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2021-10-04 12:24:10
Naruto's Birthday - Fanfic Event
2#UID Ninja 1: 300004904348363 SID Ninja 1: S1338 Ice Darts Jutsu l NY IGN Ninja 1: Crystal Create Your Own Naruto Event New Ninja: Naruto [Swimsuit] 3 star recruit Attributes: Wind, Konoha, Senjutsu, Jinchuriki, Uzumaki, and Male Mystery Uzumaki Barrage - (Tai) Causes unmissable damage and suppression of super armor until the end of theto the selected unit as well as knockdown. If Naruto’s current health is above 70%, this skill will also suppress immunity for 1 round and interrupt. Chakra: 20 / Battlefield Cooldown: 1 / Cooldown: 2 Standard Rasengan: Water Polo Dance - (Tai)(Nin) Causes damage with a chance of knockdown to a random unit in the opponent’s field. This skill also deals 50% splash damage to units 1 grid away from the target. Chase Wind Style: Rasenshuriken - (Tai) (Nin) Triggered with 10 combo, causes damage and 5 combo to 4 units, blindness, and repulse. Passive 1 Secret Technique: Shadow Clone Jutsu - (Nin) Before the start of each action, summons 1-2 shadow clones into the field. These clones are immune to debuffs and will use “Rasengan: Water Polo Dance”. For every 2 shadow clones on the field, naruto chase gets increased by 1. Passive 2 Beach Party - (Nin) Naruto is immune to debuffs. When Naruto’s health reaches 90%, 70%, or 30%, summons a beach barrier into the field. While this barrier is in effect standard damage is increased by 100% for all konoha attribute ninja on both sides. Moreover Naruto will gain a 15% healing leech for all the damage done by him. (When clones cause damage while this barrier is up, the original Naruto will also gain leech) Last for 2 rounds.
2021-10-13 12:34:13
Naruto Online EN's 5th Year Anniversary - Event Specials
UID Ninja 1: 300004904348363 SID Ninja 1: S1338 Ice Darts Jutsu l NY IGN Ninja 1: Crystal It all began on a lonely server, where no one talked, communicated or did anything for that matter. Everyone just did there normal routine. It was getting to the point where people just quit playing. Until, one brave little ninja couldn't bare with the silence. Everyday she would speak in world chat, hoping for some communication. For about 2 weeks everyone remained isolated, but she never gave up. Then one day, I finally gave a reply., and the first conversation began. Ever since then, we've been bringing more and more people to come out their shells and make the server more fun, and the game. Now our whole server has a great bond with one another. 2 years later.....2 merges later..... Yet, we never parted. Were always a team. Communication is the key to all our victories. Each one of us has a special personality that brings us together. Each day, our bonds grow stronger when were together, and by keeping these bonds deer in our heart, we will never lose hope. We'll be with each other for the rest of our days. Protecting Konoha, Completing missions, events, and wars, and teaching new ones. Everyday brings more laughs. ^^
2021-07-26 15:04:41
Naruto Online Anniversary Event: Fanfic Section
UID: 300004904348363 SID: S1338 Ice Darts Jutsu l NY IGN: Crystal Kitsune Clan The Kitsune are relatives of the Inuzuka. How’s that possible?! Well, long ago the assistant to the leader of the Inuzuka Clan, set out for a mission to save the captured wolves from the Hidden Mist. The Mist had a secret plan to throw them off course from within the clan itself. So, they sprayed fox dna powder (That couldn’t be smelt by anyone, even the strongly scented Inuzuka. But could still be inhaled.) into the wolves then released them back to the Inuzuka. When the leader heard about this, he was a little skeptical of why they were released without any problems. But after almost a year they decided to walk it off and forget about it. Little did they know the clan was about to take a shift. One day as one of the wives was giving birth to a newborn, she noticed something off. The baby kept changing. She thought it was developing it’s jutsu already from the start, but then realized that it grew a FOX TAIL!!! She was frightened she almost dropped him. The leader took a look and the examiners ran a test, and confirmed the fox dna. A few days later more newborns had this effect, including some adults and teens having symptoms. Some days later Hashirama came by and asked if they wanted to join Konoha. The Inuzuka accepted but a good half of the clan (with the fox defect) decided to stay back to work out the situation. The leader agreed and they went their ways. The ones with the fox dna, had to face the facts that this was an irremovable effect. So they decided to make a new clan called the Kitsune (meaning fox). This clan is now known for their extreme stealth, and vision. Their most special ability is called the “red eyes”. When this skill is activated once they lock eyes on a target, there’s no escape. They’ll always see a clear vision and smell of you no matter how far you go. Once settled they decided to head to Konoha. They were extremely feared, so not wanting to cause a sudden rumble, Hashirama decided to make them a special type of anbu that only the Hokage & Higher-Ups knew about. Most top secret missions will mostly have a member of the Kitsune within. From time to time the Kitsune and Inuzuka get together for gatherings and games. Their bonds are still stronger than ever with them. A successful clan indeed!!!
