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2023-02-10 09:48:55
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2023-03-21 05:25:38
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2023-03-19 19:17:35
guide to naruto kuruma and madara seals.
Come on dude this is common knowledge not any "guide" to spend coupons / seals with corresponding events. Not to mention that seal scroll calculation is completly wrong. Kurama / Madara is not every 900 seal scrolls but range is if I remember correctly between 900-1050 seal scrolls -> can get mad lucky and pull before that tho Hashirama is not 2000 seal scrolls for 3 star but around 3300 if you calculate seal scrolls alone So in conclusion if you make any "guides" at least check your knowledge first before misleading others. Also what do you mean after 300 scrolls chance is lower ? For what? Another false claim... Nowadays you want to spend 500/800 seal scrolls at once if we are talking about cashing from events not 300 "cuz chance then is lowered"
General Discussion
2023-02-28 00:21:39
Naruto [Sage of the Six Paths] Its special?
Not really, it's just that some buffs are additive while others multiplicative. Sadly THIS IS hidden and you need knowledge about the game to know how each one works. *don't mean inside Oasis knowledge just testing in game over time etc
General Discussion
2023-02-19 19:09:08
Naruto [Sage of the Six Paths] Its special?
In current meta vs Madara it would be useful but when he was added it was 1000% stronger to have his standard and chase pure ninjutsu dmg for 2 reasons: 1) Gamariki summon lowers only resistance so pure ninjutsu damage increase from this summon was and still is to this day disgusting (for tai/nin 50% effectiveness) 2) Naruto scaling is purely ninjutsu based so for tai/nin attacks again its only 50% effective so adding 1 + 2 = standard attack / chase that would hit literally for twice less minimum of what Naruto was able to do. (that would actually be a solid balance change after his release that would make him less broken and more relevant now but hey we don't balance anything in this game) That's also why Rinne Sasuke damage was never good, majority of his damage is tai / nin but he scales only ninjutsu so even when you would think on paper scaling like 80% ninjutsu with chakra per round is "insane" in reality it's not.
General Discussion
2023-02-19 19:09:08
edo madara + sai combo
That's too much work. Can give you screen shots or just test it guys yourself since it will be your job to fix it and it requires basic ninjas + example below shows easly that it's completly bugged. Did some testing vs kakashi puppet and I can tell you already that 100% it's a bug cuz you can go into a fight vs kakashi with Edo Madara + Edo Kabuto + sai and do this: 1) Get chakra for mysteries 2) Hit Madara with Kabuto mystery to get Madara mystery up 3) Drop Madara mystery vs kakashi and lions 4) All lions dead just from 1 instance of damage aka from Madara mystery so clearly bugged into oblivion (change ninja to like 6p naruto and he does nothing to lions so maybe its Madara bug not sai idk) ^ Did not use any standards / chases just dropped Madara mystery instantly and from first instance of damage all lions dead and I proceed to chase combo kakashi clone - btw no rng here with Madara, lions die vs his mystery every single time from 1st dmg. Sai lions in current game are one big mess that you somehow have to solve cuz 100% it's not consistent 5 instances of damage for every ninja in the game OR dont bother with it since it brings 1 good thing to the game and that is you can 1 shot Susanno Shisui and watch them cry about it being broken - what an irony coming from shisui user.
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Tachibana Saeko
2023-02-13 23:35:02
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