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2021-07-16 19:10:51
Question About Level Freezing
This might sound hypocrite coming from a level freezer like myself. But I think level freezing is a mistake and a wrong thing to do now. This whole lv freezing happened when we first have cross servers sage where most strong people already at max level (highest sage). So lesser strong people started to freeze for adv refine in lower sage. However overtime you can see all 9 sweet spots in all sage brackets filled with strong players. And trust me, there are more than 9 monsters in each sage bracket no matter what level you freeze. So in order to get that sweet spot, not only you will have to catch up with strong players who probably also spending a lot of money but to beat them and take their place. You are only starting out, I doubt you can do it unless you pay a huge amount of money into this game. We are at the end of 5.0, there are many ways to obtain adv rune for free that make level freeze not worth it anymore. Another thing is level play a big part in actual fight. The lower level player when fight against a high level player will take level penalty to their secondary stats thus make them a lot weaker than the higher level even if they are on the same power. This happen to me in matsuri all the time, I can't crit or my crit dmg deal very low to people who are at 104 105 when I'm only 84 even tho both side has around 200k bp. So yes, level freeze nowaday is bullsh!tery, stop listen to those veteran players who probably play years ahead of you. The best way to play the game now is to stop doing plot instance after you unlock all the orbs. Feel free to do all other activities. But unless you are a heavy spender, then sure. Freeze whenever you want.
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2019-05-22 16:54:52
what ninja to go for
This game is designed around ninjas and initiative. No matter what kind of lineup you use, if you have more initiative you will more likely to win. The only reason why 6p is considered good even without ini advantage because he has immune, dodge and aoe leech. In some way, Edo Yagura can be consider as *ternative version of Naruto 6p except he only do single target damage but he also scale.
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2019-04-08 18:02:19
Should I? Reccomended? Refines??????
I had over 950 adv refine and did 1 eq from 6 to 10. It was super close and I'm actually considered myself lucky af for that to happened. So I wouldn't do the head if I was you but maybe the necklace. However if you fail to reach lv 10 it will put you into a massive disadvantage in the long run. So think about it carefully before you do it.,
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A Nickname
2019-03-12 01:16:36
Matsuri broken
Because power have nothing to do with Matsuri match making. It's based on level. You get opponent higher level than you after a win, lower than you after a lost. After 60 seconds queue it will match you randomly.
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2019-03-06 19:12:53
Fuku Deals
Personal opinion I prefer this kind of Fuku over the 20k one. This Fuku give power items that actually matter, granted after the 10k tier it’s kinda fall off in value. However it’s 10 times better than spending 20k for a meme ninja that I probably never touch and 1 ultimate essence.
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2019-03-04 19:14:25
Good Pos1 Ninja
Depend on your playstyle. I'll list some ninjas that I believe can be a decent P1 in good to meh order. 1. Sage of Sixth Paths Naruto : This guy is just great, he is the most consistent ninja that can do mystery every round thank to his standard attack. His mystery damage is not bad and he can leech. 2. Angel of God Konan : She is a great nuker if you stack her enough. She also scale based on chakra, super armor and has mystery reset mechanic but not as consistent as Naruto. The reason I place her above Jonin Minato is because she is better than him in PVE activities like exam, sa, ti, etc... thank to her AOE mystery. 3. Jonin Minato : He is the most F2P friendly P1 ninjas around here. He is cheap, his bond mystery actually not that hard to obtain and it's not that expensive. You will need to max assist link for other P1 ninja anyway but with him you get the extra bonus for his mystery. He also scale but with a slower pace than Konan since he scale with his chases instead of standard attack or chakra. 4. Edo Tensei Hiruzen : If you stack him enough, he will end the fight before it even begin. But like I said, only if you stack his power enough to do that. He also very useful in PVE activities or group PVP. 5. Hokage 4th Minato : He can scale and his passive hit like a truck. However he is heavily rely on tag for his mystery to work at it full potential, he also scale pretty slow and don't have mystery reset mechanic. 6. Edo Tensei Minato : He is immune and can scale, his biggest advantage is that his mystery can't be miss and has interruption. But the downside is his mystery has 3 rounds cooldown and no mystery reset mechanic. 7. Shisui Uchiha : He is a barrier ninja, his standard hit like a truck. However he has hard cc on hit effect built in with his mystery that usually get reflect back at you if you don't have mirror or get overdrive by other ninjas chases in your lineup. Also his mystery damage is considered low and has 3 rounds cooldown without mystery reset mechanic. Barriers are easily to counter nowaday is something you want to take into consider. Pick your poison and don't forget to take other support ninjas into consider as those ninjas above also require some expensive support ninjas to work with them.
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2019-03-01 10:33:12
Can someone help me please
It's called investment. Iruka is one of the best STARTING ninja you can have, if he know what he is doing then he can get ahead by buying iruka in his server while everyone else are trying to be "smart" and wait to get him for "free". By the time everyone get Iruka for "free". He already done collecting all benefits that far exceed iruka's price tag which is around 700-800 cp. Because it will take months before these players can get him for "free". Remember Iruka is a starting ninja, not a late game ninja. He is pretty much useless later even at 5 stars in pvp (at least that's how it is in my personal experience).
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2019-02-27 22:52:59
How could to camp lvl
Pretty sure that all sage brackets already filled with a lot players who has big bp gap compare to the rest. Unless you are willing to pay big money to not just close the gap but also need to beat at least a few of them, Then I don't see the point to start freeze in the current state of the game.
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2018-10-24 01:42:44
God konan or summer Sakura
Even if you no longer want to participate pvp events it's still worth it to get Konan. She is not just great in pvp but also in other stuffs like Ninja Exam/Group Exam/TI where you can help other members and have fun. Sakura on the other hand is great for pvp and for collection purpose but other than that, she don't help much in other activities. But it's up to you tho, if you already done all exam then go for both Sakura and Yamato cuz you get more ninjas for collection that way. Otherwise I think Konan is better choice for pve than sakura.
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2018-10-13 03:11:56
Jonin Minato or Shisui
Shisui + Itachi or Minato + Cool Tobi, your pick. IMO the Minato + Cool Tobi combo is better than Shisui + Itachi
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2018-09-09 00:45:37
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