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2017-07-24 19:55:52
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2020-01-13 17:46:26
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2018-11-28 23:04:15
Boy lost in Flames and Power of the Sage: Event Cycle - 29th of November
As a stakeholder of the company, everyone is in a position to critize the company's decisions. Eventho the game is basically f2p and marketed as such, we all know the truth by now. If the players who complain about the decisions made by the company which runs the game are silenced and not taken seriously, those players quit, This is true for both whales and f2p. Which is seen in the declining numbers of players.
2018-12-06 15:42:41
Boy lost in Flames and Power of the Sage: Event Cycle - 29th of November
like it was said: it's christmas time, people need presents, but it's not the players' friends and families
2018-12-06 15:42:41
Mt. Myoboku
here as well
Bugs & Support
2018-11-01 21:16:11
Official bug report thread
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : OperaServer number : S366Character name : NayoUID (Facebook account - you can find your UID on the bottom of the Facebook page, Oasis account - go to your profile page and click on your avatar) : 200000099293663 Description of the problem you are experiencing : Reward for finishing plot chapter 11 not redeemableScreenshot of the error page : Operating system : WinScreen resolution : Your computer time zone and your country : Berlin +1Are you using VPN ? : No
Bugs & Support
2021-08-21 03:06:16
Clarification about the "Release Schedule"
It's so sad that there are no real arguments from Oasis. It is just like: "Because!" Seems to me like parents are exhausted by the fact that their children want to know things and/or dont have any answers for the questions. The fact that there was at least some involvement in this thread gave hope for a little while. One thing I was bitterly displeased with was the argument, that there are issues with the golden Quick rune. If that is the case, and let's assume innocent until proven guilty, did you think if was a fair/logical/ethical choice to put it as a Recharge prize or spending reward (cannot remember which it was, probably both)? If there is an issue with something - fair enough - don't use it to milk spenders and even further enhance their advantage. Again example of kids and parents again. If your oldest kid asks for icecream and you give him one, but you refuse your youngest kids' demand for the same icecream. So there is an issue with implementing it in the shop fine, just dont implement it then anywhere. And according to your logic just dont announce anything from now on, because its all subject to change. Just write in the future: 5.0 is coming we dont know which features will make it to live servers and when. Enjoy the game. Its still better than what is happening now.
General Discussion
2018-08-01 20:28:51
Events - 1st March
we need still some serious feature updates.... After 2 weeks without maintenance and just reusing same events twice, I expected at least UT update, Breakthroughs and/or new grp summon. Nothing happens in that regard. Decent events wont make up for the lack of content updates we should have by now.
2018-03-06 21:02:28
Events - 18th January
Beside the fact that the events are bad and copy/pasted this week. People crying for new stuff, because game is boring. Thats the game, every new feature we get is boring after a week, every new feature will just steal more time. Either you like the game or not. But beside that: Shop upgrade, UT upgrade, group summon, breakthroughs etc, would be so much more appreciated than a freaking new cloth (again). Sure whales will get it, and its nice that Shisui-less people get another chance at him (actually best part of the week potentially) Oasis would do well to address all those update features sooner rather then later. They will get flames no matter what but something has to change. For example why do we even care to fill out the feedback survey nothing changes. Why are there no posts at end of the week with a statistic and a resume by a mod/admin/dev? Because, in their eyes, it doesnt generate revenue. Too bad they dont care about community.
2018-01-24 22:05:30
Events - 21st December
Well, seems to gotten even worse now. Capsule event got drawing insame amounts of old treasures for mediocre prices and (!) forum event, which was loading for a week and a half got a facebook event. Not that naming things is their strong suit, but it could have been a nice way to redeem the bad events. And eventho it seems many ppl are actually getting Shisui, which is kind of nice, the rest is so utterly bad.
Sir Fluffykin
2017-12-27 21:39:40
Events - 21st December
The one saving grace. The one thing they did right. Yeah true, those 2 are totally related. 1 is talking about decent rewards during some festivities, the other is broken as hell part of an update.Tbh not even convinced they did it on purpose. 3.0 promised so many things which havent been implemented yet. Nice meme you got there btw. Not even on same continent btw.
Sir Fluffykin
2017-12-27 21:39:40
Events - 21st December
I agree to some extent. Sure ingame variations are a thing they might be limited to (like changing free itachi Anbu from 5* to 3*). However, if they did care about what player base has to say, they have plenty calm and more or less well written posts even in this thread what is missing. And making and releasing a decent christmas event where good stuff will be given to everyone (no-casher and casher alike) is possible in every game. Hell I played so many browser and regular MMO game and 99% of the time there have been decent events. Making such a time feel special. Every big celebration in Naruto Online felt lackluster at best. The community is vocal with namecalling, whining etc sure. But if they really care they would read forums, read the feedback forms, hell even log-in to the game and ask people themselves. Some changes might be hard to realize for them, granted. The forum mods (and customer support for that matter) are active as rarely as possible. Beside deleting posts, the main admins/mods rarely post anything really informative. They have a forum event announced for at least a week now, and all I see is still LOADING.... The rewards in the daily log-in reward christmas thing is minor and it doesnt feel special. So are those problems of the player base being vocal? No thats because they didnt put effort in thinking about it. Why has Germany UT upgrade, 2nd guild summon, gets decent events during celebrations? Is this because they been more reasonable than our part? Hell no, they did the same. Over and over and over again. But their team seems to have realized they need to do something. Wonder when that will either happen here or the game will change to A) desert since noone is playing anymore or B) EA-Style game, where everything is buyable dlc ...oh wait.
Sir Fluffykin
2017-12-27 21:39:40