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2021-12-23 14:03:19
Naruto's Christmas Event!
A wonderful Shinobi Christmas Story – Story Making UID: 300040399299212 Region: HK Server :1481 IGN: Sushi Story: Months after the Great Ninja War, the Konoha Village is still recovering from the damage the war has brought to the people. There were no festive seasons, no celebrations, but only pain and sorrow, to the souls that lost in the battle. Children just don’t believe in Santa anymore, it’s better to train hard and be a ninja rather than having hopes to receive presents during Christmas. But one kid was different. He was named after the seventh Hokage - Naruto Uzumaki as Narumaki, because his parents hoped for great things from their only son, which is to inherit the Spirit of Hope and the Will of Fire. Even at very young age, Narumaki was a kind and helpful boy. He often lend a helping hand to those in need, and he brought joy to the village by sharing his food or doing some trick stunts. There’s one day when Narumaki noticed that he has to do something to bring back how Konoha Village used to be and he knew that he could help the people in Kenosha Village to be happy and full of hope again. On Christmas Eve, while the whole village slept, he visited each and every house to drop a gift made by him - cookies in the shape of a maple leaf. The next morning, when people found the gift, they were surprised and understood what Narumaki trying to conveyed to them. The leaf represents the Spirit of Hope and the Will of Fire, which states the entire village is like a large family and every Konoha villagers with the Will of Fire loves, believes, cherishes, and fights to protect the village, as previous generations had done before them. They will never lose hope, and always hope and fight for the better future. People in Konoha began to celebrate Christmas again. They started to deliver cookies made in the shape of a maple leaf to neighbours and fellow friends. Smile and laughter starting to fill every corner of the streets. And so Konoha celebrates Christmas again thanks to Narumaki. Konoha Saviour was not only referring to those who protect Konoha from war or invasion, but also those who bring hope & joy back to the village.
2022-01-02 17:15:35
Naruto's Christmas Event!
Create Your Own Ninja - Itachi Christmas UID: 300040399299212 Region: HK Server :1481 IGN: Sushi Mystery: Deals heavy Fire damage, 6 Combo to up to 6 units in the opponent's field, causes Repulse to the selected unit. The selected unit will also suffer from Elf Illusion for 1 round. If the selected unit is already suffering from Elf Illusion, this skill will ignore a certain amount of resistance and defense and will also suffer from Irremovable Ignition which neglects Immunity for 1 round. Battlefield cooldown : 1 Mystery cooldown : 2 Chakra : 40 Standard: Attacks a random unit in opponent's field and has a chance of causing High Float. -Chase 1: Chases and Attacks a Repulse unit, causes High Float and Elf Illusion. If the unit already suffering from Elf Illusion, this skill will ignore a certain amount of Defense and Resistance. -Passive 1: Itachi is immune to Debuffs and will cause Elf Illusion whenever opponents deal Elemental Damage to him. Itachi's Attack and Ninjutsu will be increased by 6% (stackable) when Elf Illusion is inflicted. -Passive 2: In the beginning of even numbered rounds, Itachi will summon an Elf ChristmasTree. Upon summoning, Elf ChristmasTree will randomly apply one of the buffs to all friendly units: Attack & Ninjutsu Increased by 5% or Resistance & Defense Increased by 5% or Critical Rate Increased by 5%. Additionally, whenever Elf ChristmasTree exists in the field, it will reflect all debuffs. Elf ChristmasTree will inherit 15% of Itachi's base stats & health. -New Debuff Elf Illusion Whenever the unit suffering from this Debuff, they have high chance of missing their standard attacks, Mystery skill or chase attacks 1 time in that round. This debuff ignores Immunity and cannot be dispelled when Elf ChristmasTree is in the field.
2022-01-02 17:15:35
You better watch ou... Wait? Where's the party? - Banner Making
IGN: Sushi Server : S1481 Region : HK UID : 300040399299212 Merry Christmas Everyone!
