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On 2017-05-25 20:02:17Show this Author Only
just work your way in beating those teams and stop whinning
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On 2017-05-25 20:12:21Show this Author Only
In my opinion it's the pro-healers who need to stop whining. They always cry when someone points out how OP and Cheap Triple healer teams are. Once again you brought up Lightning meta..sure it's pretty strong but atleast it's power appropriate. I would never lose to a lightning meta with 10k less power than me.

Meanwhile there are some 3 healer teams that can go from 10% hp to 100% in one turn. That sort of team requires no skill. And it's more OP than Lightning meta because it doesn't even depend on a power advantage.

Earth meta was never even as bad as healing meta is now, and it got nerfed.

All I ever hear as arguments from Pro-3heal players is either they shift the attention to other less OP teams, or they insult the players pointing out how cheap the teams are.

I would bet I could take anyone in this thread in a fight, especially the noobs with poor grammar. I have switched to a 3 heal team so I could beat other 3 heal teams (Just like ANY person you see in Space Time that doesn't have a 30k power advantage over every other player.) My point is, having played as one, I KNOW how cheap it is. You look at space time in my server group, and I'm assuming most others as well, players who were long time lightning meta (Yes the same lighting meta that proheal players say is Soooooo OP) switch to healing meta just to beat 3 heal teams.

I mean come on, when you have players switching from a supposedly OP team to a 3 heal team to win, what does that tell you? Clearly one is more OP than the other. But, if you need evidence of this just open your eyes.
This post was last edited by kpo*** at 2017-5-25 20:17
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On 2017-05-25 20:18:39Show this Author Only
I run Azure fang because the game imposed on me to play that main and what i can say about poison tai is what follows.
If you don't have Tsunade 5th hk (like i don't) poison tai most of the times gives just a negligible advantage in pvp. Whenever you meet Hanzo/Gakido teams it's useless if alone used, against Mb root teams too and Water/Wind teams remove it with their mysteries and if you meet a SB or Ningendo it's a double edged sword.
The only problem with poison tai is for those healing teams that bet on the long run to win, but hey, what is the problem in the fact that Azure Fang have the upper hand in round 4+ thanks to it when just one single lineup can let you take full advantage of it, overall a lineup that requires you to be a whale (otherwise there's no way to get Tsunade)? In what that team is stronger than CF, Bee SST, KK gaara, 6 tails naruto (another whale only team)?
Honestly speaking every time i meet that team i'm happy to face it because with my 'somehow common' mei, mabui, tenten gnw team I beat it quite easily if my rival isn't 10k+ power than me (yesterday, for example, i plundered a guy what was supported by that team, my enemy had 62k power, i own 48k. I almost won the same. If my tenten gnw critted on round 1 i would have beaten him since in round 2 my combo on his tsunade with Mabui as a starter brought her to 150hp).
I think you are mostly complaining about it because you run teams that aren't good against that meta. I know, it's like when i face an MB bloodthirsty team with danzo, mifune/wb asum, iruka with higher initiative than me. I know very likely i'll lose, but is ok, it's my antimeta. The same i'm happy when i meet a sage naruto, bee, BD, kk gaara that i beat with no problems even if i have 5k less power than them and no barrier up. This game is made that way. There's no unbeatable lineups, just lineups that work better against others. Currently that super healing team is op against most of the meta teams (not against my meta team as i just stated) that's the only reason why people rant 'it's too op, nerf it!'
Is not, that's the truth. This post was last edited by 988***@uf16 at 2017-5-25 20:20
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On 2017-05-25 20:26:50Show this Author Only
Triple Healer team reminds me of the metas on Pokemon Showdown where it is literally stall.

But hey I enjoy playing my crappy triple healer team that is Water Main, Kabuto, Sakura (Normal sakura) Kimmimaro :x
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On 2017-05-25 20:31:04Show this Author Only
the problem is from sailor, he need get nefred, hard to kill sailor, much time 3 ninja launch standart attack to her, but it just increased her life -_- bad sailor
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On 2017-05-26 13:28:02Show this Author Only
I would bet I could take anyone in this thread in a fight, especially the noobs with poor grammar. I have switched to a 3 heal team so I could beat other 3 heal teams (Just like ANY person you see in Space Time that doesn't have a 30k power advantage over every other player.) My point is, having played as one, I KNOW how cheap it is. You look at space time in my server group, and I'm assuming most others as well, players who were long time lightning meta (Yes the same lighting meta that proheal players say is Soooooo OP) switch to healing meta just to beat 3 heal teams.
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On 2017-06-13 10:12:27Show this Author Only
  • Blivy On 2017-05-25 20:12:21
  • In my opinion it's the pro-healers who need to stop whining. They always cry when someone points out how OP and Cheap Triple healer teams are. Once again you brought up Lightning meta..sure it's pretty strong but atleast it's power appropriate. I would never lose to a lightning meta with 10k less power than me.

    Meanwhile there are some 3 healer teams that can go from 10% hp to 100% in one turn. That sort of team requires no skill. And it's more OP than Lightning meta because it doesn't even depend on a power advantage.

    Earth meta was never even as bad as healing meta is now, and it got nerfed.

    All I ever hear as arguments from Pro-3heal players is either they shift the attention to other less OP teams, or they insult the players pointing out how cheap the teams are.

