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[ Midnight Blade ] Midnight Blade Too Strong


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On 2016-10-15 03:19:10Show this Author Only
  • Kyutaru On 2016-08-10 11:25:22
  • The big problem with dealing with the other classes is that they all counter Midnight Blade as well.

    Earth is immune to damage, puts up shields, revives, interrupts, he's everything a DPS ninja hates. We want you to die and stay dead, preferably as soon as possible. Currently it's hard to see earth's effectiveness because there just aren't a lot of crazy Earth ninjas. But rest assured, the full Pain teams are coming. Mass buffing resistance/defense, mass shields, mass power increases, reflecting status effects, healers that cleanse twice per turn, Earth team will be invincible.

    Water has the ability to heal like crazy, removing debuffs and restoring the damage we just did while potentially throwing sharks at us at the same time to trigger one of Water's famous ludicrous hit combos. To top it off they usually have healers with them because of synergy, making it all the harder to finish off anyone.

    Wind is our mortal enemy. That AOE power will basically half-kill our entire team and completely kill one person due to a combo. This is because Lightning teams tend to run - you guessed it - Lightning ninjas. Which are extremely vulnerable to Naruto and Main spam. Plus the Wind main's jutsu fires TWICE, effectively spelling death for any team that doesn't have control for her. Defensively, what do we have to deal with? An army of clones.

    Fire is just annoying on all kinds of levels. The easy access to burning damage is one thing. But a standard attack sleep, lowering defenses, multi-target AOE ignition, and a silence too? Lightning does not like status conditions, that's why we have powers that make our swordsmen immune to them. We depend on combos, damage, and some healing to survive because our main is made of tissue paper. To top it off, using our own status effects like the Paralysis or Acupuncture is likely to retaliate on us because of Mirror.

    Oh and the best part... despite people saying they can't seem to interrupt a lightning main's chidori, Fire and Wind mains always seem to act before us. The combo already went off before the paralysis took effect.

    This game isn't about combos, it's about health bars. Burning, AOE, and healing are extremely important aspects of managing health bars. Right now you just don't have ninjas fully upgraded so everyone seems kind of squishy and dies to burst combos. That won't last forever!
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On 2016-10-16 08:16:11Show this Author Only
i have one word for you: hinata... there problem solved
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On 2016-11-07 13:56:56Show this Author Only
  • iNdra_ On 2016-08-08 00:49:49
  • Why need nerf when you can freely change/Play all the main classes? C'mon man, if you think he is OP af choose him later when you hit 60. You are not stuck at your current main forever~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Agreed, dam Scarlet Blaze is a pest in terms of float. I had to deal one as a level 33 and he just fire style twice on my Sasuke on 2 Stars and with full strengthening and Sasuke's dead in only a few rounds.
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On 2016-11-09 12:39:20Show this Author Only
well just use interruption youre fine :P
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On 2016-12-19 16:18:15Show this Author Only
Fire main with Genjutsu - Mirror Return block Lightning combo easily by paralysis
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On 2016-12-26 06:02:59Show this Author Only
Just admit that u r weak and dont post like this type of forum before u get beat up.
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On 2016-12-26 10:34:44Show this Author Only
Get more ini scrub
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On 2016-12-26 10:40:57Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-10-16 08:16:11
  • i have one word for you: hinata... there problem solved
This essentially stops taijitsu teams in their tracks and gives the upper hand to opponent.
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On 2016-12-26 16:48:26Show this Author Only
some lightning teams are excessively op. especially they overdo in first round.
The team who can destroy in first round. there is not many counter of them tbh.
but i personally think that fire mc is really too strong in general.
Especially fire main with tobi just destroys a lot of creativity of this game.
and one of counters is just lighitning mc,

idk who is mentioning water mc good....
i personally think that water mc needs a buff.
in my server. Nobody plays water mc.
water is the only one that nobody plays out of top 50.i dont wanna say but i m fire main player ....
This post was last edited by jQuery17203899481... at 2016-12-26 16:50
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-12-27 01:06:25Show this Author Only
anything has a counter in this game, instead of fishing why dont ya use yer own brain to figure it out:P
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On 2016-12-27 12:50:36Show this Author Only
water main poison Tai team is nearly unstoppable...especially by lightning and earth teams...and it's a natural counter to fire........wind however is a pain then....
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On 2016-12-29 04:30:38Show this Author Only
Simple counter: don't make the single most important part of your team the combos. Problem solved.
Quicky Post

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