2021-07-29 17:43:51
Naruto Online EN's 5th Year Anniversary - Ikuzo! To Wonderful Day of Shinobi ~
UID Ninja 1: 300004904348363 SID Ninja 1: S1338 Ice Darts Jutsu l NY IGN Ninja 1: Crystal
2021-07-27 10:50:52
Naruto Online Anniversary Event: Fanfic Section
UID Ninja 1: 300004904348363 SID Ninja 1: S1338 Ice Darts Jutsu l NY IGN Ninja 1: Crystal Neji [Great Ninja War] Breakthrough: Requirements: - 4 star - Uses blue experimental vial -Uses blue protection vial Mystery: Gentle Fist - Trigrams 64 Palms: Is certain to cause damage to a selected unit, will also cause the selected unit to suffer from acupuncture and 16-combo. Moreover this unit's evasion rate will be greatly increased. Last for one round. Battlefield Cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 3 Chakra: 20 Gentle Fist - Trigrams 64 Palms +1: Causes unmissable damage to the selected unit, will also cause the unit to suffer from acupuncture and 16-combo. Moreover this unit's evasion rate will be greatly increased. Last for two rounds. Battlefield Cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 2 Chakra: 20 Gentle Fist - Trigrams 64 Palms +2: Causes unmissable damage to the selected unit, will also cause the unit to suffer from acupuncture and 16-combo. Moreover this unit's evasion rate will be greatly increased. Last for two rounds. This skill can be triggered twice in the same round Battlefield Cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 2 Chakra: 20 Gentle Fist - Trigrams 64 Palms Y: Causes unmissable damage to the selected unit, will also cause the unit to suffer from acupuncture and 16-combo. Moreover this unit's evasion rate will be greatly increased. Last for 1 round. When you have a minimum of 70 chakra points this skill will not consume any chakra, and won't suffer from cooldown. Battlefield Cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 3 Chakra: 20 Gentle Fist - Trigrams 64 Palms Y+1: Causes unmissable damage to the selected unit, will also cause the unit to suffer from acupuncture and 16-combo. Moreover this unit's evasion rate will be greatly increased. Last for 1 round. When you have a minimum of 50 chakra points this skill will not consume any chakra, and won't suffer from cooldown. Battlefield Cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 2 Chakra: 20 Gentle Fist - Trigrams 64 Palms Y+2: Causes unmissable damage to the selected unit, will also cause the unit to suffer from acupuncture and 16-combo. Moreover this unit's evasion rate will be greatly increased. Last for 2 rounds. When you have a minimum of 30 chakra points this skill will not consume any chakra, and won't suffer from cooldown. Battlefield Cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 2 Chakra: 20 Gentle Fist - Trigrams 64 Palms L+1: Causes unmissable damage to the selected unit, will also causes unit to suffer from acupuncture, repulse, and 16-combo. Moreover this unit's evasion rate will be greatly increased. Last for 1 round. Battlefield Cooldown: 1 Cooldown: 3 Chakra: 20 Gentle Fist - Trigrams 64 Palms L+2: Causes unmissable damage to the selected unit, will also cause unit to suffer from acupuncture, repulse, and 16-combo. Moreover this unit's evasion rate will be greatly increased. Last for 2 rounds. Battlefield Cooldown: 1 Cooldown: 2 Chakra: 20 Standard Attack: Taijutsu Attack: Attacks the opposing unit and has a chance of 3-combo and high float. Taijutsu Attack +1: Attacks the opposing unit and has a chance of 5-combo, high float, and acupuncture. Taijutsu Attack +2: Attacks the opposing unit and has a chance of 5-combo and a high chance of high float and acupuncture. Chase Attack: 8 Trigram Air Palm - Heavan Collapse: Chases and attacks a knockdown unit causing high float and acupuncture. 8 Trigram Air Palm - Heavan Collapse +1: Chases and attacks a knockdown unit causing high float and acupuncture, while removing any shields/buffs. 8 Trigram Air Palm - Heavan Collapse +2: Chases and attacks a knockdown unit causing high float and acupuncture, while removing any shields/buffs. This skill can be triggered twice per round. 8 Trigram Air Palm - Heaven Collapse Y: Chases and attacks a knockdown unit causing high float and acupuncture. This skill will also increase chakra cost by 20 (stackable) Last until the end of the next round. 8 Trigram Air Palm - Heaven Collapse Y+1: Chases and attacks a knockdown unit causing high float and acupuncture. This skill will also increase chakra cost by 20 (stackable) Last unit the end of the next round. This skill can be triggered twice per round. Passive 1: 8 Trigrams Palm Rotation: Increase 20% of standard attack evasion rate and causes low damage to the attacker when successfully evading. 