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[ Lineup ] Good Pos1 Ninja


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  • Registered: 2018-02-04
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On 2019-02-27 10:35:22Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I need help for a good ninja that I c*e for my Position 1, I have 10K coupons that I c*e. I would like to use a ninja that is preferably not Shisui or Jonin Minato because his bond mystery costs too much. Thanks!

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On 2019-02-27 10:43:25Show this Author Only

Save 10k more and buy 6path Naruto

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On 2019-02-27 12:17:31Show this Author Only

Maybe something besides that?

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On 2019-02-27 13:40:16Show this Author Only

Jonin minato bond mystery doesn't cost so much. You can get it for free overtime, bond scroll and bell/chimes can be bought in groceries, obito from black market once in a while, kakashi from merged server reward.

Also, as ryurial said, save for 20k cps and go for a big ninja, doesn't have to be sosp.

  • Registered: 2017-12-05
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On 2019-02-27 13:50:54Show this Author Only

Depend on your playstyle. I'll list some ninjas that I believe can be a decent P1 in good to meh order.

1. Sage of Sixth Paths Naruto : This guy is just great, he is the most consistent ninja that can do mystery every round thank to his standard attack. His mystery damage is not bad and he can leech.

2. Angel of God Konan : She is a great nuker if you stack her enough. She also scale based on chakra, super armor and has mystery reset mechanic but not as consistent as Naruto. The reason I place her above Jonin Minato is because she is better than him in PVE activities like exam, sa, ti, etc... thank to her AOE mystery.

3. Jonin Minato : He is the most F2P friendly P1 ninjas around here. He is cheap, his bond mystery actually not that hard to obtain and it's not that expensive. You will need to max assist link for other P1 ninja anyway but with him you get the extra bonus for his mystery. He also scale but with a slower pace than Konan since he scale with his chases instead of standard attack or chakra.

4. Edo Tensei Hiruzen : If you stack him enough, he will end the fight before it even begin. But like I said, only if you stack his power enough to do that. He also very useful in PVE activities or group PVP.

5. Hokage 4th Minato : He can scale and his passive hit like a truck. However he is heavily rely on tag for his mystery to work at it full potential, he also scale pretty slow and don't have mystery reset mechanic.

6. Edo Tensei Minato : He is immune and can scale, his biggest advantage is that his mystery can't be miss and has interruption. But the downside is his mystery has 3 rounds cooldown and no mystery reset mechanic.

7. Shisui Uchiha : He is a barrier ninja, his standard hit like a truck. However he has hard cc on hit effect built in with his mystery that usually get reflect back at you if you don't have mirror or get overdrive by other ninjas chases in your lineup. Also his mystery damage is considered low and has 3 rounds cooldown without mystery reset mechanic. Barriers are easily to counter nowaday is something you want to take into consider.

Pick your poison and don't forget to take other support ninjas into consider as those ninjas above also require some expensive support ninjas to work with them.

This post was last edited by ZWen on 2019-02-27 13:54:41.
  • Registered: 2018-02-04
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On 2019-02-27 14:15:05Show this Author Only

Thank you guys so much! Unfortunately I probably can't get 6p naruto because I'm F2p, so I'll probably get Jonin Minato. Do you know how long it would take to get his bond skill? Thanks in advance!

  • Registered: 2018-12-16
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On 2019-02-27 16:22:58Show this Author Only

Which Ninja you should get is much more depending on your current ninja pool than on your pos 1 desires. Maybe, for the time being you can put something cheap like Fuguki on Pos 1 and link his Mystery with a Chaos Chase. Or you play Sharkbomb Water Main Pos 1. It's hard to tell. For example: if your overall initiative is bad, Shisui will do you no good, because the opponent most likely will get the barriere.

You can get Minatos bond from the bells you get from Shop. Just make sure that you don't buy to many bells before you secure the 1000 keys for cave key rebate (much more important for F2P).

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On 2019-02-28 12:50:44Show this Author Only

Go get that Jonin Minato man! I highly reccomend it.

I have 120k bp. Got shut down by people who stack jonin Minato like crazy. Even though their power is like 100k++. The Bond skill is just too much dmg. Transfer all your magatamas and runes to Jonin minato. He is going to be a pain in the arse. Leave your other ninjas without any magatamas and runes.

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On 2019-02-28 15:18:25Show this Author Only

Sasuke rinegan is bedt

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On 2019-02-28 15:46:16Show this Author Only
  • JONVASH On 2019-02-28 15:18:25
  • Sasuke rinegan is bedt

Boi you out of topic. we are talking bout ninjas under 10k boi

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On 2019-02-28 16:03:52Show this Author Only

You c*so try to get Naruto from gnw treasure.

This post was last edited by JackyChan on 2019-02-28 16:04:31.
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On 2019-03-01 10:33:12Show this Author Only

try water main sharkbomb or air main with round 1 opak

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