2022-01-01 22:51:20
Naruto's Birthday - Fanfic Event
‘’Preparing Naruto’s Birthday’’ Fanfiction event Server ID: 1481 In game name: Sushi UID: 300040399299212 Story: The Ninja World Saviour — Naruto’s birthday is coming soon on 10th of October, Lord Hokage has specifically assigned a mission to me to invite one of his best friends, Gaara to celebrate with him. This mission is without a doubt SSS class mission, because Naruto’s birthday falls on the same day as 10.10 super sale, the traffic will be terrible all the way to The Land Of Wind. And Lord Hokage demands Free Shipping! Or should I say Free Courier charge… I have to walk by foot, travel a long way to reach the Land of Wind. During my journey, some bandits that Lord Hokage warned me before hand appeared, they wanted to ruin Naruto’s birthday. Without hesitation, I used one of the sealed jutsu which Lord Hokage passed to me to deal with any difficult situation. To my surprise, the sealed jutsu summoned several shadow clones, and not just any shadow clones, all of them are naked ladies! Finally I am able to witness the Legendary Jutsu by Lord Hokage — Se xy Yes Jutsu!! The bandits were distracted by the clones, and I took this chance to escape. After I reached the Village Hidden in sand in The Land of Wind, Gaara welcomed me and he promised to come with me to celebrate Naruto’s birthday. We have also ordered a cake which is made with Naruto’s favourite ramen on the famous ninja online shopping platform —Ninzon, with the 10.10 promo applied. On Naruto’s birthday, we surprised him with the gifts and cake, and Naruto was very happy to see Gaara and also all the efforts and preparation made for him. He even promised to teach me the Legendary Jutsu - Se xy No Jutsu! Its a Lite version of Se xy Yes Jutsu but it’s powerful enough for me! In the end, I took a picture of him and Gaara, posting in the Ninja Picture sharing platform —Ninstagram. It has gotten a tons of likes and share! Happy Birthday Naruto!
2021-10-13 12:34:13
Naruto's Birthday - Fanfic Event
Server ID: 1481 In game name: Sushi UID: 300040399299212 Create your own Naruto: New ninja: Naruto Uzumaki [Shang-Chi] Atribute: Male, Konoha, Uzumaki Clan, Senjutsu, Jinchuriki Element: Wind Recruitable at 3 star Mystery [Prompt] (Taijutsu + Ninjutsu) Hung Ga– Rasengan: Deals heavy damage, 10 Combo and Repulse to 6 units. The selected unit will suffer from Suppress Immunity and Enfeeble until end of the round. Additionally, Naruto will gain 1 Ki Pulse. Battlefield cooldown: 1 Cooldown: 2 Chakra: 40 Standard (Taijutsu) Shang Chi - One Inch Punch: Attacks the unit with the lowest health and causes Suppress Super Armour & repulse, it will also cause a splash damage of 50% to units 1 grid away. Additionally this skill ignores a small amount of resistance & defense. After using this skill, Naruto will gain 1 Ki Pulse. Chase (Taijutsu) Shang Chi - Ground Kick: Chases and Attacks a Repluse unit, causes Knockdown, 2 Combo and Immobile for 1 round. If the skill causes a critical damage, it will do a splash damage of 50% to units 1 grid away, the affected units will suffer from Immobile as well. After using this skill, Naruto will gain 1 Ki Pulse. Passive 1 The Will Of Shang Chi: Naruto enters the battle with 1 Ki Pulse. For every Ki Pulse he holds, he will have different effects: 1 Ki Pulse: Initiative increase by 0.5% 2 Ki Pulse: Naruto's attacks cannot miss. Every time Naruto deals damage to opponents, he also heals for 15% of the damage caused to the opponents. 3 Ki Pulse: Naruto's Defense & Resistance will increase by 10% and reduce his mystery cooldown by 1 every time he suffered damage. Additionally, opponents who attack Naruto will suffer from 15% of the damage they caused. The maximum Ki Pulse which Naruto can hold is 3 per round. At the end of every round, Naruto will absorb all the Ki Pulse and his Attack & Critical Rate will increase by 20% for every Ki Pulse he absorbed. Naruto will still execute this action if he is under controlled. Passive 2 Nine Arts Of Retribution: Naruto is Immune to Debuffs. For every Debuffs that targeted at him, he will get additional one Standard Attack & one Chase Attack.
