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[ PVP ] for all you ppl saying all mains are balanced


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On 2017-04-18 21:45:35Show this Author Only
  • Oshiri On 2017-04-18 10:52:27
  • All main are balanced.

    Trigger yet? :lol

    Alright joke aside, each main at it current state is solid. You said earth is weak which is completely untrue. He is just not f2p or weak players friendly anymore. Trust me when you face earth main with high-end ninjas you will see why. The reason why you see MB everywhere is because they're cheap to build. A basic team with sasuke, kimimaro and iruka with MB can get you really far in this game (From 50 to ~85). Just like how Tobi and SB duo were a thing before 2.0.

    So let's me make this short :
    - SB : Was awesome until his broke up with Tobi, they never talk again. So now he is decent, not too good, not too bad. *insert we don't talk anymore music*
    - MB : Was decent but after SB broke up with his bf, suddenly became the hottest dude in school.
    - BD : Was forgotten because SB and his bf shine too bright in the past, but now she find her place above the top because she counter the * out of the hottest dude.
    - AF : Was queen. Woke up. Still queen. Really, if anyone deserve a nerf right now that will be her. And she 100% will :lol
    - CF : He was a good guy in the hood. But time changed people, now he only hangout with rich kids.
i don't know, what i see in space time is that with mei mabui tenten AF i beat earth teams whatever setup they have up to 6k more power than me EVEN if i lose the initiative and they have onoki/gaara barrier up. Maybe i still have to meet the teams you talk about, but so far that's what i experienced.
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On 2017-04-18 22:35:01Show this Author Only
  • The Almighty On 2017-04-18 18:11:48
  • try earth main susanoo itachi susanoo sasuke and gaara 5th kaze
Yes another team beside Bee, Naruto, K. Gaara
Earth need exclusive ninja XD
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On 2017-04-18 23:25:43Show this Author Only
run the pains with earth, works very nice.
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On 2017-04-19 00:34:48Show this Author Only
earth is underused for sure This post was last edited by 709***@facebook at 2017-4-19 00:37
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On 2017-04-19 00:41:37Show this Author Only
This thread has some validity as the current meta revolves around buff & blitz teams.

To further prove this my time-space bracket's top 8 runs Susano Suskues & Itachis/6 Tail teams on Light/Fire/Water mains.

However that is not to say Earth Main in particular is bad to these other mains. Develop a different play-style to combat the current meta and it's complexity possible to overcome the current meta with kage & regular ninjas (and even at a lower BP than your OP).

I've been able to keep a steady rank in my bracket running earth main, gaara, & 2 healers.
My initiative isn't higher than most of these guys, nor is my BP so work around Earth/Wind main. They're play-able to win.
This post was last edited by ber*** at 2017-4-19 02:21
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On 2017-04-19 04:52:09Show this Author Only
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-04-18 15:45:36
  • MadChaos, why are all your post so toxic, defensive or aggressive? Not just in this thread, but in numbers threads in this forums.

    Are you never calm? Or do you have that innate need to take a go at everyone around you especially when discussions are brought forth against what you bring to the table. The moment someone disagrees with you, you just flip. This is a forum, where discussion happens. If you don't want a discussion and what everyone to just agree with you, this will never be the place.
why can't ppl understand what this forum is about?
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On 2017-04-19 04:53:49Show this Author Only
  • JeremyKohBS On 2017-04-18 15:45:36
  • MadChaos, why are all your post so toxic, defensive or aggressive? Not just in this thread, but in numbers threads in this forums.

    Are you never calm? Or do you have that innate need to take a go at everyone around you especially when discussions are brought forth against what you bring to the table. The moment someone disagrees with you, you just flip. This is a forum, where discussion happens. If you don't want a discussion and what everyone to just agree with you, this will never be the place.
and their discussions are not against what I brought to the table there just wrong. as in there adding teams to the forum when this just supposed to be about the mains.
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On 2017-04-19 05:18:09Show this Author Only
From your own OP:
"water main is decent and can be awesome with cc and effects team or crazy heals were u cant kill them"

And as other people brought up, the mains don't exist in a vacuum. They need to be balanced against the other mains on the basis of what teams they can be used to form. I'm not saying all the mains are perfectly balanced, but every main can make a viable team.

"Please tell me were earth main fits in this equation?"
As a support ninja, providing shields and/or a tanky body for your team.
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On 2017-04-19 05:25:20Show this Author Only
Give me a exactly three (1) minute to spit this knowledge....
Earth main is by far one of the most useful main out of the 5 although he may seem pretty useless due to this artilery but be not foolish as the crimson man (earth main) is the best ideal main to use to develop the skill which goes by the name of "D.I.R" or "Doing it right".
The Earth main has loads of choices varying from defensive, offensive or mix though mix takes devotion to understand how the mix is needed.
If we to put the mains to fight among theirselves in a 1vs1 I would give the crimson man 3rd place, this is because as of the recent changes and development he has the ability to change his artillery through battle from shield to a ninjutsu, this allows the earth main to stack shields and deal damage. But in a team the earth main is quite the beast!!
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On 2017-04-19 05:30:39Show this Author Only
cmon you guys, the man is saying something somewhat true, stop messing with him...I mean from all the replies i've read 100% of them are "dump a *ton of money into the game" try and use empathy, think about f2p teams with earth...there aren't any atm...meanwhile water mains with a *ton of heals flourish, i got a team on my server with tsunade 5th hokage, water main, sailor sakura and killer bee...that * is strong, you really can't beat that team unless you dump a new car worth of $$$ into the game...meanwhile you got earth main that's useless unless you drop the same amount of $$$ into the game
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On 2017-04-19 05:50:28Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-04-19 05:18:09
  • From your own OP:
    "water main is decent and can be awesome with cc and effects team or crazy heals were u cant kill them"

    And as other people brought up, the mains don't exist in a vacuum. They need to be balanced against the other mains on the basis of what teams they can be used to form. I'm not saying all the mains are perfectly balanced, but every main can make a viable team.

