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2017-07-24 19:37:13
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2017-09-25 03:26:58
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2017-08-19 23:19:31
Community: Roshi Lineups
Server: S172 Username: ☮PᴱNMᴬX☮ User ID: 200000090935276 Here are a few of the lineups i have tried so far and have worked ok Talents are 2,3,4,1,2 and summon is Serpent Tanky team with some healing and ok damage if u dont have ini advantage u can change Gaara for 8 inner gates Lee. This one also works pretty ok Talents are 2,3,2,1,2 And summon is Serpent same here if u have ini advantage Gaara is an option instead of 8 gates Lee And the last one for now Talents are 2(1),3,2,1,2 Summon Flood dragon or 2(1),3,1,1,2 and summon Dog of hell
2017-09-13 18:04:28
Five Nature Stone Help
As far as i know the 1st one to give yellow five natures are the min 32k TI.
2017-08-08 09:50:33
[Player Guide]
Future patches strategy?
Focus on getting as many mood scrolls as possible from the lucky wheel that is the thing that will make a big difference since they are removed from there later on.
2017-08-07 14:18:32
Mini-Client Download Link
Not a new version this one is about 8-9 months old. build in december 2016.
2017-08-03 08:21:36
issue with 4k uhd monitor
The client is very old by now and they are aware of the problems id suggest *ing to browser as it is more or less the same thing.
Bugs & Support
2019-09-19 15:40:42
Samehada B team?
I am using him with this lineup that works pretty good. 3,2,1,3,2 with Rhino
2017-08-01 02:34:46
[Strategy Share]
Jinchuriki Treasure II Lineups
Thx for pointing it out didnt notice it was edo tensei fixed it now
2019-06-23 13:52:41
[Strategy Share]
Jinchuriki Treasure II Lineups
I was a bit bored so i decided to try and make a Fu team also this one is not tried out so not sure if this one really works but on paper it does. Talents are 2(3),3,2,1,2 and the summon is Serpent. If u have Tsunade hokage u c*e her instead of Sakura or why not Shizune?
2019-06-23 13:52:41
[Player Guide]
Unofficial 3.0 patch notes (community collaboration)
Can only agree with others this is the kind of changelog we need. This is the way serious changelogs looks like.
2018-03-14 23:35:28
[Player Guide]
How to increase BP, Community Event!
Character name: ☮PᴱNMᴬX☮ServerID: S172UID: 200000090935276How to increase BP:Power1. Iniative try and have as high iniative as possible since that determines who attacks first and whos passive barrier will be active. Usually u want highest initive on 1st a high on 2nd and lower on 3rd and 4th ninja, but u also want a high total iniative since that determines whos passive barrier will be active.2. Refinements increases ur initiative,critical, control etc save up your refinements and only use them on events3. Charms same here with ini etc but also some health,damage and defense. save for events usually the same time as refinement event4.Tactics spend ur coupons only on the one that fits u most i go for ghost kill5. Cave keys/Runes same as the ones above ini etc save for event6. Purifying u should save up until u have a decent amount of and hope for a really good initiative roll.7. Magatamas/Ninja Exam u get all the time from events and ninja exam dont but dont buy them unless u are really low level and they are cheap but never buy the rainbow ones. For ninja exam teams check strategey section.8. Cultivation/Survial trial focus on main team otherwise only use these on the ninjas u use and save the rest until you need it. do survival trial as much as u can.9. Mooding same as cultivation.10. Clothing/Strong Approacing dont spend here unless u really really want to but try and do it until you dont need any more medium threads.11. Ninja tools/Team incance There is a very good guide there which inctance u should to based on ur power level save the tool essences u get from ultimate training until u can do the 32k TI and get the best yellow tools and.Reforging the ninja tools is always very good especially on the top ninjas tools so try and save tools with good attributes for reforging.This is the only way to get higher recistance against fire,water, etcStay with the yellow tools since there is now way to get red five natures stone right now for free.12. Level/Experience try and stay as low lvl as u can after u get to lvl 60 dont to the daily missions that only give xp, do not hit 9 tails so hard, maybe even skip wanted