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2017-07-24 19:03:23
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2017-07-24 20:59:37
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2017-07-24 20:59:37
Events Oct 13th
The Sage Event rules in-game say the top discount is at most 50%But apparently the max discount is 40%Which is it? And why can't we get some localization that doesn't look weird and awkward to someone who natively speaks English for once?Suggestion1. Let the maximum discount be 50% like the rules say (Makes more sense than 40)2. Apply this same rule to everything in the event, don't be so stingy, it just looks bad on you guys because players can see what you are doing, believe it or not.3. Profit (and upset a few less people in the process)The idea that you have an event that you can buy into to get discounts on other things you buy is pretty *my as it is, so the least you can do is try to have a bit of fun with the discounts to save face. This post was last edited by Kazuhira at 2016-10-13 21:32
2017-07-24 20:54:41
P2W Utter unfairness
Considering how he is basically one of the only people or hell, the only person across all versions of the game (Which has been out for years) to go that far with it, he doesn't really matter, who else is going to do that? Very few people ever, if any.What that guy does has no bearing on your experience within the game nor your ability to become a good player or not.It's just pointless to be upset about it. This post was last edited by Kazuhira at 2016-8-9 18:52
General Discussion
2017-07-24 20:31:09
P2W Utter unfairness
You people need to understand that paying to win at this game just gets you what you need to win quicker, ultimately pretty much everything is obtainable to a free player with time, a true pay to win game would mean you can never get what paid players get, but you most certainly can.If you take your time, spend your coupons wisely, work on your team, your gear, materials and collecting fragments and whatever rather than worry about being at the top from the start, eventually you will catch up and you'll be in a much better position than most of the paid players.The players who are actually good at the game will eventually be at the top regardless of money, they just get there faster with it.In the grand scheme of things, paying in this game does nothing except satisfy impatience. This post was last edited by Kazuhira at 2016-8-9 18:32
General Discussion
2017-07-24 20:31:09
In-game name “OasisGuide”
I've seen these characters standing around sometimes... actually for quite awhile now. I even wondered if they were "official" or not but they're usually very low level and it just looks kind of strange, it really just looks like a random player made a character called "OasisGuide1" and went afk in Konoha.You need a way to make them look more official, name them in a way no player can mimic or change their name color or something, there should be a way to make them stand out and look proper rather than being some level 15 character standing around called "OasisGuide1"I would even argue that most newer people are going to be oblivious to the company name and not really pay enough attention to understand what you're trying to do. This post was last edited by Kazuhira at 2016-8-9 18:19
2017-07-24 20:33:13
I would imagine the number one requirement is to not post in the news section, let alone the forum in general asking how to become a moderator.
2017-07-24 20:30:54
S27 is coming!
There are 6 LA servers, what more could you possibly need if you're in that timezone.
2017-07-24 20:29:21
Moderation in World Chat
I'll just leave this here since I don't know where else to put it.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 20:27:57
Translation Error reports
I'm mainly going to propose some refinements to the Fire Protagonist's skill descriptions, if I mess up a detail then someone can feel free to let me know, I'm going for general readability and formatting.Fire Style: Phoenix Fire JutsuDeals Ninjutsu damage and causes Ignition on 2 enemies. Ignition causes damage with each round and also negates healing for the duration of it's effect.Fire Style: Dragon Flame JutsuDeals Ninjutsu damage to up to 7 enemies and causes High Float on 1 selected enemy. Clones, Puppets and Summons take extra damage from this attack. After 2 uses this attack requires 4 rounds to cool down.Sealing Jutsu: Seal Of Red LotusDeals both Ninjutsu and Taijutsu damage to 1 selected enemy. Causes Immobile and Imprison , enemies under Imprison automatically take Ninjutsu damage when they consume Chakra for skills.Taijutsu AttackAttacks an enemy at the front with a chance of a 3 Hit combo. This attack also causes Low Float and Ignition.Fire Style: Flame Jutsu (Really seems like it needs a better name to fit it's unusual look)Attacks an enemy at the front with a chance of a High Combo. This attack cannot be evaded.Feather Illusion JutsuAttacks an enemy at the front and causes Sleeping. This attack ignores the enemy's defense. (Is that right?)Phoenix Fire: ChaseTriggered upon achieving a 10 hit combo, attacks 2 random enemies with Fire Damage.Fire Style: Fireball JutsuChases and attacks an enemy affected by High Float. Causes Ignition and Low Float.Fire Style: Celestial PrisonChases and attacks an enemy affected by Low Float and causes Repulse. Causes the enemy to take Ninjutsu damage when comsuming chakra, they cannot die from this effect.Red Lotus Secret (This is the one I've been waiting for)Increases both Ninjutsu and Attack of up to 3 Bloodline Limit users on your team for 5 rounds.Genjutsu: Mirror ReturnReflects the first Debuff used against your team each round back at a random enemy on the opposite team. Also increases the damage enemies take from Ignition.Fire Style: Enhancement (Is there any reason why this lists an exact number but Red Lotus Secret doesn't?)Increases both Ninjutsu and Attack of 3 Fire Element characters on your team by 40% for 5 roundsOboro Clone JutsuSummons 1 Oboro Clone at the start of battle. Oboro Clone posesses Wind Resistance and uses Fire Style: Celestial Prison when attacking.Bani ChakraRemoves Buffs and causes Ignition to 1 random enemy at the start of each round.Death MirageRemoves 1 Debuff from up to 2 random characters on your team at the start of each round. 10 Chakra is recovered for every character on your team hit by an attack.Conclusion:Well that's that, if any changes need to be made, for example I don't even know if that's how Death Mirage works, it's just how it reads, and it took some experimenting to understand what the hell Red Lotus Secret even does, I do know it affects bloodline characters but I don't even know if that's all it does given how crazy the description is.If I'm being honest the game as a whole needs a bit of a localization revamp with consistant, clear and good terminology across the board in alot of areas. This post was last edited by Kazuhira at 2016-7-26 18:38
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 20:34:29
lving 24 to 26
Honestly, you can just get to 20 in under and hour and then get to 28/29 over the course of the rest of the day via different activities and such, the game flies by up until about 40.The game gives you plenty to succeed with by playing smart without needing money. This post was last edited by Kazuhira at 2016-7-26 17:05
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 20:27:36
Moderation in World Chat
We definitely need some kind of ingame Moderator staff who can deal with things like this, I kind of like not having words censored because it tends to catch words that shouldn't be censored, but the way some people talk in World is a problem.It would be nice to be able to deal with them.
Bugs & Support
2017-07-24 20:27:57