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2017-07-24 19:16:38
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2017-07-24 21:50:02
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2017-07-24 21:50:02
Consumption Wheel not paying out Coupons
Lowering the rates are fine. However doing it mid week is unethical to every player who was told by friends, saw the rates of getting coupons, thought it was a fun wheel. Its not about competing, its about a obvious payout at a certain rng percent thats changed without notice, then broken temporarily, again without telling anyone. Its corrupt.(P.s) I know hes kinda a troll, but im still responding if its in regards to this wheel change they did to cheat everyone after todays server reset, less about him, more about everyone else seeing. This post was last edited by Khannonx at 2017-3-28 03:10
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:50:07
Consumption Wheel not paying out Coupons
AbeNoSemei-Wheel was edited because people were getting too many coupons. Then somehow the 5/10% was turned off, the dev team for this had no idea why.Main UK guy finally noticed it, seems they were able to turn it back on, but it still only gave out 250 coupons.Now its giving out the huge number 3-4,000 however its rate is definitly something like 1% now.Everyone who put money in within the first 10hours of sever reset(roughly) had they're money completely ganked from them.That is the timeline. Its not "only" because its so hard to get the coupons. It was their decision to fix the wheel because the dev team found out midweek everyone was using it and getting so many coupons.It also goes to show that they literally don't know how to fix the odds, they just take the events from other server, and they hope its fair. Worst company ever for games
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:50:07
The 5%
Well they were definitely working on figuring out whats bugged when I went to bed. They probably thought they figured it out, then when people won 4k coupons they paused it again to see what to do. They aren't that sneaky to purposely do it, they just ..well they don't really know what they're doing.This is just a random opinion ^_^
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:50:04
Should entire oas staff resign and leave new, fresh team take the lead?
The thing is no company wants to be known for making shxt games, it ruins their rep. Oasis games is a small useless potato of a company. Tencent is gigantic as is Bandai. They want money, but they don't want their whole company ruined. Stock prices are far more important then just players extra 20,000.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:56:06
This can't be a coincedence
I have actually played with some company plants, not oasis though, as i don't know that company.However companies, not just oasis, im talking every browser game ive been apart of has plants in it to help push people to spend money.Even though I think Oasis is the most crooked pos atm, they actually are really good when it comes to not having fake players who have "infinite" (since its fake) money.However this situation, after the consumption wheel broke and now this very odd person being #1 out of the blue..and it wasn't even the last day of the event, like a smart player would do. It was right as everyone in UK was being cheated out of their money from the wheel.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:50:21
Consumption Wheel is literally consuming.
I mean at this point, this is legit *. They can pretend its some rng but its not. And considering their internal chats are saved. Taking this to a bank, who will then get a lawyer..thats just that. ((This doesn't involve you, the player fyi)) This consumption wheel literally just stole ..i mean probably 200ish peoples ingots. No idea if anythings fixed, seems like only for some servers because they're trying to fix it without telling anyone whats happening. Or pausing the wheel which is what they should have And Although not everyone uses the forums, I can assure you there are some really nice players making accounts on different servers going around and telling everyone what you did and a forum link to read about it as of today.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:50:50
Consumption Wheel not paying out Coupons
Im reporting them for * from that wheel. the slave owner who runs it needs to be fired atm
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 21:50:07
Consumption wheel
Of course mods are here. its Afternoon in China. Soo..I mean yeah lol. Theyre staying silent and just waiting till the posts die down, then deleting them all, banning stuff, muting etc.The thing is this was a bug, legit. If you spent ingots on this today after reset, and never got a 5 or 10% payout you deserve your money back that you spent. whether that be 200ingots or 5,000ingots like me. Obviously you don't deserve the other stuff you won though (seal scroll/potions/mood scrolls) but anything less then a refund, which you can then choose to spend after everythings fixed is basically unacceptable.I mean..i don't "Know" anything but i bet theres a chat log on qq that shows the mods know about all this so..yah This post was last edited by Khannonx at 2017-3-27 19:06
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:49:44
Consumption Wheel is literally consuming.
50k gogogo! we can do this. Datebayo!
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:50:50
Consumption wheel
Wheel rates were changed without telling players. from 5% to 1% or less(unsure)A bug occured that broke the 5 and 10% placements.They fixed it without telling us, since the mods are awake currently(remember they are in china)However now the 5 and 10% placements give out a cap 250 coupons which is literally just wrong.thousands of people are being duped.(This is just my opinion, no actual facts i swear)
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:49:44