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Naruto Online Forum
Miru Chan
Miru Chan
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Topics 0 |Posts 12
2017-08-19 17:19:04
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2018-08-01 16:16:47
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2018-05-31 12:02:13
Sunflower Covenant Forum Event
UID: 300023012250964 Server ID: 819 Kirin Character name: Miru Screenshot of the event Ranking:
2018-06-08 23:57:47
[Player Guide]
Extra standard attack buff guide
Hi ICE*, great information and appreciate all the work you do on the forums. Just curious about one thing, in your 2nd example below, not sure how to secure the 8th attack. You noted Edo Sasori but not sure if Susanoo Itachi will gain the extra attack. He doesn't appear to be Edo Tensei. Is there some unintended mechanic? Just wanting to confirm, thanks. Example 2 Great Ninja War: You are running: Susano Itachi - WB Asuma - Earth Main - Killer Bee Your partner: WB Asuma - Earth Main - Konan - Killer Bee 2nd partner: WB Asuma - Earth Main - Edo Sasori - Killer Bee
2020-03-27 17:47:05
Arena Season Rewards [February]
General Discussion
2018-03-04 18:53:22
Group Activity 4.0
For folks that are level-freezing, I recommend the following: 1. Daily Sign-In 2. Participate in Arena (we get 2 daily arena missions) 3. Get Resource from Rich Field 4. Survival Trial 5. Relax in Hot Springs 6. Strong Approach (just do 1 of the easy ones after you finished your 7 for the week) This would give you the 6 activity points without xp. But remember you will gain xp if you claim any frogs below. Another thought is you c*so sub out Arena for the ninja exams if you're sorta in a hurry and not looking to #$%! your head trying to get a win with the required composition. Yeah you gain xp but it's a pimple and the magatamas add up.
General Discussion
2017-12-19 21:53:48
Group Activity 4.0
Glad someone has been posting about this as my concern is that not enough people know (props to QV for doing some heavy-lifting). Some of the changes I noticed is that plot/elite instance don't count towards group activity points anymore. We recently had a scare when we noticed we were going to be a few points shy of being eligible for GNW's required 200 minimum activity points during a rolling 3 day period. It's a matter of educating your members of what counts and doesn't count. Thought I'd share what my group and I found through trial and error and testing so far in 4.0: 1. Each member can contribute a maximum of 6 daily activity points. It caps out at 6 and each individual member can't contribute any more than that. 2. Only Daily Practice activity count as points. For example you login/sign-in, that's 1 point. You do your ninja exams, thats another 1 point. You do your survival trial, 1 point. You do 2 of the arena missions, 1 point. You do the 5 wanted missions, another 1 point. You chill in the bath tub for 2 hours, another 1 point. Now you have 6 points. Other things like completing SA once and doing ninja test also provide 1 point each. 3. None of the timed events count as activity points. Team Instance, Convoy/Plunder, 9 Tails, Fighting Matsui, Sage Wars, don't count toward the daily 6 points. They will count toward the frogs below but do not count toward the 6 activity points that go towards your group's required 200 activity points in the rolling 3 day cycle. 4. QV appreciate you getting started on the math but 11 people will still be a little shy of the needed 200 points. 11 people x 6 points = 66 points. 66 points in a rolling 3 day (66*3) is 198 poiints which is just shy of 200. You'll need 12 active members. The 12th member just needs to contribute 2 of the possile 18 (3*6) points he/she can contribute during the 3 day window. Being that it's holiday season it's understandable that activity in the game may decline temporarily but as you educate more members of the recent changes, hopefully you'll notice activity increase.
