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2017-07-24 19:03:19
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2017-07-24 20:51:17
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2017-07-24 20:51:17
Eye Opening Problems
Lol this was my bad for making this thread. I've never played an online game that tried to release "in-game items" for this much money. The only games I've play were ones that "tried" to give a even-level playing field to everyone. Patience isn't the problem. I've never been told "since you can't afford/want to pay for this premium item, just wait 8 months - 2 years+ to get it ok?" I've been told to farm it. Farming any of the items took around 2 months max, 8 hours per day every day doing nothing but farming. I'm fine with that. The last mmo I was on, I was in the top 20 of the server after paying $200 in the span of 6 years. I've paid $500 within 3 months to this game and I'm just "paying to stay near the top". About the phone *ogy... If a $7,500 phone came out, and they told you to go get a stamp every month for 2 years, people would accept that. Why? You're telling them how they can farm it. That is not the only thing they're spending money on. They buy a stamp and move on (Which is equivalent to buying fragments in the shops every day). A majority of people in this forum are telling people to save up (not spending any coupons) for 8+ months to obtain 1 single character. That's like telling people to save up for a year to buy the phone, don't buy food, don't pay bills, don't buy anything you like until you have enough to get that phone, only to have it be outclassed by something that comes out a week later. That is what everyone is telling the f2p people when they say "just save up for it, it'll only take you a year of not buying anything". The disconnect between the f2p in this game and the p2p players is disgusting. Yes, some of them have really bad attitudes, they want everything for free. That is why you compromise, the gap between the two should not be a year big. If p2p players can get a character instantly, let the f2p be able to farm him within 2 months or so. Saving coupons and building frags through in-game options. You'd have a much healthier competitive scene. This post was last edited by Hakkyoku at 2016-10-9 09:53
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2017-07-24 20:51:18
Eye Opening Problems
Mods, you can close the thread now. No point talking in circles.
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2017-07-24 20:51:18
Eye Opening Problems
So Aristeaus does get something from the oasis or w/e? keeps saying "we this" "we that". eh
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2017-07-24 20:51:18
Eye Opening Problems
Alright, that is much better. Had I known he was on tendos lvl I wouldn't have made such a stink about it. After they just give you 2 stars for getting a small jounin medal, I wouldn't have thought they'd go from asking $40 for 2 star, then $300 for 3 star. But then again, are you "sure" he's tendo lvl? Tendo is at least $1,000. I highly doubt that they would sell someone that strong for $300.There should be some communication on updates and what characters will show up in what events. Seeing as how great the lucky board was, it was obvious most would spend their coupons/ingots on that event. Also, from the looks of pulls from our server, you'd bet Kakashi beheading was a "Top Level Ninja" as I think I've only seen 1 person with him. Not even people with tendo had him. Yet, he's only worth about $20? A few things about this game aren't adding up.
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2017-07-24 20:51:18
Eye Opening Problems
Just because the other browser games are terribly bad doesn't excuse this one from being criticized. I never once said it was "unfair" that jiraiya was priced so high. I said it's atrocious that he IS priced that high. This isn't a triple A game. There are no e-sports for this game (not to my knowledge), so why is it "ok" to spend $200+ for a single character. He doesn't come with mags, or moods or anything. just static unawakened lvl 1 jiraiya....I'm not even sure he costs that much, just using your numbers. Ranked is a mess. I don't even consider that a mode. AI is *, and whoever has the most crazy ninjas will rank high if they put at least 10 minutes into thinking up team formations. People I can beat 100% 1v1, I lose too 95% of the time in ranked. And like maroner said above you, saving for "ninjas" without know what events are coming up puts you at a blind spot. Had I known kyuubi naruto was coming up, I would have saved the 4K coupons I had instead of using them on the dice board. But, I guess that was my bad right? I was suppose to know his frags would show up right? Guess I'll wait another 8 months to get him. Oh wait.... This post was last edited by Hakkyoku at 2016-10-8 16:59
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2017-07-24 20:51:18
Eye Opening Problems
