All main are balanced.
Trigger yet? :lol
Alright joke aside, each main at it current state is solid. You said earth is weak which is completely untrue. He is just not f2p or weak players friendly anymore. Trust me when you face earth main with high-end ninjas you will see why. The reason why you see MB everywhere is because they're cheap to build. A basic team with sasuke, kimimaro and iruka with MB can get you really far in this game (From 50 to ~85). Just like how Tobi and SB duo were a thing before 2.0.
So let's me make this short :
- SB : Was awesome until his broke up with Tobi, they never talk again. So now he is decent, not too good, not too bad. *insert we don't talk anymore music*
- MB : Was decent but after SB broke up with his bf, suddenly became the hottest dude in school.
- BD : Was forgotten because SB and his bf shine too bright in the past, but now she find her place above the top because she counter the * out of the hottest dude.
- AF : Was queen. Woke up. Still queen. Really, if anyone deserve a nerf right now that will be her. And she 100% will :lol
- CF : He was a good guy in the hood. But time changed people, now he only hangout with rich kids.