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2017-07-24 20:15:43
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2018-11-21 22:44:49
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2017-12-03 16:50:41
[Strategy Share]
put your questiOns here for ULTIMATE TRAINING
sorry if this a bit out of topic, but I need help in order to defeat tsunade at minato/speed UT, my initiative are higher than tsunade, thus my ninja always move first, but i can't manage to kill her, sometimes she manage to heal even if I keep burning her, or immobilize her with danzo chase, I hit only for a few hundreds but she heal for 5-6k, I manage a couple times to stay at full health till round 10, and she have more or less 60% health point left, but ofc i'm the one losing, any tips in general on how to pass this? after the patch I still beat raikage and mei UT till limit in auto, but I can't pass this, even if I playing on it any help and tips are appreciated, Thanks!
2018-03-23 08:00:08
[Ninja Exam]
Ninja exam 123
Thanks man! working for me with 50k power, and below 10 retry times! awesome!I hope people in youtube will update their videos soon, since their ninja exam videos come from 2.0 version and almost all of them doesn't work anymore.
Yung Kamui
2018-02-12 14:49:48
Death Possesion Blood Hidan Lineups
thank you for clearing this! I thought the issue are because my internet or device, since I don't have any problems with those ^^I hope the OP will update their posts :D
2017-08-24 19:24:38
Death Possesion Blood Hidan Lineups
guys, why on some post when people share their formation(s), I can't see the picture O.O sorry if this is a * question and OOT, but it really confusing me
2017-08-24 19:24:38
Opinions on Cross-Server Arena and Fighting Matsuri Challenge
yes some of my friend indeed have a very low power, they said the reason is because they like to save the materials like refine, thread, etc., until the event are on. while I just play recently, and get those newbie mistake at the beginning (like buying seal scroll with coupon, lol) I start understand the game at level 55-60, but still I confused how to get 37-38k power at level 78, top three rank player (premium ofc) in my server are on level 77 with 30-34k power, am I missing something? or just luck RNG for refining, upgrade cloth etc.? heck I still need a lot to learn then
General Discussion
2017-07-31 08:33:30
Opinions on Cross-Server Arena and Fighting Matsuri Challenge
ah I see now how it works, I thought it will take totally random player to fight, thanks for the tips, I'm already share it to my group
General Discussion
2017-07-31 08:33:30
Opinions on Cross-Server Arena and Fighting Matsuri Challenge
I'm sharing this from my group experience in my server(554) in Matsuri, all my group mate gave up, the battle is so unbelievable hard, one of my friend are level 75 with 22k power, on his 3 first battle he said he battle a person with 31k power on level 78, 29k power on level 74, and he fight a person with 25k power on level 69, me myself on the first 2 battle in Matsuri lost 7 ninja, and currently didn't have any revive potion to try again, lose the first one and then i won in the second one with a bit of luck I guess, anyway atm I was level 72 with 24k power, my first battle are with a level 78 person with 28k power (but on a superior ninja, wind main with sage naruto, gara kazekage, and AO, LOL I can't even kill the bunshin of naruto hahaha). My other group mate have similiar condition in Matsuri, where they will lose the first and/or the second battle easily, maybe the opponent searching method not based on level but also power, so there some chance for a fight, just my opinion. in Arena, training battle was hell, I don't know why people are there using their main formation over and over again ( I met this person 4 times in a row, so I guess he didn't fight for arena mission like me). Since arena point are only obtain for doing arena mission and using first time win on newest ninja, claim victory is though with a limitation of Ninja, I try to say that in a new release server normal player in average will have 30-50 ninja, my server are 2 month old, and the rank 15 in "Ninja" have only 50 ninja, which make hard to make a combination for a new player on new server to win here. Well, like how about player with 30 ninja or so, they will absolutely skip Arena. Not to mention that in Arena the speed are limited to x1, while all the Ninja are level 100 not awaken, and I didn't see the retreat *on, make Arena take a long time only to see the "defeat" interface lol. Here I recommend maybe make only the rank battle cross server, while the training lone server, or maybe after 60 sec that player didn't get enemy in his own server, then the system will get him an enemy from other server. It just an opinion though, and I'm sharing mine and my group mate experiences.Thanks!
General Discussion
2017-07-31 08:33:30