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2023-06-22 01:19:03
cant press
That's a really big downside of our Naruto client that is ages behind Chinese one They have replay system for fights AND what you want here where you can select what ninja from enemy team you want to target by clicking their top right icon (where you check enemy power it opens a list of 4 ninjas from enemy team that you can choose with out being blocked by visuals) not to mention moded CN client that is officialy allowed over there where you can freely customize battle music, backgrounds, ninja sounds even mystery animations and more. Replay system and select option tho is so basic that it's really strange Oasis didn't update it when we switched clients for Java problem. In 1vs1 fight it's rarely a problem but in db and gnw where nowadays everyone has some clones, summons etc selecting somebody you want can be a problem or even straight up impossible in some cases. ^ that's how it looks.
Bugs & Support
2023-03-24 13:26:32
[Player Guide]
Red Rarity Summon Stat Gain + Cost
Finally something useful on the forum - good thread. Initiative gain compared to moon coins [or coupons] spent would be a nice thing to know too. Is it better to get unbound runes or training potions / secret scrolls till some point etc but that's waaay too much work to do.
2023-03-31 20:08:21
Bug or Oasis hitting new lows?
As a reminder this thread reported a possible bug and you didn't answer it in any way for entire week of event duration. Maybe if you focused your attention on reported problem instead of deleting posts we would know something by now. Not to mention that he didn't report anything out of this world just simple question is this a bug or intended change to the event drop pool going forward if you can't answer something as simple for entire week now then im sorry but this bug section is a complete joke.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2023-03-21 07:37:52
Bug or Oasis hitting new lows?
1 person likes event X other Y or old / new version it doesn't matter in the end imo. As for converstion topic he is right. I remember talking on discord with friends when Ashura BT came out that I really want to make new Uchicha brothers team with Ashura [mostly sasuke even tho he is very mediocre] but getting Otsutsuki bro 4star will be a bit of a pain. Little did I know that Ashura frags are given for free everywhere (wheel of fortune + seal scroll rebates) and put in shop for coupons meanwhile Uchiha bros are impossible to get to this day even though they are complete garbage in comparison to Ashura so like
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2023-03-21 07:37:52
Asura Weakness Seal bug (Mystery +2)
It should reduce the critical stat like you said but I don't know chinese myself so there is a problem with those translations maybe something is missed in between or even original chinese wording is bad for this kind of things idk. I also noticed that enemy crits a lot with +2 seal so I just assume it works like old Susano Sasuke fiesta where it said increased critical damage by 1,5x and what it meant in reality was that it didn't increase his injury stat by 50% but locked the damage to be pathetic 50% more than original non crit hit and Ashura seal is most likely the same. Doesn't reduce critical stat by 50% but sets it to flat 50% PS Forgot for ppl that want to copy my team, last ninja that is missing from picture cuz of being removed by enemy Asian Itachi is Christmas Konan - yes not a meme she is very good for my team for 3 reasons: - Undodgeable chase that can easly proc 10T Madara 30hit chase which paralyze Shisui and stops all of his dmg in combination with Ashura Y seal - Gives 20 chakra per round so I can drop Ashura mystery round 1 with out having to use things like earth main chakra wall that can be stopped and then gg you insta lose - Gives entire team round 1 60% def and res which helps a bit in tanking round 1 damage before you apply paralyze and Ashura Seal on enemy. - Bonus reason as long as you are faster she kills those annoying lions from Sai and completly counters those setups Madara has to be obviously BT for his irremovable paralyze chase Water main HAS to use water arm mystery to apply 2 round super armor removal on enemy Shisui otherwise you won't be able to chase him down. Healing standard - BT Healing talent + BT experimental ninjutsu (dodge before you have BT experimental ninjutsu) chase Water Trumpet + Rhino Future update I think Edo Yugito BT could be better than Konan for the team cuz of perma revive, 5% lowering initative on even rounds for enemies removing Shisui advantage and gives more chakra - only downside that her chase is not undodgeable - have to test how impactful that is but I think she is a good idea to check it out.
