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[ Events ] Boy lost in Flames and Power of the Sage: Event Cycle - 29th of November


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On 2018-11-28 23:03:41Show this Author Only
  • uacarchitecture On 2018-11-28 22:15:48
  • edo hiruzen gets assist link skill or what does that update mean?

I think it just means you c*e him in a assist link slot,because a lot of ninjas like suit sasuke,cheongsam tenten,fu,tobi,yamato,tobirama,wb asuma,etc. you cant add them in an assist link slot.I think that day when people lost power and seen that all of their ninjas from the assist link slots were mysteriously removed,might've been that day we weren't able to add certain ninjas to the assist link slots.

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On 2018-11-28 23:04:15Show this Author Only

As a stakeholder of the company, everyone is in a position to critize the company's decisions. Eventho the game is basically f2p and marketed as such, we all know the truth by now. If the players who complain about the decisions made by the company which runs the game are silenced and not taken seriously, those players quit, This is true for both whales and f2p. Which is seen in the declining numbers of players.

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On 2018-11-28 23:06:51Show this Author Only

............ Like.... Why? What's wrong with you? Can you at least pretend you're not 100% ignoring f2p? F*ing Susan sasuke got his breakthrough before a lot characters just because we'd be able to actually farm them.

Obviously not to mention your super rush to add new sasuke and madara

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On 2018-11-28 23:08:38Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-11-28 23:00:28
  • Before people go complain about the price of Madara, you should check how he was released in China. Not only was he in ino flowers, where you need to hit a minimum amount of ingots spent to be on the rankings, you had to be 1st to get him and many people were over 100k points - might be wise for someone to check the Chinese YouTubers that have Madara to see the actual points. I'll update this post to see if people on China on average spent more than $3000 on him unless someone else beats me to it.

    Either way he had to be the expensive ninja from that point on of the game and it made a precedent for Oasis to do the same move. Madara is not an easy ninja to get in China due to this reason.

But as it has been stated many times already, we're not CN version

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On 2018-11-28 23:08:38Show this Author Only

We are officialy 2-3 irrelevant ninjas(Kabuto Sage,Edo Itachi,Izuna etc) away from catching up with China . Dear community , it's YOUR fault that things ended up that way . You screamed and you screamed for updates . Sorry for language but eat this now ...

I personaly am happy that i lost 0 money playing this game , do you wanna know why? Because in one year from now , either all servers will be closed or all servers will be merged into 1 with around 500 heavy p2w ppl (yeah the ones that have paid 50000USD + already)

@Oasis and Daiske . Successful online games are created to last 10 years . This game was a goldmine . But you chose for the game to last 3 or 3.5 years and then launch a nuclear bomb on all our feet instead . So be it . I had good time and i made friends here so i'm happy . So i leave in peace . But i hope that the ones that paid a lot of money for your game , have their revenge when you close the servers...

P.S When the new Naruto Online game (the one that is now in beta in CN) , if it's run by Oasis again , i hope nobody touches it . I know i won't

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On 2018-11-28 23:10:37Show this Author Only
  • dannyboy On 2018-11-28 21:37:12
  • Im curious how much did ten tails madara cost in the chinese version of the game for anyone who has played that version cause this seems really overpriced.


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On 2018-11-28 23:15:02Show this Author Only

here u go guys, the infamous meme

its milking time oasis

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On 2018-11-28 23:15:02Show this Author Only

We got a month to recharge for Madara. Oasis tries to make it easier by giving us a month instead of 1 week and giving multiple recharge events diring first week.

...too bad it feels somebody made an error in decimals and added an extra 0 to the cost. Most of the players won't recharge that much during their lifetime playing this game, so even making that event permanent instead of a month won't end up helping that much more.

This week seems a bit too spender heavy for my taste. Oasis should see that in number of comments of FTP, low spenders, medium spenders and likely even some heavy spenders. Only thing rest ended up getting is suit Naruto as monthly ninja and some bug fixes in assists. We'll see do they learn from this backlash. But it feels same as waiting for a miracle at this point...