2021-10-13 12:34:13
Naruto Online Anniversary Event: Fanfic Section
Server ID: S1481 In game name: Sushi UID: 300040399299212 -Build Your Own Clan Event. Clan Name: Catnobis Clan (Cat Shinobi Clan) Origin & Background In the world of Naruto, other than humans, there are cats shinobi as well. Different from human shinobis, they are more united as one, and they all belong to one clan named Catnobi Clan. The clan was founded by a great catnobi named Ash The Grey Cat. He is well known in the catnobi world because he helped to bring an end to the Great Catnobi War and ended the ruling of the cruelest tyrant in catnobi history — Oliver The Third. Ash The Grey Cat led all the catnobis who believed in him, and after the war ends, Catnobi Clan was founded to take over the ruling of Oliver The Third. So there are two types of catnobi in Catnobi Clan, one is the Solo Catnobi, which are the ones who run missions requested by fellow cat citizens across the village. They either attend the missions in cat groups or solo. The other type is Companion Catnobi. They are the great companion for human shinobis, they can help to carry ninja tools, ninja scrolls and even disguise as a spy to infiltrate enemies village. Festivity Catnobis love everything that represents wealth (especially ingots!). Hence, they have a tradition in celebrating a festival to worship The Cat God Of Wealth, Fukurokumaru. The festival falls on 11th of November every year, as translated in catnobi’s language, it is called Wealth Festival. Every cat will join one another in a food festival and singing the song ‘Fuku Fuku’ to worship the Cat God Of Wealth, praying for prosperity for the rest of the year. Tradition Similar to human world, cats shinobis love to do sumo wrestling too. This is one of the oldest culture and tradition for cats shinobis. If you ever ran into any cats which is very huge in size, don’t be surprised! They might be one of the Cat Sumos and Cat Sumos are highly respected in the Cat Society. Unique Abilities Catnobis also have Kekkei Genkai, which is also known as Bloodline Limits. Some of the famous ones are: Nine Lives - As the name explains, cat shinobis with this Kekkei Genkai will have 9 lives, so enemies have to kill them 9 times. No Bones - They are extremely flexible. With this ability, they can twist and twirl their bodies in any direction to avoid any attack, or to land any attack from direction you wouldn’t expect. Klaws - They can freely throw their claws out and grow back instantaneously. This ability gives them unlimited ‘shuriken’. Null Fur - They can change the colour of their fur, or even drop their fur (and grow back anytime), making them the master of disguise. Sphynx - Also known as the death stare Kekkei Genkai. The stare will petrify anyone who looked at them. Nursing Tongue - This ability grants their tongue to heal any wounds they lick, making them the best healing catnobis. Kitty Eyes- This Bloodline Limits flow in the family of the infamous “Puss In Boots”. With this Dojutsu released with their big eyes, forlorn expression and innocent look, no one/ cats are able to escape from their genjutsu and enemies will lose the ability to land a single hit on them. Clan Banner The clan banner has the eyes of Ash The Grey Cat, this represents the catnobi village will continue to live a peaceful life under his watch, and also to pass on the WIll Of Grey. The two kunais are the main weapon he used. The one on the left represent the hand he used to help all catnobies to stand up and fight against injustice, the right one represents the hand he used to end the life of Oliver The Third as well as the oppressive ruling of Catnobi World. The grey background of the banner is showing the fur colour of Ash The Grey Cat.
