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2017-07-24 19:09:24
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2019-09-13 21:51:39
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2019-07-17 23:01:39
Event Cycle - May 09th
Refines were literally in the events 2 weeks ago.
Tim Kyu
2019-05-14 13:15:01
Offer Hashirama free frags like Tendo Pain
No. You're just being exceedingly greedy. We just got the free Tendo a few days ago and people are already spamming and asking for another entirely free super rare for little to no work.
General Discussion
General Garchom
2017-07-24 22:00:40
Reanimated Treasure
Just because people prefer jinchuriki doesn't mean we will get it though. We have followed Germany to a tee, even with the language of our updates lmao.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:00:16
any ideas on an update?
It is something that should be updated more as we go but I do agree Akasha. It isn't that tough to use unless you're trying to implement ninja that aren't in our version, which is * and a waste of time. Then again I never found the use in the combo builder, it's pretty easy to just pick the ninja you want in your team and visualize the best combo/positions.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:59:10
Offer Hashirama free frags like Tendo Pain
Lol by this logic what about people that spent 800 seals to get both? Should they just mail them 100 frags to 4* them both right now? Don't be a moron. I've spent a fair amount of money to and as a spender you do realize that it's just to get things faster right? The ninjas aren't exclusive to you just because you have a little cash. Stop acting so entitled.
General Discussion
General Garchom
2017-07-24 22:00:40
About Deluxe Tactics pages
Bought the pack. It does drop all the pages but the ones that aren't in game yet have no use thus far. The good news is that they are given to you. They just can't be used yet.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:57:31
Shop system
First of all I'd like to say thank you for putting in the time and effort to clearly and easily present this type of information, and doing so without your own biases present to start. It's a great way to open a discussion rather than flame and blasting of the build we are in. That said, before I get a ton of backlash hear me out...Personally I voted for option three. It's not because I think our build is working the best but because of the following:1) I don't think we can follow China's route for the shop updates. Yes, as someone pointed out, they have an entirely new system now but it still uses the same tokens and coins to purchase the ninjas so that argument is kind of meh. However, it isn't entirely irrelevant. China just got the star system earlier this year not too long before their second anniversary events. As Glyrin mentioned as well, we are massively behind what they had for the same build when they hit this point. However, we are getting updates at a sporadic and somewhat unpredictable pace. Some things are a bit out of order and that would make following the linear progression China has had much more difficult.2) I would rather not follow Taiwan's build, personally. Although the shop aspect isn't terrible comparing the lists of ninjas between the two is clearly better in Tencent version. Although I don't mind doubling up on some Elite instance ninjas there aren't really that many that are decent, or even usable at all, from here on out. I do like price cuts for ninja that are nearly out of rotation or meta and that can be transferred over but other than that this method is just a step below China for me.With all that being said. I think that our version will be best continuing down its own path but it will have to see some serious change unless they want more backlash like the past few weeks. Here are a few things that I see as wrong with our shops and how it can be improved. In essence, it's really just a combination of the other two versions listed but rather than the worst of both it would be a happy medium. Plus it is something only our region would be able to do, given just how rapid our updates are these things should be possible.(Issue One) We will be coming up on nine months in a few days, if I recall first server was released July 20th or so, but we have only seen a literal handful of ninjas rotate into the shop. Prior to Space Time being added, only one of which was from any set beyond the first seal treasure, and she is arguably the worst ninja in both the first two treasures. On top of that she is the most expensive of all the ninjas in the original shops, talk about downright disappointment. (Suggestion) The first thing we should see is price cuts. Even just a 25% reduction, except Chikushido cut her all the way down, then that would be some progress. I would say remove the genin ninja and early 3* like Zabuza, Karin and Kurenai to clean up shops but there's basically no harm in just putting newer ninja on the front page of shops and them on the later ones.