2017-05-25 20:12:21
In my opinion it's the pro-healers who need to stop whining. They always cry when someone points out how OP and Cheap Triple healer teams are. Once again you brought up Lightning meta..sure it's pretty strong but atleast it's power appropriate. I would never lose to a lightning meta with 10k less power than me.
Meanwhile there are some 3 healer teams that can go from 10% hp to 100% in one turn. That sort of team requires no skill. And it's more OP than Lightning meta because it doesn't even depend on a power advantage.
Earth meta was never even as bad as healing meta is now, and it got nerfed.
All I ever hear as arguments from Pro-3heal players is either they shift the attention to other less OP teams, or they insult the players pointing out how cheap the teams are.
I would bet I could take anyone in this thread in a fight, especially the noobs with poor grammar. I have switched to a 3 heal team so I could beat other 3 heal teams (Just like ANY person you see in Space Time that doesn't have a 30k power advantage over every other player.) My point is, having played as one, I KNOW how cheap it is. You look at space time in my server group, and I'm assuming most others as well, players who were long time lightning meta (Yes the same lighting meta that proheal players say is Soooooo OP) switch to healing meta just to beat 3 heal teams.
I mean come on, when you have players switching from a supposedly OP team to a 3 heal team to win, what does that tell you? Clearly one is more OP than the other. But, if you need evidence of this just open your eyes.
This post was last edited by kpo***@riordanhs.org at 2017-5-25 20:17
^ Agreed, just because something has counters it doesn't mean it isn't overpowered.
(Just look at other games... namely yugioh... BLS:EOB even when it first came out had a few ways here and there to counter it, but it can and still does a crap ton of damage before it can be removed, it isn't as damaging these days due to the new counters too it/along with people actually realizing it's weakness(es)....)
The earth main meta and shields were/are nothing compared to the ridiculousness of the 3 heals team, they require far too much luck/insanely good timing (aka absolutely no lag once-soever) to even remotely be beatable.
Even the mei/tenten gnw/mabui team is nothing compared to the * heals, so many teams can easily counter it with skill, and while its true that the same can be said of beating heal teams, it is FAR harder to pull off, its like a difficulty of 9 compared to a difficulty of like 4 or 5 to beat any other meta before these heal teams became a bit too mainstream.
Either way I understand its something that is here, and make no mistake about it people will abuse the hell out of it until the meta changes, which obviously I and others sincerely hope it comes sooner rather than later... aka it can't come fast enough, as many of us find it way entirely too cheap.