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[ Help ] When you going to nerf these BS healing teams?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-25 20:26:50Show All Posts
Triple Healer team reminds me of the metas on Pokemon Showdown where it is literally stall.

But hey I enjoy playing my crappy triple healer team that is Water Main, Kabuto, Sakura (Normal sakura) Kimmimaro :x
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-13 21:05:40Show All Posts
  • Loaf On 2017-06-13 12:12:19
  • I don't think I've ever seen a heal team stand up to blitz with ignite chase
Ignite won't help, Tsunade Hokage, Sailor Sakura and water main can dispel ignite. You'd have to guarantee ignite at the end of the round for it to do anything. This post was last edited by 103***@google at 2017-6-13 21:06
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On 2017-06-14 03:29:55Show All Posts
My only issue is with Root of Warrior is the fact that it makes you immune to debuffs for 3 rounds. That is way too much of an advantage compared to the other classes. Yeah water can debuff 2 ninjas, but so can kabuto. Fire only reflects first debuff (of course they have a mystery to I believe get rid of Debuffs) Then Wind only clears debuffs of female ninjas (Not counting the mystery which is for the entire team and resets mystery). While Earth can just prevent combos from being used against him.

Against Lightning you can't really CC them or slow them down unless you have something like Hinata to stop the multiple attack from Lightning Mystery. But then for the next couple turns you're a sitting duck.

I'm not defending Triple Healing cause I feel Ignite shouldn't be dispelled by healing (even the ones that get rid of a debuff).
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On 2017-06-14 03:43:26Show All Posts
  • Kfactor5953 On 2017-06-14 03:38:29
  • RoW lasts for 2 rounds, so that weakens Lightning Blitz a bit.

    As for the Cancer Water, there have been many suggestions submitted to pray for a change. Something I would like to see is having Earth return to relevance, maybe having a skill that reverses healing effects. That alone might swing people away from Water if Earth was given such a hard counter, but that would also create more diverse teams and bring Earth back into relevance again, something he has not seen since before 2.0.
Feels like 3 rounds anyways which is still too much of an advantage. :P

If they increase the effective hits (from you bringing up earth) of Earth hitting Water to say x3 on damage (of course the same amount for every element) it would probably be a lot easier to deal with.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-14 07:28:59Show All Posts
  • Dym On 2017-06-14 05:52:43
  • Uhm no root was buffed, the immune part stayed same but +20% atk changed to +100% res is which makes root very tanky now. You basically cannot do much to root team first 2 turns while it will do it's full combo to you.

    But this is off topic this thread is about water healer team not root, you should make another thread if you think root is op, people who bring up something else is op here just kinda proving that they have nothing in defence of this water team comp.
Not really off topic, you can't make an argument for a Nerf if you don't look at other aspects of mains that they have access to. Such as "Nerf LM its too OP!" is a

What happens if you nerf that? Water Main will reign supreme. If I recall normally if Lightning Blitz can't beat Water Main in 3 turns Lightning Main generally loses.

Now how would you nerf triple healers? Reduce the amount ninjas can heal? Which then lets any other team comp smash healers by damage and make them no longer viable. Healing already has a direct counter being ignite however the dispel the heals have makes that point moot especially if you have triple heals. Then if ignite can't be dispelled for instance Fire teams would be a hard counter to triple healer teams. Which is ironic since Water is supposed to beat Fire. Then people could be asking for a nerf on ignite teams. So that wouldn't work (though I wouldn't mind it)

Then we can say not nerf the healers themselves but buff damage that is extremely effective against whatever chakra nature the ninja is. For example. Earth Damage doing x3 damage to Water. Then x3 damage to Fire if using Water Damage.

This could fundamentally fix the problem because let's face it, elemental weaknesses and strengths don't play a big enough role in the game from what I experienced.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-14 10:22:52Show All Posts
  • Dym On 2017-06-14 09:27:29
  • To me personally only problem with triple healer team or water in general is Sakura, she needs to many resources dedicated to counter her, any variant of immortal team without her is easy. I don't think water main should be nerfed in any way, all other water main meta teams are strong but manageable, only ones with Sakura tend to be on the op side.

    Also i personally don't think light main is op either, even the most default water main team Mabui/Tenten/Mei wins almost all light main teams easy if you get barrier over them apart from Susano Sasuke and Chocolate Hidan ones and maybe Raikage ones(idk about this, he is much rarer then Sasuke in our server) but that is very obviously not light mains fault but those ninjas who cost like $300 and $800.
In arena I faced a person twice with 4th Raikage, Lightning Main, Darui, Asuma Wind Blade.

I myself used Water Main, Hinata, Sage Naruto, Kabuto.

My water main's standard attack was healing with healing tips talent. While the mystery was shark bomb.

Just even with 2 healers I was able to take down that person 2x.

Yes this was arena with everything scaled for the most part, but the 4th Raikage ripped my Hinata a new one in the first round. And with seeing that I don't blame people for wanting to use an Immortal team.

The only Sailor Sakura's on our server are from inactives. And when I faced them they were a pain in my *. So I can see why the nerf on that would be wanted. However it is Sailor Sakura. Oasis won't nerf that especially since they are holding GNW Sakura hostage!
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