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2017-12-05 12:55:56
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2021-07-16 19:10:51
Another F2P in 900K Club
I want to sell my account
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2021-07-30 04:19:20
Missions + fishing inquiry
I agree it's a drag for Fishing event but for MM, if you don't want the mission just delete it and get something else. The freebie from mission is too big to complain about a few extra seconds or a few extra clicks. You c*so use auto click for fishing.
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2020-01-24 13:02:30
Kushina or Kakuzu breakthrough!
Kakuzu is the only option for F2P. Kushina is not for f2p, she is Space-Time exclusive for whales, she is very slow in other pvp events where you need fast kill.
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2019-11-17 16:09:08
Hashirama Y2 Damage
That comparison is just... wrong. Mind you it's a 40 chakra 1 battlefield cooldown mystery. So there is no way it's an enhanced version of masked man. The closest to what you said is Itachi [Edo Tensei]s mystery and no, that thing hit super hard too. Hashirama Y2 is a mystery mean for people want to use him as p1 or p2 and it's indeed has very low damage scaling compare to other skill that use 40 chakra. If anything you can say his Y2 is like another version of Kakashi [Susano]. Low mystery damage, just there for the buff. In conclusion, Tencent didn't intented for him to be a p1 because his Edo version do a better job, they want him to be p3, p4 and just made him a Y2 mystery for the lulz.
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2019-07-07 11:50:30
Guy Immunities
There are a lot of wrong tag and wrong ability in this game that don't even make sense. However it's not something Oasis can change, it's up to Tencent.
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kiba inuzuka
2019-06-09 19:49:10
New Ninja Collection! [6.0 Preliminary Event]
Ninja Name : Uchiha Sasuke [Five Kage Summit] Mystery [Susanoo Slash] [Tai/Nin]: Sasuke draw his Susanoo's Odachi and slash the enemy. Deal heavy damage to 9 enemies and remove [Immunity to debuff], cause [Repluse] to selected target. Sasuke will enter [Explosive Mode] after use this skill. [Explosive Mode] increase attack, ninjutsu and critical rate of Sasuke by 30%. Chakra Cost : 40 Battlefield Cooldown : 1 round. Cooldown : 2 rounds. Mystery +2 : [Explosive Mode] increase attack, ninjutsu and critical rate of Sasuke by 60%. Mystery Y2 : Deal damage to entire enemy field. [Explosive Mode] Sasuke gain [Immunity to debuff] and 25% combo rate. Standard Attack [Sword of Kusanagi: Chidori Katana] [Tai/Nin]: Sasuke channel his Chidori into his katana to attack the enemy with least HP and inflict [Paralyze]. This attack has high chance to cause [High Float]. Standard Attack +2 : Sasuke gain additional Standard Attack with 30% increase damage. Standard Attack Y2 : Cause [Paralyze] and [Weaken] to the enemy with least HP. Chase [Susanoo Crush] [Tai/Nin]: Sasuke chase a [Repluse] target and crush them with his Susano hand, cause [Knock down] and [Immobile]. This chase never miss. Passive Y : When chakra is above 60, Sasuke's Mystery and Standard Attack never miss. Passive 1 [Uchiha's Hatred] [Nin]: Every time Sasuke kill an enemy, his mystery cooldown get reset and recover 40 chakra. Passive +2 : Sasuke's Mystery get reset, he also recover 20% of his HP and 40 chakra. Passive 2 [Shield of Black Flame] [Nin]: Sasuke is immune to pure Ninjutsu, inflict [Ignite] that last 3 rounds and [Weaken] to enemy that cause Taijutsu damage to him. Passive +1 : Sasuke is immune to pure Ninjutsu, inflict [Ignite] that last 3 rounds and [Weaken] to enemy that cause damage to him. Passive Y : Sasuke has high chance to dodge the first Mystery, Standard Attack and Chase. Trigger once per round. Increase his Defense and Resistance by 8% each time he get attacked. IGN : Golden Demon Server : 837 UID : 300060816183939
2019-04-18 10:29:29
How strong:
I'm just trying to justify why a strong ninja can be beaten by weaker ninjas. I don't mean to deny anything you said about tobirama.
General Discussion
2019-04-11 15:46:14
How strong:
A win against B, B win against C doesn't mean A will win against C. Also need to take their performances, stamina at that point. Anyone can be kill if they are having low morale, poor performances no matter how many OP feats they had. Madara 10 Jinchuriki died to sneaky Zetsu. Tobirama is a very strong shinobi yet died to 20-ish cloud shinobis. Sasori died to Sakura and Chiyo. Sarutobi died to Orochimaru, Neji lost to Naruto in part 1. Etc... There are many factors to make a stronger shinobi lose to the weaker one just like in real life there is a G.O.A.T player name Faker yet he didn't win certain tournament lmao. What I mean to say is, feats are just feats, they don't guarantee a shinobi with greater feats will win against weaker opponents every time and this apply to everyone.
General Discussion
2019-04-11 15:46:14
Question About Level Freezing
Ever heard of crowd effect? I bet most people in that huge player base you mention don't even know what they are doing and why they are doing it. Level freeze indeed has it benefits like you will get higher chance to get into top 3 sage depend on your spending level and your resource management skill. Also, matsuri. However like I said, level freezing is not for everyone, especially f2p and small p2p. You lose more than you gain most of the time. How many months you think it would take for an average joe to not only catch up to top 9 players in his sage bracket let alone surpass some of them to be in top 9? To catch up with these people in sage you need to spend more than them, spend wiser than them or just out right use 3rd party tool to cheat because as you moving forward in power, they also move forward and with a faster speed than you if you r not spending. Then let talk about Matsuri, there are guides to give you higher chance to get 5 wins in matsuri without level freezing but I'm lazy so I won't write it down here. I want to talk about disadvantage a freeze level will encounter in this event. When you meet a higher level oppoenent you will get sub stats penalty which mean you will be a lot weaker than them even tho both of you on the same power. You can ask any veteran player who has decent knowledge about the game mechanic and they will tell you the same thing. That disadvantage from matsuri will carry over to space time and other events like TG and GNW. Also just take a second to think, if you freeze level but a random guy at lv 95-105 are gaining equal if not more resources than you, will it still worth? So conclusion, before anyone start to freeze, they should be prepare a solid spending plan and money to make it worth the risk else don't even bother. However if you start the game in a fresh space time cluster then freezing may be a good idea but currently? Nah. But hey, as a level freezer it's actually a good thing for us if new people keep freezing in our sage bracket blindly hoping for a day they can beat us. They will refill our sage bracket so we won't get merge with higher bracket and these players will be food for the whales and long time freezers.
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2019-05-22 16:54:52
Which state of Itachi we talking about here? When he is sick or when he is under kabuto control? Or when he break free from Kabuto. If both of them are in Edo Tensei state, physical damage is useless so Itachi will win here because he has Totsuka Blade while 3rd Raikage don't have any powerful sealing jutsu in his arsenal. If both of them are not in Edo Tensei then you need to pick which state Itachi are in because Itachi only has 2 stages beside his Edo Tensei : His anbu state after he deleted his clan and his sicked state when he fought Sasuke. You can easily see that both of Itachi's states are pretty young compare to 3rd Raikage's prime state. While we don't know anything about 3rd Raikage at any state beside his prime. It's not fair to compare Itachi to 3rd Raikage because we don't know how strong Itachi in his prime if he is not sick. So ofc a young shinobi like Itachi if encounter 3rd Raikage in his prime will lost.
General Discussion
2019-04-11 01:32:26
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