Bugs & Support
2023-03-07 02:38:24
Asura Weakness Seal bug (Mystery +2)
I think that it works properly. I understand his +2 wording literally as setting enemy critical rate to flat 50% (not lowering by 50% !) - meaning every ninja that has this seal applied on will have 50% chance to crit period. Doesn't matter how much critical stat X ninja had before seal was applied and that's probably why enemy ninja that normally would never crit you cuz of critical stat difference with seal on him starts to crit you. Quick off top here for fellow Ashura gamers just use Y mystery bro. Idk what is wrong with EN / NY community and who baited everybody into using +2 version but it's terrible in comparison to Y and here is why: - 75% stat lower is enaugh to reduce enemy damage don't need that crit/injury on top of it - Y version stops all forms of healing which is much more important in current meta where 1 mystery from Shisui or water main heals everything back to full - MOST important thing tho Y mystery can be applied like old Naruto debuffs post enemy standard attack and then it carries over to the next round which can for example permanently lower enemy sus Shisui damage even if you are slower than him Same power match-up vs faster Shisui thanks to Y mystery being applied permanently from R1 enemy Shisui was not able to out dmg my Water main healing. If I used +2 mystery he would just destroy me, cuz of not being able to re apply my debuff before he attacks in next round. So as always test things properly yourself. Don't copy other people even if top30 spacetime uses same thing - they are wrong. in CN If I'm not wrong Y version lasts straight up 2 rounds no need to wait for enemy standards so after that skill update comes live only a madman would use +2 instead. PS Took 5 years of testing things out but yes you can reliably win vs vanilla Shisui gamers in current meta ~same power range so I guess Tachibana you were right it's not THAT bad even tho you probably had no idea how to achieve it yourself.
Bugs & Support
2023-03-07 02:38:24
kisame's mystery not blocked by jiraya in nature training
Its not a split between PvE and PvP my little genius but simple immunity level 3 to debuffs or super armor that is added to 9tails and minions in infinite illusion so obviously control from Jirayia or other ninjas dont work on them. Forget 9tails I can bring level 2 immunity ninja like Hashirama or Ashura and you won't be able to control me in PvP. Like dude do you even think before writing? As for 2nd part you just copied what I said lol. Obviously problem with that mystery is that those exams were added before Jirayia but it's not "normal" that it doesn't work. It's a bug and old modes should be updated to fix it but this developer just doesn't care about game anymore so we are fed bs like "that's not a bug" [note for forum big brains by dev I mean Tencent not Oasis] and what's even more sad that people like you exist defending them. PS So even people on this forum understand I will make myself perfectly clear: That's how games make split between PvP and PvE by adding passives like: "Depletes 2 orb(s) from the Ultimate Move Gauge(s) of all enemies at the end of the turn When *ly hero defeats an enemy during *lied turn in PVP" Plain and simple even a kid knows then that this passive WILL NOT work in any other game mode outside of PvP. There is nothing like this in Naruto Online meaning there is absolutly no excuse for ninjas like Toad Jirayia not working in ninja exams / training and other modes if you think otherwise then there is no hope for you.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2023-01-28 09:51:28
kisame's mystery not blocked by jiraya in nature training
Obviously it's a bug what are you even talking about. Naruto Online is not a game with passives / skills that have split effects for PvE and PvP modes. In ninja talent description there is nothing about Jirayia mystery not working for PvE content so better think what you tell people because If it's not a bug then what, a scam translation from devs misleading people? If it's how it is then it should clearly say "it doesn't work for PvE modes" like any other half decent game does It's clearly not Oasis fault that some game modes were made 5 years ago and new ninjas have bugs in those game modes but telling us that this is intended / fine / not a bug whatever is absurd. I wonder what would you say if enemy units ignored mystery damage from paywall ninja, also "unfortunately this is not a bug, thats how it works in pve, sorry"? I don't think so.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2023-01-28 09:51:28
kisame's mystery not blocked by jiraya in nature training
This bug is with us for a long time and I dont think it will go away. If you are struggling with Water training I can give you my own team that I didn't see other people use that makes this training a complete joke and f2p friendly Step 1 -> Create full buff 6 path Naruto team with splash mystery (so like base bee, base hashi, earth main, naruto) Step 2 -> Make hashirama barrier, give naruto extra standard from bee, chakra wall and see if Naruto resets his mystery Step 3 -> If Naruto doesn't reset his mystery or kills exact Ao clone showed below go back and try again. Step 4 -> If Naruto did reset his mystery and clone is alive instantly drop your Naruto mystery on that clone which will kill almost entire field and then cleanup easly few ninjas that are alive - why it kills the field 1 may ask? Ao clone has 0 defensive stats so your splash is absurd. There is a better team for biggest whales but so far for me even now I prefer to just drop Naruto nuke and be done with it. At my power (2,7m) it clears in 2 rounds.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2023-01-28 09:51:28
New Event Cycle - 29th of December
1) Roll Carnival event with coupons till you see Shisui there 2) Depending how you roll board with other rewards Shisui frags can be cheaper or more expensive still lets say 700 coupons average per frag 3) Spend just 130k+ coupons there to get 180 frags Boom "ez" Shisui for you. It was good idea for people that saved over the year in last fuku deals, going for Shisui there + power from Fuku and some people could leap from having nothing to be relevant. Remember 1 thing tho that with Ashura / Gaara and other new ninjas coming out getting Shisui in like mid 2023 seems pointless. Time of his glory is about to end.
2023-01-04 20:07:10
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