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2017-07-24 20:08:58
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2018-02-02 17:29:51
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2018-02-02 17:21:13
Arena rank battle is too easy
Then two more days. Servers go cross server the 1st day of the month after the server hit its 60th day. Or maybe the issue is simply the level. You are too low leveled to meet somebody that can beat you. Once you hit 80-85 you will begin to meet 90-95s.
General Discussion
2018-01-30 23:30:16
Azure Fang vs Scarlet blaze, something doesn't work right
A lot. The problem is that a ton of people got shisui out of the wheels and now owns itachi anbu for free and is not that hard for a f2p to buy masked man. Your sb team is ready for 10k coupons. Kushimaru, jinpachi, edo sasori seems to me quite easy to gain, fuguki blitz with roshi too. You could say they aren't sb teams but are teams that own with ease han roshi sailor sakura and, to tell the truth, they could be used also with sb. So how could the usual owner of han roshi sailor team run it in swb or matsuri if have the legitimate fear that every f2p mb or af can own him with ease? Personally speaking with han roshi i lost once against a fuguki blitz with 25k less power and against a kushimaru team with 10k less power and in both cases by owning initiative. P.S. you are right about the fact whale ninjas should have some kind of upper hand. The point is that the common logic would say that AF + the two most expensive water ninja available should be able to beat the same SB + the two strongest fire ninja available. Do you think hokage tsunade, kisame samehada + a 4th ninja of your choice can beat itachi susano'o, shisui, sb + a 4th ninja of your choice at comparable power if the sb owns initiative?
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2018-02-08 11:14:31
I really shouldn't have to do this.
You are right in everything, except for one point: regenerative healing jutsu for azure fang if used together with experimental ninjutsu owns a 2 round cd and can be used in round 1, but you are right, none selects it, if able to use it that outclasses hokage tsunade for 1vs1 lineups on the full healing only side. The main issue of azure fang currently is that her only team support ability on the offensive side is poison tai and is too easily negated by other mains, because it's almost impossible to make use of water enhancement with good outcomes for the simple reason that the water p2w ninjas suks if put together with her on the damage dealing side. The second issue of azure fang is the fact that alone she is too easy to be made unable to do anything. EDIT: Another thing that makes me feel really sad about her is the fact she owns so nice skills for the damage dealing side, but the current ninja pool makes them wholly useless. I would really love to be able to use her as a nuker, something she could easily be if you give me two water ninjas that boost her and that somehow make her immune, wtf, give us a version of suigetsu, tenten or kabuto that make her able to land damage as much freely as root of warrior does for mbs or 4th mystery of sb does for fire ninjas, and not only to be used as a 'support'.
General Discussion
2018-01-31 07:37:47
Fragment refining
It's simple: or you go for naruto ninetails chakra option or you go on with the 3000 option by selling also iruka fragments. Up to you if you prefer more scrolls or some p2w ninaja fragments.
General Discussion
2018-01-30 19:01:07
Just a Little Vent...
Han roshi sailor has never been able to beat itachi susanoo masked man sb teams. About what the OP said: currently triple healer teams *s a lot against whoever runs comparable power blitz teams that are able to oneshot azure fang or to apply ignition multiple times (edo deidara... fuguki blitz... shisui metas...). Honestly speaking in my swb bracket i don't see a single azure fang that runs triple healer in swb/matsuri and i am myself thinking to remove han/roshi/sailor also as an expendable team in matsuri currently.
General Discussion
2018-01-31 22:27:57
Arena rank battle is too easy
Or you are one of those whales at 200k+ power or you are in a new server. If is the latter, don't worry, as soon as your server hit its 60th day arena won't be anymore easy for you.
General Discussion
2018-01-30 23:30:16
Sage World
I don't understand the question.
General Discussion
Yuuki S740
2018-01-24 21:49:01
How to beat edo deidara?
I run the team Garv talks about in swb. I am around 100k power currently. The skewering combo on the usual 20-22k hp enemy 100k deidara lands 8-10k damage + deidara is sure to be hit once if not twice by darui standard attack. Are 12-16k damage in round 1. Even if you use main mystery sakura and jigokudo heals back 2500 each one. So deidara at the beginning of round 2 is at 11-15k hp. My Ay 3rd mystery alone with 100-20 chakra in round 2 land on the usual 100k edo deidara 7-8k alone if does not crit. Add to it the 3 chases of ay + the chases of samui, main and darui + eventual darui mystery that for sure lands more damage than sailor sakura mystery can heal and you are indeed sure to bring him to 0 hp. In the very worst case, what happens is that deidara survives with less than 2k hp, but if this happens is even better because, if you own initiative over jigokudo darui double standard + another skewering surely kill him even if healed back by 2500 sakura passive and is very easy to counter his mystery with samui since to not risk to get the mystery delayed to the following round he needs to absolutely cast it asap. If jigokudo owns initiative he heals deidara before darui moves, so can not use the mystery and darui double standard + skewering kill deidara the same since summed they for sure land more than 7k damage. I would like to add up that if you run shark bomb against that specific enemy you land even more damage but in swb skewering is better because let you deal with mbs, bds and sbs that made themselves or other ninjas immune. EDIT: i just noticed the usual 100k deidara hits 20-22k hp only if is hp mooded (otherwise stays around 18k) and the value of the damage i said are that way because deidara is never placed on a defensive tactics square. Moreover, to run edo sasori you need to not run or sailor sakura or jigokudo and thiw means they do not heal deidara. In sasori case, then add a minimum of 5k damage more not healed.
General Discussion
2018-01-27 13:02:52
[Player Guide]
Tobei's Official Tier List (6/8/2019) The Return of the Tier List
Because bee boosts and shields roshi, naruto kurama, kushina, gaara and naruto 4-6 tails furthermore he grants sure double standard to hokage minato and so sure double boost every round. If you think this is not enough for him to be S+...
2020-07-09 20:43:27
Toroi [Edo Tensei] Lineups
I said good synergies. Of course there's plenty of barely acceptable synergies, as those you pointed out, but no good ones.
2018-05-07 10:36:44
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