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[ PVP ] for all you ppl saying all mains are balanced


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On 2017-04-18 06:51:04Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Please tell me were earth main fits in this equation? As fire and lighting are the best two mains everyone knows this I would put wind main up there with them now since 2.0 wind main is OP. water main is decent and can be awesome with cc and effects team or crazy heals were u cant kill them. and earth main what does he have nothing since 2.0. THIS FORUM IS JUST ABOUT MAINS NOT WHOLE TEAMS. This post was last edited by MadChaos at 2017-4-19 04:55
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On 2017-04-18 07:02:11Show this Author Only
I've fought a well round Earth main last night in Matsuri. He only had shizune for healer, but his team is full of interruption and shield so it was pretty hard to fight with just standard.

But in the end I still won with slightly higher hp.

I'd say Earth is ok, but he's not really versatile or compatible with many ninjas like other mains.
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On 2017-04-18 07:12:58Show this Author Only
  • Broken Screen On 2017-04-18 07:02:11
  • I've fought a well round Earth main last night in Matsuri. He only had shizune for healer, but his team is full of interruption and shield so it was pretty hard to fight with just standard.

    But in the end I still won with slightly higher hp.

    I'd say Earth is ok, but he's not really versatile or compatible with many ninjas like other mains.
yes but they took a bad word on earth main since 2.0 as he doesn't work for f2p anymore only if u have the right ninjas exactly my point. also without the steel body adding 100% Resta since his shields are let's say meh. they also nerf his shield standard to adds shield of 20% based off their res instead of his res.
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On 2017-04-18 09:29:46Show this Author Only
holy fvck bro I used earth main in GNW and it took 5 turns after everyninja in our team dier before they took out my main and it's 2v3
we're the 2, we lost but they struggled
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On 2017-04-18 10:52:27Show this Author Only
All main are balanced.

Trigger yet? :lol

Alright joke aside, each main at it current state is solid. You said earth is weak which is completely untrue. He is just not f2p or weak players friendly anymore. Trust me when you face earth main with high-end ninjas you will see why. The reason why you see MB everywhere is because they're cheap to build. A basic team with sasuke, kimimaro and iruka with MB can get you really far in this game (From 50 to ~85). Just like how Tobi and SB duo were a thing before 2.0.

So let's me make this short :
- SB : Was awesome until his broke up with Tobi, they never talk again. So now he is decent, not too good, not too bad. *insert we don't talk anymore music*
- MB : Was decent but after SB broke up with his bf, suddenly became the hottest dude in school.
- BD : Was forgotten because SB and his bf shine too bright in the past, but now she find her place above the top because she counter the * out of the hottest dude.
- AF : Was queen. Woke up. Still queen. Really, if anyone deserve a nerf right now that will be her. And she 100% will :lol
- CF : He was a good guy in the hood. But time changed people, now he only hangout with rich kids.
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On 2017-04-18 11:16:20Show this Author Only
I fought an Earth main 2-3 weeks ago during matsuri who had Normal Gaara, Normal Naruto, Iruka. I was at around 49k, and he (HE?!! TRIGGERRED!!) was at 50-51k power. That was the power he had when I looked at his name. He had over 7k shield each with those three ninjas if I'm not mistaken. My team is the classic (mifune danzo iruka with mb). After all my ninjas were defeated, I barely was able to remove Gaara's shield because it was so overwhelming. Maybe he had a high level resis tactics but still is ridiculous.
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On 2017-04-18 11:33:12Show this Author Only
I played Azure for far too long and the most out of all 5.

If you have another stronger healer in the team such as Sailor Sakura, Hokage tsunade or even mabui. you can't really out damage their heal. It's ridiculous, meanwhile they just keep stacking poison watching you die slowly.
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On 2017-04-18 11:37:48Show this Author Only
You need good ninjas for earth :)
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On 2017-04-18 13:26:51Show this Author Only
b*tch say what now?
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On 2017-04-18 14:37:33Show this Author Only
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2017-04-18 13:26:51
  • b*tch say what now?
first off that's all wind ninja lmao u have the wrong main those ninja are hard as hell to get.
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On 2017-04-18 14:38:49Show this Author Only
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2017-04-18 13:26:51
  • b*tch say what now?
there may be a few screws loose in your head may want to get checked by a doctor.
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On 2017-04-18 14:42:11Show this Author Only
  • Yepp On 2017-04-18 11:16:20
  • I fought an Earth main 2-3 weeks ago during matsuri who had Normal Gaara, Normal Naruto, Iruka. I was at around 49k, and he (HE?!! TRIGGERRED!!) was at 50-51k power. That was the power he had when I looked at his name. He had over 7k shield each with those three ninjas if I'm not mistaken. My team is the classic (mifune danzo iruka with mb). After all my ninjas were defeated, I barely was able to remove Gaara's shield because it was so overwhelming. Maybe he had a high level resis tactics but still is ridiculous.
what do u mean Mifune's mystery removes all shields so u must not know how to play and were these the earth mains shields that were 7k? and not gara making the shields too? plus Iruka's shields are crazy OP lmao so plzz look at the ninja that are in the team lmao they all make shields dammit I'm talking mains, not a whole team. you may need to see someone about your case of no common sense
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On 2017-04-18 14:44:22Show this Author Only
  • Oshiri On 2017-04-18 10:52:27
  • All main are balanced.