    I would bet I could take anyone in this thread in a fight, especially the noobs with poor grammar. I have switched to a 3 heal team so I could beat other 3 heal teams (Just like ANY person you see in Space Time that doesn't have a 30k power advantage over every other player.) My point is, having played as one, I KNOW how cheap it is. You look at space time in my server group, and I'm assuming most others as well, players who were long time lightning meta (Yes the same lighting meta that proheal players say is Soooooo OP) switch to healing meta just to beat 3 heal teams.

    I mean come on, when you have players switching from a supposedly OP team to a 3 heal team to win, what does that tell you? Clearly one is more OP than the other. But, if you need evidence of this just open your eyes.
    This post was last edited by kpo*** at 2017-5-25 20:17
^ Agreed, just because something has counters it doesn't mean it isn't overpowered.

(Just look at other games... namely yugioh... BLS:EOB even when it first came out had a few ways here and there to counter it, but it can and still does a crap ton of damage before it can be removed, it isn't as damaging these days due to the new counters too it/along with people actually realizing it's weakness(es)....)

The earth main meta and shields were/are nothing compared to the ridiculousness of the 3 heals team, they require far too much luck/insanely good timing (aka absolutely no lag once-soever) to even remotely be beatable.

Even the mei/tenten gnw/mabui team is nothing compared to the * heals, so many teams can easily counter it with skill, and while its true that the same can be said of beating heal teams, it is FAR harder to pull off, its like a difficulty of 9 compared to a difficulty of like 4 or 5 to beat any other meta before these heal teams became a bit too mainstream.

Either way I understand its something that is here, and make no mistake about it people will abuse the hell out of it until the meta changes, which obviously I and others sincerely hope it comes sooner rather than later... aka it can't come fast enough, as many of us find it way entirely too cheap.
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On 2017-06-13 11:42:03Show this Author Only
  • Dym On 2017-05-23 14:51:49
  • The key issue for me here is 10k+ power difference, i have no problem with water main being best healer but when it gets to the point if you don't one shot a ninja it goes back to full hp from 15% life because of double healing tips it's dumb. It forces you to run very specific counter team that is only good vs this team while water immortal team works good vs most. This post was last edited by Dym at 2017-5-23 15:08
that only means your attack is not high enough, and what's the counter to healing? Ignite. It stops the effects of healing remember?
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On 2017-06-13 12:12:19Show this Author Only
I don't think I've ever seen a heal team stand up to blitz with ignite chase
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On 2017-06-13 15:28:22Show this Author Only
then if oasis staffs nerf Azure Fang, they should nerf midnight blade too hehehe..... . They can nerf root of warrior skill , so it only works for just 1 round in the beginning of battle , like how they have nerfed breeze dancer harem skill which cause blindness only in the beginning of round.

THIS IS A GREAT IDEA :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:loveliness:

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On 2017-06-13 21:05:40Show this Author Only
  • Loaf On 2017-06-13 12:12:19
  • I don't think I've ever seen a heal team stand up to blitz with ignite chase
Ignite won't help, Tsunade Hokage, Sailor Sakura and water main can dispel ignite. You'd have to guarantee ignite at the end of the round for it to do anything. This post was last edited by 103***@google at 2017-6-13 21:06
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On 2017-06-13 21:14:12Show this Author Only
Immortal teams aren't a thing on CN. Wait for the stat overhaul patch (I believe it will come with 3.0 but not 100% sure) in addition to Roshi will probably be the deathknell of the current water main/earth main healing teams.

I'm not too sure what the point is for nerf/buff threads since Oasis is a publisher, not a developer. I highly doubt they are able to perform game sweeping changes even if they wanted to; they are merely porting over the CN version over time. It's another reason why I think the cross server polling was done poorly - many players believed the poll meant they would either get cross server SWB or they wouldn't, not that the function would just be delayed. Every core game function that CN has we will eventually get (this includes the eventual cross server GNW).
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On 2017-06-13 22:30:29Show this Author Only
  • General Garchom On 2017-06-13 11:42:03
  • that only means your attack is not high enough, and what's the counter to healing? Ignite. It stops the effects of healing remember?
My attack is pretty good but on my server a lot of immortals run 65% mood kimi on hp slot in tactics, you just not killing him unless you get some crit luck and no early combo to charge his passive, if you read second part of my comment i know how to win them, 2 easiest ways for me are Shurado + Assassination blade with light armor or Playboy Sasuke root team. Problem is these 2 teams are good vs immortal but they aren't good general teams while immortal just become water main meta at this point and they use it vs everything.

Also we talking just about light main, but immortal is good vs all mains, especially ones who planned for it and went +4 elemental resists/damage resistance on their ninja tools, they have winning match ups vs like 90% of all teams.
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On 2017-06-13 23:35:34Show this Author Only
the ones that plan by going +4 elemental resists, took a big power nerf, as you gain no power, and theres no way to even know if the resist even work

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On 2017-06-13 23:41:42Show this Author Only
  • Karissaa On 2017-06-13 23:35:34
  • the ones that plan by going +4 elemental resists, took a big power nerf, as you gain no power, and theres no way to even know if the resist even work

Uhm there is one way, a pretty obvious one, when 10k power higher Mei/Mabui/Tenten team hits you for 1k dmg with Tenten turn 1, and i mean 1k total not per tick lol.
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On 2017-06-13 23:46:10Show this Author Only
well noway for me to prove it to myself then, as those teams kill me all the time and noway i can tell
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