I try to look at the shop everytime it refreshes and I thought I saw once that she was selling a Skillbook for GNW Choji called "Eating"
Both Choji forms have this same ability so I figured maybe it'd work both ways? I bought it and it turns out the Skillbook for GNW Choji changes from "Eating" to "Eat" (Even though it's clearly labled "Eating" on his abilities.) So it didn't work... I haven't seen a single Skill for any GNW ninjas so...Are they extrenely rare or just non-existent right now?
No, if a character is even remotely usuable tsunade does not sell for them. she sells exclusively for characters that are not usable in the state of the game and whose breaks can be obtained for free over time, she is utterly redundant, unless she gets a huge overhaul everyone should ignore her existence all together, since we have this new power system even if you have been here long enough to have recruited all treasure ninjas your scrolls would still be better spent in treasures to level up characters for more power instead of using them to get breaks that are easy and free via other means
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