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2018-09-23 01:54:36
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2019-03-24 01:02:56
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2018-12-01 22:17:02
3v3 Arena
So where is it?
General Discussion
Raizel Di Cadiz
2018-12-03 15:29:27
Dunno if its the first, but A Madara has been recruited.
Maybe that's true for some, but odds are not for all. Most sane people are probably just disappointed and disgusted with humanity when they see someone spending on pixels when children are starving, people dying because they can't afford operations, etc... I don't really care the slightest bit what these so called whales are spending their money on. They are not the only ones without morals. Humanity is beyond broken.
General Discussion
2018-12-14 19:03:01
Boy lost in Flames and Power of the Sage: Event Cycle - 29th of November
I don't really think p2p players have a reason to complain. Prices are unfair? Are you? Oasis if *ing up the game? Look in the mirror. I'd really like p2w players to come here every week and say "Thank you Oasis. What would we do without you". Because honestly that would make far more sense than whatever nonsense you are complaining about now. I'm purely f2p without issues of being weaker to p2p players. Someone is always going to be stronger than you, and i'm of a mind to just keep playing the game at my own pace. I'll be more than willing to sign a petition saying "Give the whales what they want without payment" as long as that will keep you from blaming Oasis for what you all are solely responsible for. I don't even mind you recharging Ethiopia's yearly food supply weekly actually. Just don't blame Oasis for it. Blame them for not releasing skill breakthroughs and such, but not for giving you what you buy every single time for years.
2018-12-06 15:42:41
Official bug report thread
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Firefox and Mini ClientServer number : S1052 Teaching Instructions Character name : CasualGamer UID (Facebook account - you can find your UID on the bottom of the Facebook page, Oasis account - go to your profile page and click on your avatar: 300004379626798 Description of the problem you are experiencing :Tried the game through mini client and firefox, and it's giving me black screen on both and I can't access the game! Screenshot of the error page : Operating system : Win7 Screen resolution :1680 x 1050 Your computer time zone and your country :(UTC + 01:00) Belgrade, Serbia Are you using VPN ? :No
Bugs & Support
2021-08-21 03:06:16
[Player Guide]
Ask us for everything in Naruto's Online world !
Thank you for answering and helping me out no matter how late. Would you please help me further and expand on point 2 and 5. 2. Is it possible to suggest implementing Suit Sai into some near upcoming events and have that taken into consideration? Where can the players make their case about it? 5. Where can I report and ask for a problem fix about missing Kakashi from day 1 at home interface?
2021-09-13 01:10:41
New Event Cycle - October 11th
Thank you from the bottom of my heart :).
2018-10-15 16:42:51
New Event Cycle - October 11th
Guys could someone give a tip to an unexperienced f2p player on what to spend here?
2018-10-15 16:42:51
[Player Guide]
Ask us for everything in Naruto's Online world !
Hi guys. I have a few questions and in order not to make many different posts i hope you don't mind i just toss it all into this one. 1. From the day i started playing i've noticed something strange about plot missions. Whenever i completed them and acquired all treasure chests on the map, which is usually 2-3, the game would only open 0-1 of them: My question being is this a bug or is this normal? If not, same as above, whom should i talk with regarding this issue? 2. Is there some way to get 15 fragments of Suit Sai? Or 1 fragment of Training Tanto got from Shisui Uchiha Team Instance Event? It seems the game truly punishes you if you are new and a day late :). What's more, is there some place players can make their suggestions that would be considered for being implemented inside the game? I would suggest players getting Suit Sai when they reach level 30 or 40. Players that signed up on day 1 already have enough edge, especially p2w players, just by reaping the numerous rewards from day 1. 3. Why do mods make a new thread "Upcoming servers" in news when the servers have already been up and running for multiple hours? I've been waiting and wanting to get a heads up on a HK server that will be opening so I can start on day 1, hour 1. 4. There is currently a Jonin Minato in Naruto's Birthday event for 16 points. Would you tell me 2 things about that: a) Is that a good price on Jonin Minato or should a f2p player aim for a power item? b) If i get some fragments of him, since it's imposible for me to get all, would i be able to get him sometime after again from some event at a similar price or would i just be wasting my Naruto's BDay points on him? 5. I read on a guide for Bond Gifts that Kakashi loves Make Out Paradise (+20 bond), but ever since i got him on day 7 he hasn't been accessible for inviting or has showed up himself. Is that some kind of a bug because judging by the Gift Guide he most certainly should be available at home? 6. Is there some site that will help you create combos between teams and such things? Some kind of a simulator? I came upon some Chinese one online, but it's not working for me. I hope you don't mind me being overly inquisitive and thank you for listening to me and thank you for helping us all out selflessly. .
2021-09-13 01:10:41
Ninja Test
Got the same one. Along with the regular 100 questions in German.
Bugs & Support
2018-10-07 04:08:49
Official bug report thread
Platform (Browser -Chrome, Firefox etc / Mini client) : Mini Client/Firefox Server number : S1052 Teaching Instructions Character name : CasualGamer UID (Facebook account - you can find your UID on the bottom of the Facebook page, Oasis account - go to your profile page and click on your avatar) : 300004379626798Description of the problem you are experiencing : Impossible to upgrade tactics. From the day i unlocked them, until today i tried about a dozen times. It is always giving me the same error. Screenshot of the error page : Operating system : Win 7 OS Screen resolution :1680 x 1050 Your computer time zone and your country :(UTC +1) Belgrade, Serbia Are you using VPN ? :No
Bugs & Support
2021-08-21 03:06:16