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[ Strategy Share ] put your questiOns here for ULTIMATE TRAINING


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-23 16:23:26Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Ultitmate training is very useful as it gives ya lot of things like tendo frags( in total 76 are collectable) ,cursed charms ,rainbow magatams ,loads of coinsetc.

Now for
Minato or Speed training you have 6500 reccommended intiative instance as final point(no more training in speed will be available after this point).
Mei Terumi or Force Attack training you have 52.1k recommended power as final point(no more training in speed will be available after this point).
Raikage or Survival training you have 52.1k recommended power as final point(no more training after this point)
Challenge the limit ends at 51.5k recommended

Lineups for trainings
For Minato training use high buff lineups like- lightning main barrier lineups ,water main barrier lineups etc
For Raikage training use immortal team like- kimimaro-water main-tsunade -kabuto(this lineup has many variations but healing tips passive is mandatory)
For Mei training use again high buffs lineups-lightning main barrier lineups ,water main barrier lineups etc

These links are some good lineups for water main and earth main -- for water main lineups for earth main lineups

also check the easiest hidan strong approaching method-

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-05-01 17:18:27Show this Author Only
struggling a bit at Ay UT cursed hidan,2nd mizukage, SB, Danzo team. I am water main @lvl 79/42k BP(with 5*nins)
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On 2017-05-01 17:25:29Show this Author Only
btw i just tried the above stated water main immortal lineup, dead af round 2. Sadly, no sailor sakura for me :L
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On 2017-05-01 19:01:12Show this Author Only
How to beat this stage ?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-08-20 02:42:35Show this Author Only

Can anybody recommend a lineup to beat the fire main, killer bee, cursed hidan, and roshi team?

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On 2017-11-27 02:13:05Show this Author Only

would some 1 please explain to me why I completed challenge the limits b4 completing all three kages sections, how am I supposed to get the final 2 tendo frags if I can still do mei's section but not challenge the limits as it says completed? does not make sense to complete challenge the limits when you can still fight the kages sections.

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On 2017-11-27 02:28:50Show this Author Only
  • SnowieSnow On 2017-11-27 02:13:05
  • would some 1 please explain to me why I completed challenge the limits b4 completing all three kages sections, how am I supposed to get the final 2 tendo frags if I can still do mei's section but not challenge the limits as it says completed? does not make sense to complete challenge the limits when you can still fight the kages sections.

There is an update to ultimate training where you can do more in the "challenge the limit" and more in the kage sections. Once we get this update, we'll be able to get more tendo frags. As to when we should get this update, it really depends on Oasis since the Germany server got it months ago and it is about time we should get it soon.

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On 2017-11-27 23:58:55Show this Author Only

oh ok thanks will have to wait for update to ultimate training then ^_^

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On 2017-12-03 16:50:41Show this Author Only

sorry if this a bit out of topic, but I need help in order to defeat tsunade at minato/speed UT,

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my initiative are higher than tsunade, thus my ninja always move first, but i can't manage to kill her, sometimes she manage to heal even if I keep burning her, or immobilize her with danzo chase, I hit only for a few hundreds but she heal for 5-6k, I manage a couple times to stay at full health till round 10, and she have more or less 60% health point left, but ofc i'm the one losing,
any tips in general on how to pass this? after the patch I still beat raikage and mei UT till limit in auto, but I can't pass this, even if I playing on it

any help and tips are appreciated, Thanks!

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On 2018-03-10 00:39:57Show this Author Only
  • kopokage On 2017-12-03 16:50:41
  • sorry if this a bit out of topic, but I need help in order to defeat tsunade at minato/speed UT,

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    my initiative are higher than tsunade, thus my ninja always move first, but i can't manage to kill her, sometimes she manage to heal even if I keep burning her, or immobilize her with danzo chase, I hit only for a few hundreds but she heal for 5-6k, I manage a couple times to stay at full health till round 10, and she have more or less 60% health point left, but ofc i'm the one losing,
    any tips in general on how to pass this? after the patch I still beat raikage and mei UT till limit in auto, but I can't pass this, even if I playing on it

    any help and tips are appreciated, Thanks!

just poison, ignite, stun

and u should have some initiative

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On 2018-03-23 08:00:08Show this Author Only

i have a question, how many challenges are there for each training mode?? cuz i've finished minato, but the other 2 seem to be endless.. getting cancer here..

Quicky Post

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