(Issue 2) I don't think that all ninjas obtainable in treasures need to be removed from shops. I do however, think the ones that are common drops out to be. Up until sage treasure, the shops were pretty decent because nobody had a ton of points to pump into them and the ninjas they had weren't entirely old and outdated. Now though, they do nothing but take up space and, being relatively easy to get while also being relatively useless or low tier, means players aren't going to be that interested in upgrading them. Shops should be a way to slowly build up some of the mildly difficult to get ninjas but not event exclusives, with the exception being Space Time and even that is a maybe. (Suggestion) In my opinion, the best way to approach this would be to rotate in super rares that are two sets behind current treasure. However, with the current kage and soon(ish) reanimation treasure, some change is needed. As soon as kage treasure was released, we should have gotten most of the tendo treasure implemented in. Add most, if not all, the rares into the shop but save supers for events; Kakashi and Jiraiya excluded since they are hard to get but not near the same caliber as Hashi and Tendo. Once reanimation comes out, work Sage Naruto and Traitor Orochimaru into shops, skip Ao because he is already common in kage treasure and Sasori is in Space Time shop. If you follow this path then you are able to do three things: 1) Current release can have a new pack, as well as similar era event ninja, exclusive to these packs and event rewards. They can hold their full early prices for a while and slowly become cheaper over time. 2) The previous treasure ninjas can then be put into events much more commonly and, as they still hold some value, won't be viewed as cheating us, unlike Konan being in events up until last month. They won't be as expensive and may not be as good as release but many players will still buy them here and there to 4* them or just build their Pokedex over time. 3) Ninjas further just one more treasure back can be rotated into shops. This will make everyone happy as they might not really be all that useful any more but they are fun new toys tho those who don't have them. Plus, some will have use in the future with skillbooks. They can be largely removed from events and, if seen in one, have drastically reduced prices just to help players even further along in finishing them up.Apart from these two major issues the only other big thing to change in shops is the items they have. We're well into the game and at the point where you can't just introduce new permanent features with no farmable way to get their currency outside of events or shop, I.e purification runes, cave keys and tactics pages. They aren't as flashy and cool as ninjas but they are invaluable and all of them came with multiple ways to get them on release in other regions, via in game shops, group wheel, wishing tree and various events.
General Discussion
Test Ninja
2017-07-24 21:58:40
My friend cant upgrade me to senior
Exactly as KenR said. Also have him make sure that there is only one other senior. You can only have 2 max in a group.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:57:31
Chojuro's Mood
Even though ninjutsu is his lowest stat I wouldn't lower that. I'd go for resistance, his second lowest stat, because at the end of the day Chojuro is a dps and a nuke. Ninjutsu is involved in all of his damage ratios while his resistance stat isn't high enough to ensure his safety against jutsus and combos, even if they weren't lowered by 5%.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:57:37
[Vote] Naruto Online Main Characters Balance
Knowing that we follow exact builds from other regions and that this post means the same whether we had 10 votes or 10k votes I don't really see the point. However, I do have a few qualms that I'll state anyways. (Ones that I feel most players will relate to.)1) I don't understand why earth got his passives reduced by more than 50% in most, if not all, areas. He was meant to be the only main with true tank potential, aside from the pseudo tanking that others can achieve via heals, clones or shields.2) On top of the previous statement, why are fire and lightning mains allowed to get some of the best mitigation in game while still having access to massive buff stacking and burst potential? An immunity buff and 100% res increase all but guarantees they not only live, but essentially take no damage for those two rounds. Factor in that they get one of the best buffs possible across all mains in the Anbu Special Tactics and they not only become impossible to kill but still retain their ferocity and damage.3) Fire mains are similar to the prior point as well. They already have access to a ton of buffs that can work across a variety of ninjas but, to top it off, they received a full team Gakido mystery. The fact that it has no cost, removes all afflictions and makes them immune for one turn as well is a bit over the top. If it had even a 20 chakra cost it would limit a lot of the extra benefits they receive and introduce at least a bit of counterplay.The only thing that makes all of this worse is that Danzo instantly synergizes with both these mains adding even more damage and survivability to already impossible to kill and burst heavy teams. The two heaviest damage focused mains shouldn't also have the most survivability and utility on top of full team buffs in the passive one slot. If they are going to have access to all of those then the ratios need to be lowered so they are average (at best) in all categories, not excellent in all of them. However, as I said, it's not like Oasis will use their ownership of the genre in global to tweak these ninjas. We will just have to suffer through the meta as other regions did.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:57:14
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