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2024-09-13 03:21:27
Obito [Rage Mode] transform bug worsened
@va87da The bug was well known, but this is about it worsening the threshhold of Obito's hp to trigger it. On that note... UPDATE:After having done some testing, the "worsening" of the bug is gone, the bug now only triggers at exactly 70% hp like it has before. This thread can be closed as the original 70% bug is still being worked on by the devs.
Bugs & Support
2024-09-13 03:21:27
Obito [Rage Mode] transform bug worsened
Thank you! I'm glad the devs are aware. Meanwhile here are some workarounds for anyone who want to reliably trigger Obitos full transformation: 1. Slow setup: Do the setup that I recommended in the above post by simply using Lighting Main (nature cultivated mystery) on Obito, then doing the original workaround of letting Obito use 5 chases and/or standards, then using mystery. 2. Here for a faster setup: Use Kabuto [Snake Cloak] with Snake Strike Y Mystery. Use Dan with Spiritulisation Passive +2. Use Orochimaru Ninja Assist. This will let Kabuto do massive damage to Obito (+35% from Dan and +30% from Orochi), letting him transform easily. If that's not enough, unequip life magatamas from Obito. If you want to have enough chakra to use Obito mystery immidiatly after, use Fire Main with the 20 chakra passive. Fire Main also good for buffing Obito. 3. Wacky setup: Use Fire Main with Secret Art - Red Lotus to increase Combo Rate of Obito. Obito needs to use Y standard so he steals other ninjas standard attacks. The increased Combo Rate will ensure Obito steals standard after standard massivly damaging himself. If you get lucky enough, he will get healed by the transform bug, but keep using standard so many times after that (or just gets hurt by other sources during round 1) that he simply transforms anyways since the bug doesn't trigger twice in one round. To get this setup more realiably, you c*e Teuchi in your team so that your Obito c*e his standards without a care in the world. EDIT: Or just get hit, whatever suits you
Bugs & Support
2024-09-13 03:21:27
Can anyone explain this?
1. It's a thing Naruto with skillbreaks can do, please read 2. This one should be obvious once you read Naruto's bt descriptions. Naruto's preemptive mystery through his +2 skill and Orochimaru's Edo Hokage summoning triggers in the same way and follows the same logic as two opposing GNW Orochimarus. 3. Fire Main can get 4 chases round 1 with Jiraiya, Kakuzu should only get 2 though. Dunno what kind of scenario you had where Kakuzu gets 4 chases round 1. 4. Tsunade Reverse Seal doesn't have level 2 immunity. Swimuit Tsunade can apply level 2 immunity but it can be removed (just not supressed). Also you'd be suprised how many units in the game can supress immunity, not sure what kind of scenario you encountered. 5. I agree, there should be more clarifications on those descriptions. 6. Yeah sometimes they don't dodge, also keep in mind that some chases are unavoidable like GNW Orochimaru's chase. 7. Yeah you kinda have to do the math in your head and count it yourself as you go. That's called gamesense though, ya gotta git gud. 8. One standard by himself, 5 through sluggish and 10 through his own passive. That leaves one more standard that could've been applied onto him in some way, maybe through Swimsuit Konan or something. 9. I have never encountered debuffs vanishing through reflection ever in my 5 years of playing unless it either reflects onto an immune unit or gets absorbed by skillbroken Edo Itachi's Y-Skill Reflect. Again, no idea what exact scenarios you encountered.
General Discussion
2022-07-15 15:28:15
New Event Cycle - 9th of December
7 Days overlapping with Recruitment Feedback, nice :3 Also glad to see more skilltrials, we still need Dosu though
2021-12-12 23:46:27
ninja exam question
Hmm not to my knowledge. The only other explanation I could think of is that the people you saw in the video had much their power much more focused around their p1 ninja. You said that the people in the video "killed faster" which could also mean that their p1 ninja that was doing most of the damage and had much better equipment than the rest of the units in their lineup. This used to be very common (and it still is) but today we get most of our power through Training Potions or Secret Scrolls which distributes the power evenly between each position while back then it was all about Charms, Refines, Rune Stones and Magatamas resulting in the p1 ninja having much more power than the rest of the units in your team. So in a way it also depends on what date that video was recorded.
General Discussion
2021-11-23 18:26:59
ninja exam question
The difficulty of Ninja Exams actually gets lowered depending on how many players in your merged servers have completed it before you. You can check by clicking on "Ninja Exam Heros" and there click on "Details". Also there is a certain time that needs to pass after those players cleared the exams in order for the difficulty lowering to take place. Below is a picture for reference: Edit: What I meant to say is that it's possible that those people you watched in the video had the difficulty decreased much more than in your server and therefore being able to kill units faster/take less damage.
General Discussion
2021-11-23 18:26:59
Help Remember Ninja
I think you are referring to Breeze Dancer's passive "Chakra Coordination", which gives a unit 12% life back when they gain chakra (15% with Nature Cultivation).
General Discussion
2021-09-23 17:47:49
Question on Ninja Assist
I agree. There should be a clear indicator that the attack and ninjutsu go up on the unit that causes the chase. Also, I myself am confused if it actually works correctly because I haven't noticed anything either after testing the Ninja Assist on the Kakashi clone multiple times.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2021-09-22 14:44:53
lvl 17 outspeeds a lvl 30.
Level does not equal power. Also like brensonlee said above me it's all about the initiative stat, check the profile of whoever was faster than you and check their equipment.
General Discussion
Mr. Hades
2021-06-09 14:29:58
Naruto 6p
There was a thread made not too long in the strategy section posted by ICE* here. Maybe you can find more ideas there.
General Discussion
2021-04-25 20:44:57