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2021-06-04 22:08:29
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2022-12-27 23:08:40
New Event Cycle - 11th of November
I highly suggests that anyone who is In-charge of Designing the Weekly Events should at least put himself/themselves in the Player's Shoe Box ^_^! Designing without considering some Discord Suggestions is a waste of Time. Thank you.
2021-11-15 00:34:26
should I recharge 350 ingots for eggs 2k coupons?
It's RNG reward, so it's pure luck ^_^! Don't expect those higher prices if you recharge ingots low. But if you're too lucky, you can hit it even at minimum recharge requirements. Just pray.
General Discussion
2021-10-29 11:44:19
New Event Cycle - 14th of October
Hi Naruto Six or anyone your looking for might appear in other events other than Fuku deals. You can still buy him in frags and have free ninjas in Fuku :) That's my personal guess.
2021-10-19 19:59:03
Naruto Online Anniversary Event: Fanfic Section
Region: HK Server ID: S1721 Double Lightning In game name: Teds UID: 356622780734975 BUILD YOUR OWN CLAN EVENT TORINOBI CLAN STORY OF OUR CLAN This clan was originally living in the mountainous rainforest region of the Land of Fire. The clan was founded by the Great Phoenix Priestess named Alkono, a legendary beautiful woman who posses pure heart and a power to influence men with her charm and singing. She married to Roc an Uchiha descendants but do not possess Sharingan. After their Marriage they establish their clan as Torinobi and later move to Konohagakure to attained peace and prosperity within the region. This clan was specializing on Healing, Intel and Messenger using Voice and Bird Summons. OUR KNOWN TRADITIONS ✓Torinobi clans love to sing and recite proverbial verses evernight before sleeping. (Spirit Protection while Resting) ✓When receiving visitors they offered towel and water first before going into their houses. (Welcoming) ✓They offered bird seeds to guests when leaving (Spirit Guidance and Protection) ✓Many more. OUR OWN UNIQUE ABILITIES VOICE OF HEALING(Ninjutsu) Ability to heal by means of singing both wounds and broken spirits. VOICE OF THE DEPTH(Genjutsu) Ability to put people into a Deep Sleep. VOICE OF COURAGE(Kekkai Ninjutsu) Ability to send barrier that stimulates allies, giving them massive strength and unlimited chakra for certain period of time. FLY ON ME(Ninjutsu) Ability to Instruct Birds to carry Messages and Project that Messages using Bird Eye Jutsu or Utter Words to the Recipient. I CAN SEE YOU(Dojutsu) Ability to send invisible birds to a certain location for an Intel gathering. PHOENIX POWER(Senjutsu) Harnessing the Spirit of the Phoenix to release massive Fire Phoenix Damage. REMEMBER ME(Reincarnation Ninjutsu-Forbidden) Perform reincarnation incantation to revive someone in exchange of the user's life. OUR IMPORTANT FESTIVITIES Phoenix Festival Held every 1st of Jan to commerate the God of Rebirth. Caladrius Festival Held every 5th of February to commerate the God of Healing. Tori Festival Held every 10th of December to commemorate their Torius, the God of All Birds. OUR CLAN BANNER
2021-07-29 17:43:51
Naruto Online EN's 5th Year Anniversary - Event Specials
Region: HK Server ID: S1721 Double Lightning In game name: Teds UID: 356622780734975 I am empty handed when I started the Game! A nobody who landed in the world of Shinobi! I persevere everyday, joining all the events and earn resources until I become the Strongest Wind User. Being the Strongest Wind user, I want it more beneficial to the Shinobi world and fought hard during Kyuubi raids and cited as a Konoha's Hero. Being on top of those things, I wanted to become the Strongest in the Sage Battle, and proving myself how far I can go. With the will to succeed, I fought hard and become the Bully of the Battle Field, making myself on top of the other players. I have succeeded in all battles but one thing I admire most was becoming an INSPIRATION TO MY GROUP MEMBERS, achieving the highest recognition as a leader during a Group Battle. For I believe that "A LEADER MUST INSPIRE OR HIS GROUP WILL EXPIRE!"
General Discussion
2021-07-27 11:03:19
[Strategy Share]
Naruto Online EN's 5th Year Anniversary - Event Specials
Region: HK Server ID: S1721 Double Lightning In game name: Teds UID: 356622780734975 When you love to Play a Game, you need to do all the adjustments in order for you to progress. What are all those adjustments? Well as for me to strategized everything, I need to focus on the following matters. First, I let myself know the game. I do research on the very mechanics of the game, its resources and events. Once I had it all the information, I'd make sure I have the right schedule on the events specially those daily practice events and timed-events. I don't let myself missed all of those events, for they were the best sources of your free stuff in-game. Second, once I have the resources (moon/sun scrolls), I spent it wisely. Spend out the most of it, do it with the best timing when there's a synchronized events up. (Ex. Season-General Store Customer, etc.)Third, SAVE your hard-earned coupons, and spend it wisely during Fuku Deals, Fuku gives you so much free items especially premium ninjas. So do it best during those times. I keep myself positive, confident and persistent in-game, I never give up on playing even I am just starting at the new server! I want to achieve something. SO IT HAPPENS!