2021-07-29 17:43:51
[Strategy Share]
Naruto Online EN's 5th Year Anniversary - Event Specials
Region: HK Server ID: S1481 Strange Strength Ingame Name: Sushi UID: 300040399299212 Since i started the game back in March 2020, it's when the server S1481 opened. I was so fresh that time and everything I know about Naruto is different from that day onwards. Doing daily missions is hard, Clearing Plot Instances is hard, Challenging Ninja Exam is hard, Excelling in Sage War Battlefield is hard. This game has taught me a lot of things, one of which is PERSEVERANCE. Deep in my heart, i know that if i keep doing it every single day, all these small amount of effort will eventually paid off. Look at me now, here I am, standing at the top of Konoha Village, watching over the Shinobies, protecting them, passing over the WILL OF FIRE. IT'S ALL ABOUT PERSEVERANCE.
2021-07-27 10:34:04
Naruto Online EN's 5th Year Anniversary - Event Specials
Region: HK Server ID: S1481 Strange Strength Ingame Name: Sushi UID: 300040399299212 Milestone of my ninja life: March 2020 It is the time when i first join Naruto Online in server S1481. It is not the first time i played online games, but definitely the first time I played Naruto related games. Everything is so cool and new to me, because you start off with 3 ninjas in the team, which is Team 7, and you slowly watch them grow, evolve them, making them equipped with better ninja tools. This is where all the fun at. April 2020 - September 2020 I have met good friends, good guild mates which carry you for Team Instances, Team Ninja Exam, Strong Approaching, Great Ninja War. During this period i have not realised the importance 'Saving Coupons', i will spend whatever whenever i like. The worst thing that I have spent on is using around 8K coupons to buy Magatamas. When i look back today, I just feel so *, and also treating it as a lesson, but a funny one. October 2020 - February 2021 Through playing the game long enough, I have learnt enough strategy to make a team to tackle specific enemies / instances. I have also learnt how to save coupons, and how to spend coupons, especially during Fukurokumaru deals. The first coupons ninja i got is Shisui Kimino 4 star. The sweat and tears i have to get him, its just so satisfying to see him finally BT and have him as one of the strongest ninjas i have on my team at that period. With Shisui Kimono 4 star BT that time, I started to win more fighs in Sage War Battlefield, getting better rewards, and it makes me motivated. March 2021 - Present There comes my another BIG FUKU spending, and i got the ninja of my dream, Naruto Sage Of Six Path 4 star BT!! With the right setup of team, I almost get the top 3 places in Sage War Battlefield, and even in the Group Ninja War, I was also the mid to top tier battle power to support the whole guild to win TOP 1 in server as well as TOP 1 in Cross Server Ninja War. So here's my journey, it has been a great one. I hope there is more excitement waiting for me for the days to come. Happy 5th Year Anniversary Naruto Online <3 !!!
