Bro Earth Main is...a bit underwhelming but then again the game is very team based and maybe you just don't know how to play Earth main?
I mean Lightning Mains hurt a lot (not just element advantage) but shutting down your chases. Then you have Water Main either healing or racking up that poison with chaos. And Wind Mains (Most of the time I see them play with clones lots and lots of clones). While Earth Main...everyone keeps focusing on his shields and perhaps people or you need to play him differently and stop looking at what he was and look at what he is.
He is a great tank if you need him to guard a ninja then use his mystery that interrupts, a solid Healer like Kabuto (or if you want better healers Sailor Sakura/Fifth Hokage/Mabui) then drop an Itachi with Asuma and say hi to free mysteries :x it all ties in pretty well with Kabuto. I'm not saying the team is good but you can't play him like he used to be cause of the nerf. Of course if you can make him great with shield spamming. Then cool if not try something else.