  • Registered: 2018-07-22
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On 2018-11-28 23:24:13Show this Author Only

And still no third skill trial as of yet you think we would at least get another skill trial by this point especially with the people on the forums keep talking about wanting more of them were getting breakthroughs of characters like hanzo and cloak hinata and not even a skill trial for characters like naruto the main character by this point were more likely to get boruto characters in the chinese version then more skill trials in the english version they already got some boruto characters in naruto online mobile already a seperate thing i know compared to the flash version.

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On 2018-11-28 23:29:38Show this Author Only


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On 2018-11-28 23:32:21Show this Author Only

Merry Crimbo!

3k USD for bits & bytes!

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On 2018-11-28 23:33:27Show this Author Only
  • Numbers On 2018-11-28 22:49:33
  • You know whats the best part of all this. NOBODY IS FORCING ANYONE TO SPEND FOR HIM. You wanna spend for him go for it, you dont wanna spend for him then sit you arse like everyone else. Theres no reason to cry about it.

You are the one crying here man.TBH, with your comments,it seems you have lost your common sense and acting like an OASIS pig..LMAO. Bring it! Defend them at your best. Thats what your paid for.

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On 2018-11-28 23:37:17Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-11-28 23:00:28
  • Before people go complain about the price of Madara, you should check how he was released in China. Not only was he in ino flowers, where you need to hit a minimum amount of ingots spent to be on the rankings, you had to be 1st to get him and many people were over 100k points - might be wise for someone to check the Chinese YouTubers that have Madara to see the actual points. I'll update this post to see if people on China on average spent more than $3000 on him unless someone else beats me to it.

    Either way he had to be the expensive ninja from that point on of the game and it made a precedent for Oasis to do the same move. Madara is not an easy ninja to get in China due to this reason.

here is another Oasis Pig.LMAO

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On 2018-11-28 23:39:12Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-11-28 23:00:28
  • Before people go complain about the price of Madara, you should check how he was released in China. Not only was he in ino flowers, where you need to hit a minimum amount of ingots spent to be on the rankings, you had to be 1st to get him and many people were over 100k points - might be wise for someone to check the Chinese YouTubers that have Madara to see the actual points. I'll update this post to see if people on China on average spent more than $3000 on him unless someone else beats me to it.

    Either way he had to be the expensive ninja from that point on of the game and it made a precedent for Oasis to do the same move. Madara is not an easy ninja to get in China due to this reason.


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On 2018-11-28 23:52:24Show this Author Only

$3000 for a single ninja

keep smoking crack guys wtf

this game can officially f*** off

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On 2018-11-28 23:57:03Show this Author Only
  • Regn On 2018-11-28 22:42:40

love it good job

Also I fully agree that this is a joke, nothing more. Such a shame...

This post was last edited by shadowek_S20 on 2018-11-28 23:58:29.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-28 23:58:16Show this Author Only

Aside of the ninja price -high but not so high over 1 month- I'm much more concerned about the speed of release of p2w contents and the lack of contents for f2p players. Indeed the remaining lenght of this game before being shut down depends on how long is gonna take to translate the new Tencent mobile game to english.

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On 2018-11-28 23:59:28Show this Author Only

Selling that ninja for 3k dollars for 10 people is beter buisness model than selling it for 300 dollars for hundreds more. There are more that can affort a 300 than a 3000. This happens when you give million dollar companys to a bunch of 12 year olds. Have a good day.

This post was last edited by newgate446@gmai on 2018-11-28 23:59:49.
  • Registered: 2018-06-08
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On 2018-11-28 23:59:58Show this Author Only

WTF can you stop with releasing gamebreaking ninjas ?? or at least slow down(like 1 strong per month) and not 2 in one event cycle... I was already angry for last rikudou naruto (player with lower BR than me killed whole 3 team players in GNW in 1st wave with only his mystery...) and now jinchu madara+rinne sasuke... I know you have to release them but can you at least little slow down ? because soon it will be only about who got last released ninja can dominate everyone... sorry If it was offensive but playing this game since patch 1.x and it's becomming too unbalanced(unbalanced=boring) in last months :/

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On 2018-11-29 00:01:30Show this Author Only

:c waited all summer, up until now, saving coupons for rinnegan sasuke, and he's on a p2w event.. That's so disappointing. I just hope next week they do him better and put him on something f2p. Got 20k coupons ready to spend on him. Glad he's here now though.

Quicky Post

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