General Discussion
2021-07-27 11:03:19
Naruto Online EN's 5th Year Anniversary - Ikuzo! To Wonderful Day of Shinobi ~
Region: HK Server ID: S1481 Strange Strength In game name: Sushi UID: 300040399299212 Here is my invitation card:
2021-07-27 10:50:52
Naruto Online Anniversary Event: Fanfic Section
Server ID: 1481 In game name: Sushi UID: 300040399299212 -Create your own breakthrough event. Itachi Uchiha [Susano'o] Breakthrough: Requires advanced vials to skill break Requires 4 star to skill break -Mystery: [Prompt] Cause Ninjutsu damage to the selected opponent’s units and Chaos for 2 rounds. After using for 2 rounds, it will start to Cooldown for 4 rounds. Battlefield cool down : 0 Mystery cooldown : 4 Chakra : 20 -Mystery +1: [Prompt] Cause Ninjutsu damage to the selected opponent’s units and Chaos for 2 rounds. After using for 2 rounds, it will start to Cooldown for 4 rounds. The selected unit will also suffer from ignition until end of the round. -Mystery +2: [Prompt] Cause Ninjutsu damage to the selected opponent’s units and Extreme Chaos for 2 rounds. The selected unit will also suffer from ignition until end of the round. After using for 2 rounds, it will start to Cooldown for 4 rounds Battlefield cool down : 0 Mystery cooldown : 4 Chakra : 20 -Mystery Y: [Prompt] Cause Ninjutsu damage to the selected opponent’s units and Fear for 2 rounds. The selected unit will also suffer from ignition until end of the round. After using for 2 rounds, it will start to Cooldown for 4 rounds Battlefield cool down : 0 Mystery cooldown : 4 Chakra : 20 -Mystery Y+1: [Prompt] Cause Ninjutsu damage to the selected opponent’s units and Fear for 2 rounds. The selected unit will also suffer from Irremovable ignition until end of the round. After using for 2 rounds, it will start to Cooldown for 4 rounds Battlefield cool down : 0 Mystery cooldown : 4 Chakra : 20 -Standard: Attacks all the opponent’s units in the front column and has high chances of causing Repulse. If killed by this skill, the unit will not be resurrected. -Standard +1: Attacks all the opponent’s units in the front column and has high chances of causing Repulse. If killed by this skill, the unit will not be resurrected. This skill never misses. -Standard +2: Attacks all the opponent’s units in the random column with damage increased by 30% and has high chances of causing Repulse. If killed by this skill, the unit will not be resurrected. This skill never misses. -Standard Y: Attacks all the opponent’s front row and Suppress Super Armor and Causing Ignition until the end of the round and has high chances of causing Repulse. If killed by this skill, the unit will not be resurrected. This skill never misses. -Chase 1: Chases, and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float and Critical Hit. -Chase 1 +1: Chases, and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float and Critical Hit. This skill ignores small amount of defence and resistance. -Chase 1 +2: Chases, and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float and Critical Hit. This skill ignores moderate amount of defence and resistance. -Chase 1 Y: Chases, and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float, Critical Hit and Ignition which last until end of the round. -Chase 1 Y+2: Chases, and Attacks a Repulsed unit, causes Low Float, Critical Hit and Irremovable Ignition which ignores immunity until end of the round. If the unit is already suffering from ignition, the irremovable ignition will last until end of next round. -Chase 2: Chases and Attacks High Floated unit, causes Low Float, 10 COMBO, and Ignition for 3 rounds. -Chase 2 +1: Chases and Attacks High Floated unit, causes Low Float, 10 COMBO with damage increased by 10%, and Ignition for 3 rounds. -Chase 1 +2: Chases and Attacks High Floated unit, causes Low Float, 10 COMBO with damage increased by 30%, and Ignition for 3 rounds. -Chase 1 Y: Triggered with at least 30 COMBO, causes Fire attribute Ninjutsu to 4 of the opponent’s units and has a fixed chance for Critical Hit. -Chase 1 Y+2: Triggered with at least 30 COMBO, causes Fire attribute Ninjutsu damage increased by 30% to 4 of the opponent’s units and has a fixed chance for Critical Hit. The units hit by this skill will suffer from Ignition. -Passive: Immune to Low Float, High Float, Repulse, Knockdown and all other Debuffs. -Passive 1 +1 Immune to Low Float, High Float, Repulse, Knockdown and all other Debuffs. Itachi will suffer 15% less damage from opponents. -Passive 1 +2 Immune to Low Float, High Float, Repulse, Knockdown and all other Debuffs. Itachi will suffer 30% less damage from opponents. -Passive 1 Y Immune to Low Float, High Float, Repulse, Knockdown and all other Debuffs as well as Pure Ninjutsu Damage. -Passive 1 Y+2 Immune to Low Float, High Float, Repulse, Knockdown and all other Debuffs as well as Pure Ninjutsu Damage. Any unit who attacks Itachi will suffer from Ignition and their resistance & critical hit rate will decrease by 5% (stackable).
2021-07-29 17:43:51