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2017-07-24 20:12:40
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2020-03-19 21:02:34
to all complainers (i guess)..... please
That would be more my issue. If the grocery store advertised a sale on soda and the person in front of me just got the deal... I might be a little upset if the cashier tells me that they don't want to sell me the advertised sale price as well...
General Discussion
2018-10-10 11:54:19
to all complainers (i guess)..... please
I don't know, man. Where I come from players that care about the game they play tend to voice their concern because.... well, they care about the thing they do.Personally, if you don't care enough to want to complain about ANYTHING you're doing if you think the thing you're doing could be bettered then I'd question why you're even doing the thing you're doing (assuming it's a thing that would be more of a hobby and less of a chore or work or something).
General Discussion
2018-10-10 11:54:19
To the community: stop being self-centered
I most certainly don't think their reaction was because of it affecting the meta - but I do think that would be a viable reason for their course of action, if that was their primary concern.Now... I REALLY don't think this has much to do with the issue at hand and is a bit of a tangent... but in theory, I would argue that the meta COULD be affected greatly by a ninja such as Sailor Sakura being overused because it was so F2P-friendly or whatever.Some teams are better against other types of teams and a ninja like Sailor (and I will always call her Sailor, for what it's worth) would encourage very specific teams. If the meta was driven by those teams then you'd potentially see a reaction to it in the other teams people were trying to use and those effects would eventually work their way up to even the very top whales and the teams they tend to use. And most of that is due to the fact that a lot of ninjas aren't things everyone has access to.
General Discussion
2018-10-07 15:49:02
To the community: stop being self-centered
I'm actually curious what the logic was behind their decision.Again, it's virtual product so it's not like "giving away" most things even actually costs them money. I actually think the event woulda encouraged slightly more spending and made them more money... even if it was a mistake.Unless they thought these deals woulda helped create an unhealthy game environment somehow and hurt the game in that way (which I REALLY don't think was the motive behind their actions).... then I'm just failing to see how this solution could have even been seen as a good idea.Mistakes happen and the programmer that might be fired would actually have a lot less questions from me than the executive-type that decided it was a good idea to 'fix' the mistake like this, tbh.Granted, I hope I've put a lot less thought into this than they have and may just not know any better.
General Discussion
2018-10-07 15:49:02
To the community: stop being self-centered
Someone messed up. I get it. And I know there are a ton of people that are going to complain no matter what and most of their complaints are going to be centered around some idea where they try to benefit themselves even more.... but I don't think THIS is the best time to let Oasis slide by somehow blaming the community for their mistakes.Players being selfish/self-centered isn't what got us to this particular point - even if there is an argument that most of their arguments aren't helping now. And I just don't, personally, think the stance that you're trying to take is actually being constructive either.We all play the game differently and that actually puts Oasis in a tough spot here. There's not going to be any good solution that makes everyone happy.Some people would be happy if they got anything for free as some sorta compensation and will feel like they profited from it.Others will feel robbed because their early "investment" in something somehow feels lessened if someone else got it cheaper.My stance is that I tend to play games fairly competitively and in a game like this you try to "game the game."Something like 5k Madara being a good deal doesn't mean anything to me because that happens in a game like this. If you get something early then you often overpay - you should accept that. Sometimes there are good deals and the way you get ahead is by maximising your resources. And it's always a bit of a gamble using a lot of resources on something because there may be a real cost in the next event offering better value had you waited. Whatever. We all play on that same playing field, ya know? It's equal. Now... if some players were able to pay less in these events for 5k Madara than others were and the playing field wasn't even... well, that WOULD be messed up.Again, if SOME people were given an opportunity to capitalize on an event where others weren't then that is kinda messed up. Again, I'm fairly competitive. If I'm running a race then I don't want to see someone else get a 10 yard head start on accident and the "fix" for me wouldn't be to decide that everyone can now have a 10 yard head start as 'compensation' if that same opponent now ends up with a 20 yard head start - it just doesn't work and ends up ruining the race.Also, let's be clear that this game is virtual product. It's not like Oasis produces luxury cars that were mispriced and will lose a bunch of money. Does it really even matter if everyone had a bunch of Sailor Sakura frags or whatever? My West Coast server never got access and I'm not that worried about it, personally, since it didn't upset any balance with the people I'm mostly competing with. But if I was on a server where some got the opportunity to take advantage of the deal and I did not then I'd be very irate right now. Again, I'd feel like some of my opponents were given a head start and the race I was trying to run against them was ruined by it. And I don't think any of that frustration would stem from a self-centered worldview.
General Discussion
2018-10-07 15:49:02
Shisui Wheel of Fortune
You should just pretend those 80 frag ninjas you see on these wheels aren't even on there. The odds of getting them are VERY low.Me and my groupmate both did 300 to get the edo hiruzen frags (though I'm just under 300 atm and plan on having exactly 300 after all free pulls are included).. we didn't get the 80 shisuis and woulda been surprised if one of us did. Again.... just pretend they're not on there. And if you're doing these events JUST because you're hoping to win that lottery then you shouldn't be doing these events.
General Discussion
2018-09-04 21:59:17
Casual Plunderers
Just think about it: there's normally a top "whale" or two on your server/servers and if they're not in your group then there's a pretty good chance you'll eventually run into them if you're trying to plunder from their group. So... pretty sure most anyone trying to plunder other players, by your definition, would end up being a "casual plunderer."
General Discussion
2018-09-05 02:28:45
Purpose of the game
So... you're top 7 in Space Time and literally have more power than 99% of the other players in the game? Something tells me you're actually VERY far from f2p and not even sharing the same game experience that almost everyone else that plays this game is having, tbh. Just saying that that's also something you might want to think about...I know you want to say you're not trying to tell other people how to play the game... but a lot of your comments come across as hyper-judgmental to me. I mean, you flat-out try to suggest that you think anyone that might use a certain ninja (edo hiruzen) must hate the game and not have any skill? C'mon, man.
General Discussion
2018-07-23 19:24:54
Purpose of the game
China servers aren't some wonderland where there isn't copying other peoples' teams.Also, the "purpose of the game" is almost certainly more about maximizing resources than it is even building new teams. As such, I think there might actually be a VERY GOOD ARGUMENT that you're trying to play the game wrong. Just sayin'Think about it: the game even DISCOURAGES people from playing with different ninjas! It's a game of limited resources and such.Now, maybe we should let people play how they want to play and realize that at the end of the day this is mostly going to be a subjective kinda discussion... but if we were to actually try and be as objective as possible then I really do think that your supposed idea of the 'purpose of the game' is fundamentally flawed and almost certainly wrong. Just something to think about...
General Discussion
2018-07-23 19:24:54
Monthly card pack
You do have to claim... but I want to assume you might have a smart phone and could download Puffin browser.If so.. well, it's pretty great for doing quick things like logging on and claiming daily coupons and making sure you don't miss out on monthly log-in rewards and such. Just sayin'
General Discussion
2018-06-26 07:46:23