General Discussion
2017-12-19 21:53:48
Server Merge Request - Week 13th November
1. Server ID: S819 2. Server Region: LA 3. Server Age: 3 Months 4. Time taken to Kill World Boss: 15-20 minutes 5. World Boss HP on Day of Posting: 35MM 6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 3 7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : AVG Top 5: 51.6K , AVG top 10: 42.4K , AVG Top 20: 33.9K I've been following these threads and collected some possible servers we could merge with (all LA time zone), focusing on the averages which I highlighted. They are listed in order below from closest to our server rankings to furthest: S629 – Age 6+ months (wk of 11/13 posted by 阿斯大多數) Top 5: 53.8K | Top 10: 48.6K | Top 20: 31.5K S769 – Age 3+ months (wk of 10/16 posted by Top 5: 51K | Top 10: 45K | Top 20: 38K S739 – Age 3+ months (wk of 10/16 posted by TSL) Top 5: 45.4K | Top 10: 42.7K | Top 20: 37.9K S619 – Age 6+ months (wk of 10/16 posted by Snow1414) Top 5: 45K | Top 10: 35K | Top 20: 30K S829 – Age 6 months (wk of 11/13 posted by Yuakera) Top 5: 45K | Top 10: 35K | Top 20: 30K S809 – Age 9+ months (wk of 11/13 posted by rayan88) Top 5: 37K | Top 10: 33K | Top 20: 28K Here are our supporting screenshots: Thank you for your consideration.
2017-12-19 11:23:41
Lightning Main Nine tails team
I have a lot of rares but i still use the following: Guy X X WB Asuma Sasuke X Light Main Talent 3 3 3 3 2 Summon: Chameleon (can switch to guys torotoise or King of Hell but i don't have them) The trick: 1. Do not Auto, need to go manual and observe round number and keep eye on Chakra 2. Keep Sasuke's Barrier up, do not use 2nd Kirin's myst. The trick is toward the end of every three round, hit Sasuke's Kirin as soon as nine-tails is hitting you. Immediately during beginning of the next round (round 4), Sasuke will relaunch barrier before any of your ninjas attack. Make sure you keep enough Chakra so Sasuke's Kirin can be pressed every 3 rounds. 3. Trust me, the increased dmg to elemental attacks during that 1 extra round far outweighs the dmg from Sasuke's kirin dmg and loss of barrier. 4. My rotation looks like this: Rd 1) Sasuke barrier & light main's lightning Armor Rd 2) Guy's Kick Rd 3) Nothing but hit Sasuke's Kirin right after nine-tails attacks you. Rd 4) use whatever myst is available. Lightning Armor should be available again and use WB Asuma's myst here too. 5. Sasuke's barrier is especially important if you can survive more than 4 rounds.10 rounds of barriers is HUGE. Guy's leech also helps keep team HP up for WB Asuma's buff. I also use the same strategy/team for Group Summons.
2018-05-24 03:58:21
[Ninja Exam]
Ninja Exam Guides?
I will also echo that I used Will of D's guide and can attest that his videos were a HUGE help. His tutorials were realistic and very specific about certain RNGs to lookout for. Although my BP was a little high (62K) I killed all 180 exams. Noteworthy exams that were challenging include exam 140 (where I changed to Earth Main and switched to another tutorial for just that one exam) and 179 where a lot of luck was required. Smooth sailing for the most part other than that. One thing of note: I wasn't level 85 at the time so on my wind main, I didn't have natural draining for the last talent. I subbed for mult-shadow clones as a talent and found it to be a good subsitute if you have the BP but still short a few level from using the prescribed talent. Good Luck!
2017-12-09 02:21:40
[Player Guide]
Guide to increase power (Treasure Tools Update)
This is great stuff, can we get a sttickky on this topic? I think also a good add would be to list priority on how to power-up. For example listing order of priority on refines, charms, magetamas, summon runes, cultivate, etc.
2024-10-11 09:13:55
[Ninja Exam]
Ninja Exam 117 - Water Main/Without Sage Naruto and Iruka
I had Iruka and Sage Naruto but I wanted comment and say it's pretty awesome to see players contributing to help out others!
Miru Chan
2017-11-07 06:14:00