2021-07-27 10:34:04
Naruto Online Anniversary Event: Fanfic Section
Region: HK Server ID: S1721 Double Lightning In game name: Teds UID: 356622780734975 CREATE YOUR OWN BREAKTHROUGH EVENT. Requirement: 4 star Item usage: Experimental Vial, Experimental Protection New Ninja Skill Breakthrough Genma Shiranui: MYSTERY: TACTICS ENHANCEMENT [PROMPT] Mystery: Tactics Enhancement[Prompt]+1 Increases 3.0% Initiative to the selected ally unit. Lasts for 2 rounds. Battlefield cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 3 Chakra: 0 Mystery: Tactics Enhancement[Prompt]+2 Increases 3.0% Initiative to the selected ally unit and grants Immunity to all Debuffs (cannot be dispelled).Lasts for 2 rounds. Battlefield cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 3 Chakra: 0 Mystery: Tactics Enhancement[Prompt] Y Increase 2.0% Initiative , Increases 10% Critical Damage and 10% Critical Chance to the selected ally unit and grants Immunity to Debuffs (can be dispelled). Lasts for 2 rounds. Battlefield cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 3 Chakra: 0 Mystery: Tactics Enhancement[Prompt] Y+1 Increase 3.0% Initiative , Increases 20% Critical Damage and 20% Critical Chance to the selected ally unit and grants Immunity to Debuffs (can be dispelled). Lasts for 2 rounds. Battlefield cooldown: 0 Cooldown: 3 Chakra: 0 ------------- STANDARD ATTACK:SHADOW CLONE JUTSU Standard Attack: Shadow Clone Jutsu+1 Summons 1 to 2 Shadow Clones with 50% of Genma's HP. Shadow Clones have high chances of evading Standard Attacks. When Shadow Clones were attacked and defeated, it will automatically explode to a random enemies and causes Ignition. Standard Attack: Shadow Clone Jutsu+2 Summons 1 to 3 Shadow Clones with 60% of Genma's HP. Shadow Clones have high chances of evading Standard Attacks. When Shadow Clones were attacked and defeated, it will automatically explode to a random enemies and causes Irremovable Ignition and Immobile. ---------- CHASE: SENBON RAIN Chase: Senbon Rain+1 Triggered with at least 20 Combo, causes Damage, Tag and Ignition to up to 3 units in the opponent's lineup. Chase: Senbon Rain+2 Triggered with at least 20 Combo, causes Damage, Tag and Irremovable Ignition to up to 4 units in the opponent's lineup. Chase: Senbon Rain Y Triggered with at least 20 Combo, causes Damage, Poison and Ignition to up to 3 units in the opponent's lineup. Chase: Senbon Rain Y+2 Triggered with at least 20 Combo, causes Damage, Ignition and Strong Poison that neglects immunity to up to 4 units in the opponent's lineup. --------- PASSIVE: SUBSTITUTION JUTSU Passive: Substitution Jutsu+1 Genma has high chances of evading 2 Mystery Skills every round and when the enemy has unavoidable Mystery Damage, he will counterattack with 5% Damage of his remaining HP. Passive: Substitution Jutsu+2 Genma has high chances of evading 2 Mystery Skills every round and when the enemy has unavoidable Mystery Damage, he will counterattack with 10% Damage of his remaining HP. ------------ PASSIVE: COMBAT COOPERATION Passive: Combat Cooperation+1 Triggered at the beginning of round 2, every round starting from round 2, all ninjas in lineup will have their Chase's trigger time increase by 1, can be triggered at most 5 times and cancel Debuff. Passive: Combat Cooperation+2 Triggered at the beginning of round 2, every round starting from round 2, all ninjas in lineup will have their Chase's trigger time increase by 1, can be triggered at most 5 times and Cancel All Debuff. Passive: Combat Cooperation Y Triggered at the beginning of round 2, every round starting from round 2, all ninjas in lineup will have their Chase's trigger time increase by 1, can be triggered at most 5 times and increase 20% Attack and Ninjutsu. Passive: Combat Cooperation Y+1 Triggered at the beginning of round 2, every round starting from round 2, all ninjas in lineup will have their Chase's trigger time increase by 1, can be triggered at most 5 times and increase 40% Attack and Ninjutsu.
2021-07-29 17:43:51
Naruto Online EN's 5th Year Anniversary - Event Specials
Region: HK Server ID: S1721 Double Lightning In game name: Teds UID: 356622780734975 We were one of the new servers opened from the World of Shinobi, it was on April 28, 2021 where we were put into action. During the opening days, there were lot of players coming to enjoy and explore the world of Shinobi, we were all active doing dailies, missions and events. Someone from the world started shouting for Group Recruitment, so I head the call, I took part in the group and someone joined one another until we were full of members. I was assigned as a Senior, incharge of things of what my privilege can do. We were all full of spirits, giving full donations everyday to grow faster, doing daily missions for GNW Participation and more. Yes We grow faster but not all sustained until this day. Our leader has quitted and transferred the Leadership to me, many members were all inactive and some already completely leave the server. It was so saddened, that was once a server with "High Will Power" but suddenly diminished and completely gone. Our Group "Villain" remained with few members while the other one "Anarchy" got 2 to 3 active members. As the surviving Group in S1721, I took the initiative to talked to the other group members to come and merge as one Group, Uniting as One Group, Playing and Enjoying the Game as One Group and building relationship as One Group. I am like their Father (Minato) nurturing my members (Naruto) in their growth in the game, giving advice on how to handle resources, and continuously encouraging them to donate for the growth of the group. We were few in numbers but in unity we believe that we c@n always move forward, grow together and enjoy the game forever! We as "Villains" in S1721 HK always believe that "There is a Beauty and Power in Unity! We must be United in Heart and Mind!"
2021-07-26 15:04:41
Naruto online Anniversary Event: Supporting Others!
Region: HK Server ID: S1721 Double Lightning In game name: Teds UID: 356622780734975 ------------- --------------
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2021-07-28 00:02:15
Naruto Online EN's 5th Year Anniversary - Ikuzo! To Wonderful Day of Shinobi ~
Region: HK Server ID: S1721 Double Lightning In game name: Teds UID: 356622780734975
2021-07-27 10:50:52
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