    "Please tell me were earth main fits in this equation?"
    As a support ninja, providing shields and/or a tanky body for your team.
earth mains shields aren't really support anymore as it used to be based on his resistance at 20% and with the old steel body that was 40%. let's be reasonable here even if ur main is a tank body everyone else dies in ur team but him then he's dead in the end too lol or its a draw.
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On 2017-04-19 05:51:41Show this Author Only
  • DrDoo On 2017-04-19 05:30:39
  • cmon you guys, the man is saying something somewhat true, stop messing with him...I mean from all the replies i've read 100% of them are "dump a *ton of money into the game" try and use empathy, think about f2p teams with earth...there aren't any atm...meanwhile water mains with a *ton of heals flourish, i got a team on my server with tsunade 5th hokage, water main, sailor sakura and killer bee...that * is strong, you really can't beat that team unless you dump a new car worth of $$$ into the game...meanwhile you got earth main that's useless unless you drop the same amount of $$$ into the game
thank you finally, someone who understands the truth.
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On 2017-04-19 05:53:30Show this Author Only
Not to be a thorn in your side but I'll just put some sauce in the mix but you don't need to spend money to be a successful earth main just grind and pick your choices correctly.
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On 2017-04-19 05:53:55Show this Author Only
  • DrDoo On 2017-04-19 05:30:39
  • cmon you guys, the man is saying something somewhat true, stop messing with him...I mean from all the replies i've read 100% of them are "dump a *ton of money into the game" try and use empathy, think about f2p teams with earth...there aren't any atm...meanwhile water mains with a *ton of heals flourish, i got a team on my server with tsunade 5th hokage, water main, sailor sakura and killer bee...that * is strong, you really can't beat that team unless you dump a new car worth of $$$ into the game...meanwhile you got earth main that's useless unless you drop the same amount of $$$ into the game
The team you said for water is not f2p at all. I don't know what you mean. Even water is the strongest main at the moment can't really be use with f2p ninjas. It still require certain premium ninjas to be useful.
It's just not all main can be play by everyone.
Fire & Lightning main are f2p friendly that's why they're everywhere.
Wind is also can be f2p friendly but mostly when against Lightning.
Water & Earth are not f2p friendly. Deal with it.

Earth main is currently 1 of the most powerful main in CN, the meta is leading to "Who survive longest contest". Even here, from time to time when they introduce new ninjas from other treasures you will see. So my advice to people that asking for a buff, how about play other mains while stack your resources for later event exclusive ninjas then switch to earth? Because if you buff earth now then later you will have to nerf it, what is the point? This post was last edited by Oshiri at 2017-4-19 05:57
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On 2017-04-19 05:58:06Show this Author Only
  • Oshiri On 2017-04-19 05:53:55
  • The team you said for water is not f2p at all. I don't know what you mean. Even water is the strongest main at the moment can't really be use with f2p ninjas. It still require certain premium ninjas to be useful.
    It's just not all main can be play by everyone.
    Fire & Lightning main are f2p friendly that's why they're everywhere.
    Wind is also can be f2p friendly but mostly when against Lightning.
    Water & Earth are not f2p friendly. Deal with it.

    Earth main is currently 1 of the most powerful main in CN, the meta is leading to "Who survive longest contest". Even here, from time to time when they introduce new ninjas from other treasures you will see. So my advice to people that asking for a buff, how about play other mains while stack your resources for later event exclusive ninjas then switch to earth? Because if you buff earth now then later you will have to nerf it, what is the point? This post was last edited by Oshiri at 2017-4-19 05:57
yes though the earth should not have been nerfed in the first place. and the water main meta team is f2p beside the mei.gnw tenten u can get easily for 1200 coupons even as f2p u can get that in a week and mabui is an easy drop.
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On 2017-04-19 06:00:56Show this Author Only
mains are fully balances, the ninjas that support thoses mains are not.

the best exemple would be iruka danzo combo. this combo provide double support to either fire or ligthning main. you wont find that in any other main.
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On 2017-04-19 06:58:23Show this Author Only
  • The Almighty On 2017-04-18 18:11:48
  • try earth main susanoo itachi susanoo sasuke and gaara 5th kaze
yeah 10 thousand dollars who has that kind of money lmao
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On 2017-04-19 10:43:43Show this Author Only
Leveling one of each class atm (all 40-55 atm) and I still can't decide which one is my favorite :@
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On 2017-04-19 12:36:52Show this Author Only
I'm closing this discussion as requested.
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On 2019-04-07 17:55:28Show this Author Only
  • The Almighty On 2017-04-18 18:11:48
  • try earth main susanoo itachi susanoo sasuke and gaara 5th kaze

way to much money i don't have bro

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