    Trigger yet? :lol

    Alright joke aside, each main at it current state is solid. You said earth is weak which is completely untrue. He is just not f2p or weak players friendly anymore. Trust me when you face earth main with high-end ninjas you will see why. The reason why you see MB everywhere is because they're cheap to build. A basic team with sasuke, kimimaro and iruka with MB can get you really far in this game (From 50 to ~85). Just like how Tobi and SB duo were a thing before 2.0.

    So let's me make this short :
    - SB : Was awesome until his broke up with Tobi, they never talk again. So now he is decent, not too good, not too bad. *insert we don't talk anymore music*
    - MB : Was decent but after SB broke up with his bf, suddenly became the hottest dude in school.
    - BD : Was forgotten because SB and his bf shine too bright in the past, but now she find her place above the top because she counter the * out of the hottest dude.
    - AF : Was queen. Woke up. Still queen. Really, if anyone deserve a nerf right now that will be her. And she 100% will :lol
    - CF : He was a good guy in the hood. But time changed people, now he only hangout with rich kids.
he is still weak by himself now since the nerf I'm talking mains here you all are some fools who need to get their heads checked. as in learn how to read the forum before posting in it.
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On 2017-04-18 14:47:45Show this Author Only
  • Oshiri On 2017-04-18 10:52:27
  • All main are balanced.

    Trigger yet? :lol

    Alright joke aside, each main at it current state is solid. You said earth is weak which is completely untrue. He is just not f2p or weak players friendly anymore. Trust me when you face earth main with high-end ninjas you will see why. The reason why you see MB everywhere is because they're cheap to build. A basic team with sasuke, kimimaro and iruka with MB can get you really far in this game (From 50 to ~85). Just like how Tobi and SB duo were a thing before 2.0.

    So let's me make this short :
    - SB : Was awesome until his broke up with Tobi, they never talk again. So now he is decent, not too good, not too bad. *insert we don't talk anymore music*
    - MB : Was decent but after SB broke up with his bf, suddenly became the hottest dude in school.
    - BD : Was forgotten because SB and his bf shine too bright in the past, but now she find her place above the top because she counter the * out of the hottest dude.
    - AF : Was queen. Woke up. Still queen. Really, if anyone deserve a nerf right now that will be her. And she 100% will :lol
    - CF : He was a good guy in the hood. But time changed people, now he only hangout with rich kids.
This made my day :lol
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On 2017-04-18 15:41:46Show this Author Only
  • MadChaos On 2017-04-18 14:44:22
  • he is still weak by himself now since the nerf I'm talking mains here you all are some fools who need to get their heads checked. as in learn how to read the forum before posting in it.
I read your comments, clearly you don't know where you are. You think you are good when you are not and you made statement like that.
The team mdr showed you is actually a very strong team that was in CN meta and it soon will become a meta team here when there are more people afford 6 tails naruto.
He still weak by himself? Is there any game mode in this game that forced you to play with only your main, 1 vs 1? Did I miss something? Please enlighten me.
This is a 4 ninjas team game, it's all about building a team and counter another. Earth is good by itself, the problem is there are not many f2p friendly ninjas out there that can work well with him while high-end ninjas do. So all you need to do is top up for high-end ninjas or just play long enough until you gather enough resources for it.

P/s : I've been on the forum longer than you so I'm sure I know how to read very well. It's just your statement is not true and it's seem no one here agree with you so far.
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On 2017-04-18 15:45:36Show this Author Only
MadChaos, why are all your post so toxic, defensive or aggressive? Not just in this thread, but in numbers threads in this forums.

Are you never calm? Or do you have that innate need to take a go at everyone around you especially when discussions are brought forth against what you bring to the table. The moment someone disagrees with you, you just flip. This is a forum, where discussion happens. If you don't want a discussion and what everyone to just agree with you, this will never be the place.
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On 2017-04-18 16:12:26Show this Author Only
Thats some solid 6 months reasearch you've done there ;P
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On 2017-04-18 16:38:03Show this Author Only
>triple triggered posts
Pretty sure OP plays water poison tai if u know what I mean :lol
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On 2017-04-18 18:03:44Show this Author Only
Bro Earth Main is...a bit underwhelming but then again the game is very team based and maybe you just don't know how to play Earth main?

I mean Lightning Mains hurt a lot (not just element advantage) but shutting down your chases. Then you have Water Main either healing or racking up that poison with chaos. And Wind Mains (Most of the time I see them play with clones lots and lots of clones). While Earth Main...everyone keeps focusing on his shields and perhaps people or you need to play him differently and stop looking at what he was and look at what he is.

He is a great tank if you need him to guard a ninja then use his mystery that interrupts, a solid Healer like Kabuto (or if you want better healers Sailor Sakura/Fifth Hokage/Mabui) then drop an Itachi with Asuma and say hi to free mysteries :x it all ties in pretty well with Kabuto. I'm not saying the team is good but you can't play him like he used to be cause of the nerf. Of course if you can make him great with shield spamming. Then cool if not try something else.
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On 2017-04-18 18:11:48Show this Author Only
try earth main susanoo itachi susanoo sasuke and gaara 5th kaze
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