Events repeat? Like how the gakido event repeated? Or the PB sasuke one? Yeah, events repeat alright.Like the crazy good gold fish event. -_- That $80 I spent on Gakido was very well spent seeing as how I helped clear a huge problem for earth at that time when you couldn't character change. The problem being fire wrecking earth 95% of the time through full cc's. Gakido has become a pivotal ninja that I've used 100% since I've got him. So no, It would not have helped me to spend on mags/moods instead. The scrolls helped get Ningendo which completed my pain team. $80 for Gakido, around $50 for Ningendo, and Shurado was free. I could honestly care less about pulling for ninjas now. I was able to get the team I would stay with until kages or cloud ninja came out. Am I peeved about people spending more and dominating? Sure, but that's how life is. I can't comment on the kyuubi naruto price as we obviously have different opinions on how much a single character should be. I've seen the videos of 6 tails dominating, I have no problem with him being kinda hard to get. My Issue is, instead of saying f the f2p or mid p2p/f2p players (like myself) why not just add him and some of the other hard to obtain ninjas to a shop or icon. Make it as crazy as king of hell is to get idc. But it would give people something to work towards.Telling people to just save for months on end, makes the game extremely boring. You log on, do dailies, don't expect anything to happen in sages, kyuubi, matsuri, nothing. "Oh a new event? I can get maybe a few mags or something." Don't even think about getting any of the goodies. For the past 2 weeks while I was "saving" the only event that has brought me any type of excitement was GNW. And I can only enjoy that every saturday. Convoy? No one plunders me. Plunder? Can't get any good fights. And if I get someone I used to fight against when the game started, I get wrecked by the fact that they dropped a couple thousand. Also, When you people keep saying "eventually, a f2p can get it". You do realize that is keeping them under powered right? I've met tons of players that are following that advice saying "it'll be here eventually", or "don't pull tendo treasures because the pains will be in shop eventually". Yeah, 3months later on a "fast updating server" nothing. Now they're sitting there with tobi, sasuke, hinata teams getting slaughtered.Instead of trying to keep the f2p and p2p players somewhat together, we just get released stronger and stronger ninja while f2p is sitting there twiddling their thumbs waiting for something to grind for. By the time kage treasures come out I'll most likely be gone. But I hope that when kage chest is released, the shops get updated with pains. Because the disconnect between you people and "good" f2p people is atrocious. "I'll spend $300 right now, you can go wait 8 months to get him ok?" Sounds fair right? This post was last edited by Hakkyoku at 2016-10-8 16:49
General Discussion
2017-07-24 20:51:18
Eye Opening Problems
Never complained about gakido, never complained about konan, iruka, wind blade, sasuke. The moment I complained is when the price of ninja jumped from $80 to $300 and yet I'm whining about free ninja? lol
General Discussion
2017-07-24 20:51:18
Eye Opening Problems
So your that I use 4 months of order to buy a now $24 jiraiya? Did think about what you typed? I'm in the same boat as Fooshy. I've spent $60 or $80 for gakido. I've spent another $60-$80 for scrolls when I knew I was close to getting a rare summon. I don't "expect" free ninjas. My luck in EVERY GAME I've played was "no luck" I had to grind out hours on hours for things. Items people got in 1 day took me a month to grind out. The point is, is that it was available to grind out. kyuubi naruto frags are not available to grind out. Getting 1-5 frags this event then hoping a month down the road they introduce his frags again is piss poor design. Heck, if he was in the shop for the same price as King of Hell, I'd be happy. 18,000 w/e points for 1 fragment. At least he would be grindable. THREE-HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR A THREE-STAR NINJA is unacceptable. But lets go back to what you said. Lets say I was after jiraiya. In 4 months time of saving up, whats to say he won't be outclassed by the kage chest? "well then spend on the chest". Well then whats to say that 4 months down the road of saving again, the kages won't be outclassed? See how that goes? Instead of saying "my mentality" is messed up, how about you look at your own for trying to justify 3 star ninja costing $300. Maybe you make that in an hour, so it's not a big deal to you. Who knows.
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2017-07-24 20:51:18
Eye Opening Problems
I'm not sure if we have the same competitive drive. People I could beat a week ago, are now crushing me this week. It's not as if they counter played me, or just got that much better in a week. There power jumped at least 4-5k. and ninjas went from tobi/pain teams to sage/hashi teams. I'm used to games rewarding you for timing skills correctly, learning animation cancel, knowing when to focus or gank targets. I saw a fraction of that when everyone was still around the same power. That quickly disappeared though.At the start of servers, it wasn't that much of a gap. I could still play vs the top without much of a problem. The problem started when summon events happened. They drop 100 summon scrolls. Next event, seal scroll event, after that, another power boosting event happens. The people I could contend with aren't "getting more skillful", they're just paying more and more.Besides, as I've said before, this thread wasn't created to complain about p2w. It was created on the fact that they are expecting $300 FOR A 3 STAR NINJA. Once again though, I'm not used to companies expecting people to pay this much or wait months on end to get something. I used to either paying to speed the process up, or working my * off doing ingame things to get it within a timely manner. That is not the case with these event ninja.
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2017-07-24 20:51:18
Eye Opening Problems
Yeah, I'm starting to realize that now. This is the first time I've played a game like this. I guess I'm the weird one out huh lol. Well, was fun. Thanks for all the replies guys. I don't think this games monetization model is right for me. Gonna head out before my wallet starts crying again.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 20:51:18
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