missions if u feel like it. That way u will be able to perform better in both SWB and Matsuri, getting more seal scrolls and advanced runes.13. Ninja bonding focus mainly on the ninjas u use or plan to use. Here u find list to see what gifts they like is link to the correct answers give that much power but some extra to ninja u level up and a boost to all forms of that ninja plus a little bit of extra to all ninjas.StaminaHere it mostly depend on what u need but ill make list of how i use it1. Battle Armor/SA very important to do especially for low level and low power try and do it with strong people if you can do it ur self try for the hard one as one as possible. Try and help people with this and it can be tricky for some.2. Plot instance try and complete as many as possible 3-star as fast as possible3. Rich field the coin trial here is very good to do, only do the experience one if you have to or for awakening materials.4. Awakening awaken only the ninjas you need and use5. Equipment strengthening try and keep ahead a little to have enough materials when you get next scroll.6. Elite Instance do these to get good starting ninjas and also to get fragment refinement and irukaEventsMonthly eventTry and get refinements but also seal scrolls. After your refinements are lvl 7 focus on getting medium threads.Lucky boardOne of the best events in the game gives good reward for coupons spent usually refinement and charms packs also in the shop. Same time as refinements events and charm rebate.The rest you can spent coupons on if you really need but try and save up at least 2000 coupons for Lucky Board if you can preferably around 3000 if you have jonin and monthly pack. Remember to focus on refinements and charm packs. Also remember to collect all rewards you can before events end.Coins1. Group donation/Group wheel donate enough so you can spin the group wheel max times daily also your group gets stronger. Also to increase your group skills to the max.2. Black market try and get as many ninja fragments as possible sometimes seal or summon fragments.Also get the materials you need for upgrading and awakening3. Eight inner gates save up for the quick chakra in shop for more initiative.4. Equipment strengthening dont go crazy here but try and put in a little now and then.Scrolls1.Bond scrolls Save or use when ever us feel like it2.Seal scrolls dont use any until you are lvl 60 and go for kage treasure or why not wait and draw on jichuruki for a roshi team. There is also possibility to to get more scrolls from using them on rebate events3.Summon scrolls save up so you c*e 20 in montly event every 2 weeks other than that do 10 pulls or save for rebates.Redemption Shops1. Group shop rey and go for refinements here until all ur equipment is at lvl 7.2. Arena shop go for the ninjas you need the most also save 1200 points to use on sundays for 2 stamina potions3. Ranking store in the beginning get refinments here after they are of no use get the ninja you need most.4. Survival trial shop get ninja you need the most5. Summon shop try and get runes here and only buy summons if you absolutely need to.6. Space-time shop get advanced thread one of few ways to get them for free.Getting extra coupons,Ingots1. Medals get this one if you feel like you will play for a long time2. Monthly pack one of the best things you can buy for ingots give coupons daily3. Plunder/convoy when you can and if you are strong enough you should consider doing it as you get 150 extra coupons daily max, Unfortunelty only 30 coupons max for f2p(Should be atleast 50 if u ask me). Only ask support of high power people for SS missions you can ask friend or low power people for support for S missions.4. Ingots if you wanna get other stuff for ingots go ahead this will give you some help on what to focuse on i think. Look out for events for possible ninjas and such depending on how much you will spend.TeamsUse this one to try out combinations unfortunetly its in chinese but best option until the english one is updated http://* look here in forums for ninja exam tips or main team youtube is good also.Other than that try and do everything you can daily if you get stuck or need a strategy for completing something ask in game, discord or check the forums someone there is usually able help. Help others that need it in game if you have the time. This post was last edited by PeNMaX at 2017-7-19 00:35
Zack Maximus
2020-05-11 01:59:25