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2020-09-05 23:23:42
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2020-09-06 05:40:11
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2020-09-06 05:34:24
Ninja exams【381-420】
I call bull* on this 695k power at at this moment, sitting at almost 2800 attempts and not once have i had the order that happened in that video, in every single one of my attempts tobi starts a chase on my main round, stealing chakra so both that minato and sasori go and also increasing my mains cd so even if I survive to round 2 I have one less mystery to use, it may have worked for china, but it is no secret that our version and china are completely separate games under polar opposite forms of management and 2800 attempts with the exact same sequencing, the exact same targets, the exact same "random" attack launching a chase on my main, those numbers cannot lie
General Discussion
2020-09-20 08:40:12
finally I recruited hashirama new year
ibiki is the only one worth his weight though, since his control has a chakra minimum to be removed and he drains chakra, kurenai and hashi's are too easily removed, every single fire user can remove it because the only mystery that fire main users run is the shield, waters passive heal can remove it, so can winds dance of impetus, so can kakuzu,sakura,shizune,kabuto,sasuke ronin,gakido..... literally any debuff remover in the game, unless you run into a very very specific team that has an immune to supress + no means of chakra recovery + no debuff removers at all, unless you run into that exact team characters like hashi and kurenai summer are not worth having in your team
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2020-09-06 02:18:11
Event Cycle 3rd September
he isnt wrong though -Worst company that could possibly have the rights to this game - absolutely terrible events that are recycled so much that we basically know how the next 6 months will play out - company increases prices over 500% compared to those in china, here, if you wanted ronin before a few weeks ago, you had to take out a second and third mortgage, sell your car, sell your firstborn and sell a kidney, in china anyone can recruit him for something like 50 USD - worst player community ever, every single player is *, no one is creative, no one is fun, no one is imaginative, no one is nice, no one is friendly, every single one are just fragile babies running identical teams because seeing the word "defeat" on an anime based free to play game reduces them to tears evidently - nothing changes, mmo's should evolve, should grow with the player base, but that is not true here, you know that * kagari is going to 69 his sugar daddy loco and use his free mod power level and items to stroll to victory in space time without even a hint of competition, you know who is the most powerful in your server, you know what teams they run, you know how sage will go, you know how gnw will go, you know how training grounds will go. This game is the worst thing an mmo can be, stagnant ^ if any one of those things weren't true, it would maybe be a good idea to play casually here and there, but the most boring collection of gamers literally since time began, combined with the most overpriced virtual goods in existence with a sprinkling of the most inept and unlikeable company in the hemisphere benefiting from your time and/or money, quitting has never been a smarter option . Whatever you think about my above points, nobody in our region, nobody playing the game that oasis run can deny that in terms of health, productivity and value for money you would be in a better position developing a cocaine habit and your money would be going to nicer people than if you pay for these illegally rigged micro transactions ( they genuinely are illegal by the way, under the guidelines by the gambling commission virtual goods advertised as "rng" have to pass certain tests proving they are indeed random before being allowed to charge people in the uk money for participations, but every single person here knows that this game is 100% rigged, lucky stars wheel is just one blatant example, but everyone with an account older than 2 weeks knows that the top 100 or so accounts in each server are locked from ever "winning" prizes there, regardless of how much they spend, last I read there was a report on oasis already with the commission but I dont know if there have been recent developments)
2020-09-08 21:28:38
Event Cycle 3rd September
wow, these events are so * its not even worth opening the hot topics tab. Also, crazy idea oasis, but since you ram that amu*t park bs down or throats practically every single week at this point, maybe try including a single thing worth spending for......just a thought
2020-09-08 21:28:38
Tsunade Seal or Karin Taka
tsuande, she is genuinely bugged, I dont mean that out of spite or as matter of opinion, she is genuinely broken, over 20 people in my server with over 1 mil bp and even they now know what it feels like to lose in bonds, because tsunade is broken beyond stats. if a staff member running op team with free characters and free 1 mil bp complains about the implementation of a character and the refusal to address her that tells you all you need to know really. if someone with an admin account has reason to complain, is visibly salty because even he/her ( i dont know) loses to said character and openly talks about her being broken what chance do us mere mortals have?
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2020-09-07 06:12:20
Does NPC Tsunade sell Skillbooks for GNW Ninjas like Choji for example?
No, if a character is even remotely usuable tsunade does not sell for them. she sells exclusively for characters that are not usable in the state of the game and whose breaks can be obtained for free over time, she is utterly redundant, unless she gets a huge overhaul everyone should ignore her existence all together, since we have this new power system even if you have been here long enough to have recruited all treasure ninjas your scrolls would still be better spent in treasures to level up characters for more power instead of using them to get breaks that are easy and free via other means
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2020-09-06 00:40:15
Best Lineup w/ all ninjas
The question is not difficult to answer what so ever, seal tsunade, kushi and the main and other character used are completely irrelevant. Unless you come up against someone else also using both of those characters you will win, even if its only by attrition and it goes 10 rounds and you win because tsunades revival gives you more health. The only stat that matters in this game is initiative, but with two characters as unequivocally broken as kushi and tsunade even that takes a back seat. Theres a reason even the mod with over 1 mil bp in my server gets irritated with bonds these days Also about the post above mine, this game absolutely only has 1 meta, rarely a new character or new skill breaks come along, but at every stage in this game since it was first released there has been 1 team that every single player uses, the current meta is kushi and since oasis charge more for madara ten tails than most countries charge for mortgage rates it will likely be kushi for a long time still
2020-10-04 06:06:02
Shisui Kimono BT
op from the sound of it, dodges first attack AND reflects all debuffs that hit him ( like nagato, meaning he is better than immune characters) undodgeable interrupt mystery undodgeable standard that also suppresses super armour chase that causes irremovable ignition and reduces cd those are just one example for each, his skills all have "y" breaks too, but those are the highlights
General Discussion
2020-09-06 00:36:06