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2018-11-14 23:38:30
Event Cycle - November 15th
T_T please have Shisui please have Shisui pleaseeeee haveeee Shisuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
2018-11-23 15:06:20
Clothing release celebration
It was midnight. There was the occasional call of a crow and the barking of dogs could be heard, but other then that, it was a calm and quiet night. Perfect for sneaking in and out of Breeze Dancers home. As Azure Fang made her way up the walls of the mansion, she was careful of her footing, not wanting to slip and fall three stories down. She opened the window and slid in, being extra careful not to touch anything without her gloves. As she made her way down the dark hallway, she heard a deep voice speaking. *ing in a breath of air, Azure Fang moved towards the wall, grabbing a golden flask from a table and shoving it in her bag. Leaping up, she used her arms and legs to support herself, and she quickly made her way up the wall, stopping when the ceiling hit her back. The door she was planning to go into opened, and a large man stepped out. Moving quickly, he made his way down the hallway, not noticing the girl on the ceiling. When he turned the corner she somersaulted down, and scurried into the room he had just exited. Looking around at the jewelry in the room, she smirked to herself, and immediately began grabbing all that she could and shoving them in with the golden flask. Slipping back out, she quickly made her way back to the window, climbed down the three stories, and slid into the car that drove up. She settling into the passenger seat, sending a grin to the red haired driver as he looked in the bag. Nodding in approval, he drove off. "The security guard had just checked the room and everything was there, but when he went to check on the rest of the house, someone slipped in past the lasers and stole every last piece of my grandmothers jewelry. Its unbelievable. They didn't even turn them off. They stole everything. They were all I had left off her since her passing, and now there gone." TenTen moved closer to Breeze Dancer, hugging the crying girl. "Hey, hey, don't cry, I'm sure they will turn up somewhere, they couldn't have just disappeared out of nowhere." Breeze Dancer just hung her head, muttering inconsiderable words. "Besides, the Uchiha Police Force is on the case, and there the best Police Force around. You can count on them to find the jewelry." added Ino, smiling. Although she was smiling at Breeze Dancer, Azure Fang could see that her eyes weren't on the girl. Instead they were on Sasuke, a member of the Uchiha clan. "Your right, its just I was really looking forward to wearing her diamond encrusted one of a kind hair tie for the volleyball tournament tomorrow." and the truth comes out, thought Azure Fang rolling her eyes at the blonde. Feeling someones eyes on her, she turned her head and made eye contact with Temari and Kankuro. Motioning her over, Azure Fang went and sat next to them. "Have you heard about the tournaments there having tomorrow? You should do the gymnastics one. The prize is $100,000." she whispered, knowing the money would get the blue haired girls interest. It worked. She turned her head, mouth open wide, mouthing the number over and over again. "With that much, I can stop. I wont have to do anything like THAT again." Azure Fang pondered over this, choosing not to mention what she did in the busy school cafetera. Temari understood thought, since she was the getaway driver most of the time. Though last night she wasn't able to make it, so her youngest brother, Gaara, drove. "You wont't have to do that anymore, with that much money your set for life. We c*l stop" Temari added, smiling gently at Azure Fang, knowing just how much she needed to hear those words. "Iv'e never gone to a practice though, and all the other girls have dedicated their whole lives to that. I don't think I can do it." immediately getting depressed, she laid her head back down, grunting as Kankuro shoved his elbow into her stomach. "Sure you can, Iv'e seen you climb four story houses like it was a breeze. Besides, Temari already entered you and got your outfit. Go try it on." and with that Temari was hailing Azure Fang away towards the locker rooms. The blue leotard hugged her figure perfectly, and the sparkles made her stand out even more. Her right sleeve was white, different from the patterns of her left sleeve, but she liked it. It brought attention to her right hand, where her ribbon wand was being held. Her hair was tied up as it usually was, but the blue looked good with the outfit. As she stepped out into the auditorium, she couldn't help but feel nervous, something she never felt, even when she broke into houses. She looked over as she heard her name being called over and over again by familiar voices. "You got this, Azure Fang.I believe in you!" the three siblings, dubbed the 'Sand Siblings' by the school, were all jumping and cheering for their partner in crime, literally. Taking a deep breath, she started her routine. What is love Oh baby, don't hurt me Don't hurt me no more Baby don't hurt me Don't hurt me no more What is love Yeah Oh, I don't know why you're not there I give you my love, but you don't care So what is right and what is wrong Gimme a sign What is love Oh baby, don't hurt me Don't hurt me no more What is love Oh baby, don't hurt me Don't hurt me no more What is love? As the song ended she laid down in a ball, symbolizing the end of her routine. Sniffles and crying could be heard from the audience. Then cheering. Everyone calling out to her, and then the announcement. She was looking at the Sand Siblings when they gave it. She saw happiness, tenderness, and endearment all at the same time, looking at her. Tears slipped past her eyes as the laughed, running to them, hugging them all. She could finally stop stealing, their was no use of it anymore, since its not like she needed the money. She had won.
Emperor Lone
2018-07-20 00:00:54