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S458 ElGreco
S458 ElGreco
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Topics 0 |Posts 10
2018-05-29 21:32:48
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2020-12-30 15:11:21
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2018-10-10 16:12:36
Welp.....if figures....
You know what's even better? If they can record how many packs each player got and if they can add and remove items at a heartbeat once they found an "intended" bug, they could probably reset all fragments from everyone or find a way to balance things and THEN bring back the packs so everyone has a chance to redeem the same amount. Why they didn't do that? Probably too much work and effort, better vent that work and effort planing the next ingot event, deleting posts or find new ways to frustrate the players.
General Discussion
2018-10-10 20:35:16
Can't Redeem Sakura/Sasuke Packs?
Just look at this.. next up someone will come and say i redeemed 100 why i cant redeem more, i only redeemed 3 while also spend coupons for ramen because of horrible RNG drops before they removed them, and now i can't even redeem those 5 today. Others get only 5 if they missed first day's "intended" gift. Meanwhile people run around with both 5 star and 1k extra fragments. Thank you so much for this gift, feel free to delete those ninjas from my account i even feel ashamed to own them now
General Discussion
2018-10-10 19:40:19
To the community: stop being self-centered
It may have been 20 at the start and the months after but you did changed it to 10. And for a good reason, it was the worst event imaginable at 20 coupons and no one spend on it. Who wants to buy items in an event that cost more than the regular shop? You could just raise the points needed for the ninjas in question and leave the food sacks alone but what do i know?
General Discussion
2018-10-07 15:49:02
Sakura's gift event have a error
Will you fix it really? i have made a bet with myself that it will be bugged next time it comes around. There are some issues that are a year old or more and are not fixed, what about ninja test and cat quiz questions being in German/Chinese or 4 duplicate answers to choose from? will you fix those too soon? What about arena matching a level 30 with team 7 with no summons,no refines,no nothing against a guy with 3 super rare ninja and space time winner cloth armor? How is he supposed to finish his missions or rank up? What about the 2 events the whole 3% of game population looks forward to every week? These are sage world and matsuri that match lvl 30's against lvl 80's and BP spanning from 2k to 200k in one battlefield. I wont even go into the misspellings,bad translations and foreign text that is in half the games content.
Bugs & Support
2018-10-08 04:54:09
Mods, hear me out a little bit.
Hey at least they gave you a reason, in my first post criticizing and voicing my concerns i get this. I was upset by the event fiasco clearly but i did not break any rules i only criticized and reminded a few past time screw ups like this. I guess we should pretend everything is nice and dandy so we wont get deleted and censored
Bugs & Support
2018-10-09 12:42:30
Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th
Careful you don't want to criticize or voice your concerns too much or you will get censored and your post deleted, like all those other ungrateful brats who dared to get upset.. like me for example.
2018-10-09 16:10:38
I have a few points to raise as well but first i wanna comment on "from time to time"; This doesn't happen from time to time it happens very often. Remember the hokage tsunade "incident" with 0% rate? remember the free super rare ninja fragments Streamers/Youtubers/Game Liesons got in mail? Remember the sakura flower cross server mix-up? and more.. many more. But on topic i just wanna ask; are they trying to chase away the few players that are left? i play online games 20 years i have never seen anything like this. First 3 mods say its intended, then they remove it with no notice or explanation and then they delete posts in general discusion ( where most folks will look for this) your other thread had 370 views this has 100 views as im writing. Another question i have is do they even communicate between them? Do they actually sit down and discuss things or some say its intended while another does the exact opposite and removes items from events? Do they even have a plan or they just change things according to discord p2w cries? One last question but this is for the community rather than the staff, do you think they even care or you imagine them like i do, watching this whole thing unfold and laughing uncontrollably.
Bugs & Support
2018-10-06 23:46:44
Misbehaviour thread
Listen i will not have a conversation with you after those insults and threats, i've made my mind about you. This is not a "bad words" thread but rather a missbehavior one, you can threaten and insult without using curse words, what you are doing now though is a good attempt to twist what you said and play inoccent. A kid faced charges in an online game saying things like what you said, saying you will stalk my mother is a threat to me and is illegal last time i checked. We had 20+ people online in our group when you said that and they asked me why you insult and threaten my mother and that i should report you. I don't want your apologies i just want you blocked and as far away from me as possible.
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Misbehaviour thread
The fact that you searched this forum because you where afraid of consequences shows what intent your message had in world chat. Your message implies that my mother takes quick cash for what? and you will come in the evening to her for what? This is not only toxic but its dangerous. You typed this in world chat where underage kids can see it, with zero provocation because of a plunder and shows you are an unstable individual and made me feel uneasy about my family and maybe others in the server, if you think this is ok lets wait for the moderators to resolve this.
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Misbehaviour thread
Name of offender: KakashiHioki Server ID: S920 Sweeping of Manda | UK Short description of the situation: This guy threatened and insulted my mother with no provocation after plunder. I didn't even have prior interaction with him he just wrote this in world chat after i plundered him. I take threats very seriously and no one needs to see this kind of talk in the world chat of a game. Screenshot as evidence :
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34