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[ Help ] When you going to nerf these BS healing teams?


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On 2017-05-23 14:51:49Show All Posts
  • ItsPrincessRin! On 2017-05-23 12:57:15
  • I'm prob gonna get flamed. . but yeah i'm prob one of these "dumb n idiots" like couple of ppl above me stated.

    hmm did you realize that most of these healer team is involving water main, n what strong point of the water main? healing. . . .cant you blame them for utilizing this strong point as a playing style? or "way of fighting". .

    n you complaining this is like saying. .Earth main shouldn't use his Shield, Fire main shouldn't use his ignite, immunity or mirror, Wind shouldn't use the wind dance of impetus or lightning shouldn't use root or lightning armor n so on n so on. . its their strong point, so they make a team based on that, before that i agree yes 3 healer (tsunade +healing tips) is kind of extreme on the spectrum.

    n i bet the OP is lightning main?. .i'm apologize if im wtong but it irks me that mostly ppl that complaining about this is usually lightning main with 60k+ power that rage because they are beaten by water heal team 10k BELOW. . . .

    but really what do you want exactly?. . nerf the water team so you lightning main ppl keep your supremacy? your reign?. . so no one can oppose you?. . . .

    this water healing team is one of "team that works" to counter these over powered Light team that almost everyone use in space time n sometimes Earth team. .

    sorry for the long post. . but really *sigh* when we complained about light main you guys defended them like crazy. . .but now water team pop up to counter that light team,, you guys just flame the * out of us. .saying its filthy, braindead, no skill, cheap. etcetc. . . its one of the way of fighting or playing style. . n dont forget its also one of the way to stay competitive in this world full of lightning (or what ever team) thats higher in power th*.

    This post was last edited by ItsPrincessRin!!! at 2017-5-23 13:03 This post was last edited by ItsPrincessRin!!! at 2017-5-23 13:05
The key issue for me here is 10k+ power difference, i have no problem with water main being best healer but when it gets to the point if you don't one shot a ninja it goes back to full hp from 15% life because of double healing tips it's dumb. It forces you to run very specific counter team that is only good vs this team while water immortal team works good vs most. This post was last edited by Dym at 2017-5-23 15:08
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-25 19:57:20Show All Posts
  • Zelgadis~ On 2017-05-25 18:06:50
  • Maybe because there are 100 ways to remove it and to apply it again you need to actually hit the enemy? A poison stack lasts 3 rounds if you aren't hit again infact, like every poison effect. I wonder why none complains about earth main shields that work in the same way. This post was last edited by ayr*** at 2017-5-25 18:08
They did complain ... a lot ... and earth main got his shield halved with 2.0 update. Old Steel Body gave 100% res, so earth main had double shields if he used that. Same with Fire Mains old Mirror, it gave more damage then other talents and also gave you mirror so they nerf it in 2.0.

Currently this water team is on the op side, considering it only needs Sakura and rest of ninjas you can just fill with whatever, although i think it's more Sailor Sakura that's op then Water Main.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-06-13 22:30:29Show All Posts
  • General Garchom On 2017-06-13 11:42:03
  • that only means your attack is not high enough, and what's the counter to healing? Ignite. It stops the effects of healing remember?
My attack is pretty good but on my server a lot of immortals run 65% mood kimi on hp slot in tactics, you just not killing him unless you get some crit luck and no early combo to charge his passive, if you read second part of my comment i know how to win them, 2 easiest ways for me are Shurado + Assassination blade with light armor or Playboy Sasuke root team. Problem is these 2 teams are good vs immortal but they aren't good general teams while immortal just become water main meta at this point and they use it vs everything.

Also we talking just about light main, but immortal is good vs all mains, especially ones who planned for it and went +4 elemental resists/damage resistance on their ninja tools, they have winning match ups vs like 90% of all teams.
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On 2017-06-13 23:41:42Show All Posts
  • Karissaa On 2017-06-13 23:35:34
  • the ones that plan by going +4 elemental resists, took a big power nerf, as you gain no power, and theres no way to even know if the resist even work

Uhm there is one way, a pretty obvious one, when 10k power higher Mei/Mabui/Tenten team hits you for 1k dmg with Tenten turn 1, and i mean 1k total not per tick lol.
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On 2017-06-14 05:52:43Show All Posts
  • Razukii On 2017-06-14 03:58:49
  • RoW also used to have a 20% attack increase along with the immunity... so Lightning main was nerfed a little in 2.0 I guess
Uhm no root was buffed, the immune part stayed same but +20% atk changed to +100% res is which makes root very tanky now. You basically cannot do much to root team first 2 turns while it will do it's full combo to you.

But this is off topic this thread is about water healer team not root, you should make another thread if you think root is op, people who bring up something else is op here just kinda proving that they have nothing in defence of this water team comp.
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On 2017-06-14 09:11:18Show All Posts
  • Karissaa On 2017-06-14 02:42:45
  • Not sure what to say, As u are the strongest power player on your server, also i dont have hiruzen, as im not a heavy spender to have gotten him

    But what i do know is, i have never beaten a higher lighting main as anything else but water, and even as water, i lose alot, but theres always that chance, which u wont have as any other class
Ok then by your logic, have you ever beaten immortal team higher power then you, because to me they are way worse then any lightning builds. I can win 10k higher lights in space time or sage with counter teams, no way am i doing that to immortal unless i get some amazing crit luck or something.

Also i don't know what builds people run on your server but higher power lightning teams are kinda easy to beat with wind mains and earth mains. The most meta wind build Sage Naruto/Kaze Gaara/Gakido hard counters almost all lightning builds and is borderline auto win same power or bit higher.
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On 2017-06-14 09:27:29Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2017-06-14 07:28:59
  • Not really off topic, you can't make an argument for a Nerf if you don't look at other aspects of mains that they have access to. Such as "Nerf LM its too OP!" is a

    What happens if you nerf that? Water Main will reign supreme. If I recall normally if Lightning Blitz can't beat Water Main in 3 turns Lightning Main generally loses.

    Now how would you nerf triple healers? Reduce the amount ninjas can heal? Which then lets any other team comp smash healers by damage and make them no longer viable. Healing already has a direct counter being ignite however the dispel the heals have makes that point moot especially if you have triple heals. Then if ignite can't be dispelled for instance Fire teams would be a hard counter to triple healer teams. Which is ironic since Water is supposed to beat Fire. Then people could be asking for a nerf on ignite teams. So that wouldn't work (though I wouldn't mind it)

    Then we can say not nerf the healers themselves but buff damage that is extremely effective against whatever chakra nature the ninja is. For example. Earth Damage doing x3 damage to Water. Then x3 damage to Fire if using Water Damage.

    This could fundamentally fix the problem because let's face it, elemental weaknesses and strengths don't play a big enough role in the game from what I experienced.
To me personally only problem with triple healer team or water in general is Sakura, she needs to many resources dedicated to counter her, any variant of immortal team without her is easy. I don't think water main should be nerfed in any way, all other water main meta teams are strong but manageable, only ones with Sakura tend to be on the op side.

Also i personally don't think light main is op either, even the most default water main team Mabui/Tenten/Mei wins almost all light main teams easy if you get barrier over them apart from Susano Sasuke and Chocolate Hidan ones and maybe Raikage ones(idk about this, he is much rarer then Sasuke in our server) but that is very obviously not light mains fault but those ninjas who cost like $300 and $800.
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