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[ Events ] Consumption wheel


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On 2017-03-27 18:22:18Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Can someone explain how the wheel jumped from 5k in the morning (Uk Servers) to 42.5k? is it a bug?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-27 18:27:58Show this Author Only
Rigged. no better explanation as that. read the forum and you understand
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On 2017-03-27 18:30:57Show this Author Only
Wheel rates were changed without telling players. from 5% to 1% or less(unsure)
A bug occured that broke the 5 and 10% placements.
They fixed it without telling us, since the mods are awake currently(remember they are in china)
However now the 5 and 10% placements give out a cap 250 coupons which is literally just wrong.

thousands of people are being duped.

(This is just my opinion, no actual facts i swear)
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On 2017-03-27 18:32:41Show this Author Only
Well, i know the situation with Aristeaus and stuff like that, but i just don't get why the would make the event even more rigged when they just got exposed for it lol, also wheel jumped another 4k in 8 min, lots of ppl are gonna fall for it.
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On 2017-03-27 18:45:03Show this Author Only
I did fall for it too. Spent 800 ingots i saved for other stuff like try your luck. I feel betrayed now too finally, after all the stuff that happened i cant stop hold my self to think that it has may been done on purpose too.
This post was last edited by Riddle1206 at 2017-3-27 18:46
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On 2017-03-27 18:51:32Show this Author Only
Why they did it ? Obvious. Top 2-10 spenders get extra rewards were not good enough. Now they get a bigger profit over investment.
Now after 4 days , you should already have realised that wheel was not going more than 5,6k coupons. So the moment it hit 7-8k , something was smelling fishy. SOmething was changed..
As Oasis being owner of the Casino , just get over it and call it bad luck..
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-27 18:53:30Show this Author Only
Ahahahah, dam, those "mods" are here, some threades dissapeared somehow.... mistery....
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-27 18:57:49Show this Author Only
This is on purpose guys. The wheel was previously rigged at around 5k, so indeed 5% of that is 250 and 10% is 500. The thing is, with all this that came to public, they still decide to continue to rig it, but messed up. Now, people are less likely to land in any of the %, but when they do, they still win the same ammount of coupons that it was when it was a pool of around 5K. So as you see, they decreased the likely of players winning something, and when they win, it's still the same as when it was rigged before. The pool is almost 50k and yet people only get 250coupons for 5% and 500cps for 10%.
So... final comment
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-27 19:03:42Show this Author Only
Of course mods are here. its Afternoon in China. Soo..I mean yeah lol. Theyre staying silent and just waiting till the posts die down, then deleting them all, banning stuff, muting etc.

The thing is this was a bug, legit. If you spent ingots on this today after reset, and never got a 5 or 10% payout you deserve your money back that you spent. whether that be 200ingots or 5,000ingots like me. Obviously you don't deserve the other stuff you won though (seal scroll/potions/mood scrolls) but anything less then a refund, which you can then choose to spend after everythings fixed is basically unacceptable.

I mean..i don't "Know" anything but i bet theres a chat log on qq that shows the mods know about all this so..yah
This post was last edited by Khannonx at 2017-3-27 19:06
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-03-27 19:50:39Show this Author Only
  • Alkai On 2017-03-27 18:53:30
  • Ahahahah, dam, those "mods" are here, some threades dissapeared somehow.... mistery....
Yeah wonder where they went epescially that diaske guy people are talking about lol
Quicky Post

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