GNW Treasure
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Immortal Utsuro
Immortal Utsuro
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2017-07-24 19:50:15
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2018-08-16 07:07:05
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2018-08-16 06:44:42
Release the pain
You'll get him eventually, don't stress too much about it, Tendo has his uses but he's not really very practical to use.
General Discussion
2017-10-01 21:57:37
Any trick for seal treasure?
But can he actually be drawn? Several characters have incorrectly listed locations they can be obtained from but it wasn't actually possible to get them from there. For example Tobirama was also listed as obtainable from Seal Treasure, but you couldn't actually get him from it. Hashirama doesn't even have Tendo Treasure listed as a way to obtain him. Basically that stuff is wrong for a lot of characters and always has been.
General Discussion
2017-09-30 21:32:16
Any trick for seal treasure?
Unless there's a screenshot showing that happening, that cannot be possible.
General Discussion
2017-09-30 21:32:16
Which ninjas for the next chest ?
Omoi & Samui are "Draw 10s" in the GNW Treasure in future so unless you REALLY have to have 3rd Raikage, I wouldn't bother.
General Discussion
2017-10-01 12:21:49
Level And Power
It varies a bit over time since we have access to more ways of gaining power and events to benefit from, but to give a rough idea, I'll list out what I know to be power that is pretty promising by level. Level 60: 20k (It's a good goal to strive for, it takes some work but it's absolutely obtainable as a free player and you'll have a good foundation to build from as you level, the very average player probably wont quite hit it unless they try.) Level 70: 30k (Many level 70s in reality either only barely hit 20k here or not at all, people are just that bad at the game. Anything over about 25k at 70 isn't too bad but 30 would be a strong showing) Level 80: 40k (This is a little more normal, obviously the higher the better but if you can get to about here, it could be a lot worse) Overall you're not doing terribly but it could be better, the fact you're asking at all is promising, so just keep at it, keep learning about the different ways of getting stronger and you'll be fine.
General Discussion
Immortal Utsuro
2017-10-01 00:29:25
Any trick for seal treasure?
Keep in mind there are 2 types of Seal Rebates, the generic one that goes up to 300 seals and in return gives you a significant number of temporary scrolls that have to be used in 7 days. And the other rebate they give you a choice between 1-2 specific treasures that you need to draw from to qualify for rebate, that one gives you scrolls but they're real permanent scrolls, so you're not forced to burn extra scrolls in something you weren't planning on, you can instead have a head start on saving your scrolls for future treasures or whatever.
General Discussion
2017-09-30 21:32:16
Any trick for seal treasure?
The only advice is don't pull unless you have saved about 60 scrolls, and only use scrolls in a treasure you're determined to get a Ninja in, most people waste scrolls by halfheartedly using them here and there, it doesnt work that way, roughly every 60 will get you a "banner Ninja" that causes an announcement and is probably pretty good, with Super Rare Ninjas requiring a certain threshold to draw. Seal Treasure: A waste of scrolls, all those Ninjas are free.Tendo Treasure: Pains are still good but it's still kind of a waste as Tendo Pain and Hashirama require 400 to get and Tendo is almost a free character and Hashi can be acquired elsewhere if you're lucky and the Pains are mostly free but tedious to get.Sage Treasure: Sage Naruto is fantastic but he also isn't worth the 100+ scrolls it might take to get him since it's a 1/3 chance of drawing him as the first Banner ninja at 40-60 scrolls and then 120 for the next banner and 160 for the 3rd banner, Ao & Orochimaru aren't nearly as valuable as him.Edo Treasure: Not worth it if you're looking for good all-round characters, GNW Tenten is a possible "Draw 10" in it which is very, very good but still not worth putting scrolls into in my opinion if you don't get her that first time.Kage Treasure: Probably the best one to use scrolls in, The banner ninjas are at every 60 scrolls and you're bound to get someone vital if you use between 60-240 scrolls, Sasuke & Ay require like 800-1000+ at the very least to have a chance of drawing them, but if you get Mei or Danzo or Darui as your first kage ninja then you're doing okay. Jinchuuriki 1: It's a specialized treasure, you have to really want Roshi and the other Jinchuuriki to put scrolls in here, the Ninjas serve specific purposes and Roshi is arguably the best of them in this treasure but he needs like 210 to get.Jinchuuriki 2: Same as above, Han is a lot more universally useful than Roshi as he can remove buffs and even the playing field in a lot of fights but again Jinchuuriki are the sort of thing you use scrolls on because you know exactly what/who you need.
General Discussion
2017-09-30 21:32:16
What do u think?
What issue? They were from the Road To Ninja movie and they were from the same source as every other asset, seems weird for there to be a copyright issue just for that part of the series.
General Discussion
2017-10-02 05:08:43
3 questions
Considering almost half of the level 70-75 players in my sage field aren't even over 20k power, I'd say you're doing just fine.
General Discussion
2017-10-12 15:25:44
Summer break in Lucky board
Summon runes have diminishing returns too, I only ever use scrolls during the rebate and do the full 100 each time, however now that all 3 sets of my Runes are level 7, a rebate of 100 summon scrolls gets me less than half of one set of runes to level 8, so basically it's going to take like 5 more 100 scroll summon rebates to get all of my runes to level 8. Before that, 1 rebate would get me a full set of 7s on one summon.
General Discussion
2017-09-29 11:42:16
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