8 Trigrams Palm Rotation +1: Increase 35% of mystery, standard, and chase evasion rate and causes low damage to the attacker when successfully evading. 8 Trigrams Palm Rotation +2: Increase 35% of mystery, standard, and chase evasion rate and causes 10% of damage based on current life when successfully evading. 8 Trigrams Palm Rotation Y: Whenever Neji receives damage by an attacker, increases evasion rate by 25% (can stack 3 times) until the end of the round and causes low damage to the attacker when successfully evading. 8 Trigrams Palm Rotation Y+1: Whenever Neji receives damage by an attacker, increases evasion rate by 25% (can stack 3 times) until the end of the round and causes 10% of damage based on current life when successful. 8 Trigrams Palm Rotation L+1: Neji has a high chance of evading the first attack suffered by this unit per round, as well as a 25% increase to standard attack evasion. 8 Trigrams Palm Rotation L+2: Neji has a high chance of evading the first two attacks suffered by this unit per round, as well as a 25% increase to standard attack evasion. Passive 2: Guarding: This will be the only of the opponent's standard attacks (effective against the first row). Guarding +1: This will be the only of the opponent's standard attacks (effective against the first row). Moreover, whenever Neji receives damage, increase all units in your lineup (with allied shinobi forces tag attribute) attack and ninjutsu by 2%. Guarding +1: This will be the only of the opponent's standard attacks (effective against the first row). Moreover, whenever Neji receives damage, increase all units in your lineup (with allied shinobi forces tag attribute) attack and ninjutsu by 4%. Guarding Y: This will be the only of the opponent's standard attacks (effective against the first row). Moreover, whenever Neji receives damage, increase all units in your lineup (with allied shinobi forces tag attribute) defense and resistance by 2%. Guarding Y+1: This will be the only of the opponent's standard attacks (effective against the first row). Moreover, whenever Neji receives damage, increase all units in your lineup (with allied shinobi forces tag attribute) defense and resistance by 4%.
2021-07-29 17:43:51
New Event Cycle - 29th of April
owo temari nice bt comin soon, bt has a lot of scales
2021-05-05 06:39:40
Delayed Mystery
I mean, they all pretty laggy. It's not the worst, but yea. I use computer mostly.
Bugs & Support
2021-03-29 13:02:41
Delayed Mystery
I use Puffin, laggy from the start xD
Bugs & Support
2021-03-29 13:02:41
Delayed Mystery
Yea I get the same problem from time to time, but I think it's due to my browser
Bugs & Support
2021-03-29 13:02:41
[Strategy Share]
Returning Back to Konoha - Build a Team Event
There's no time to waste!!! Lord Hokage has sent out the best of each clan she could find and bring home our beloved comrade. The Close Combat Team (Neji, Hinata, and Lee), are able to sense incoming enemies from far away making the team evade the situation or prepare for battle. But as you see here, we had a confrontation with some zetsu. So Neji & Hinata were able to put all the zetsu under acupuncture, stopping them from using any secret attacks on us, while Lee sped in taking a lot of em down with his mastered taijutsu. Tsunade sama, knew that our rouge ninja, wouldn't just come back willingly, so The Control Team (Sasuke, Itachi, and Kurenai), were perfect for putting our dear comrade under a genjutsu. But as of now, they had to assist the The Close Combat Team, in getting rid of those pesky zetsu. Itachi and Sasuke's fireball jutsu training did not go to waste as they ignited the entire enemy field, while Kurenai confused all of the zetsu, placing a powerful genjustsu. As for the Fire Main (Scarlet Blaze), both of them enhanced our teams by double, due to their sercret justu user buff. And the Earth Main (Crimson Fist) enhance our teams' attack and ninjustu, and now we never miss a beat. We'll do anything, even put our life on the line to save our beloved comrade and return him to the village. That's the main reason Tsunade sama chose us, because........ THAT'S OUR NINJA WAY!!!!!! UID Ninja 1: 300004904348363 SID Ninja 1: S1338 Ice Darts Jutsu l NY IGN Ninja 1: Crystal UID Ninja 2: 300030967348994 SID Ninja 2: S1326 Four Fingered Assault l NY IGN Ninja 2: Spookz
2021-03-19 17:49:04