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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-12 02:00:35Show this Author Only


Fire Main(pos1) - Mei(pos2) - Kurenai(pos4) - Iruka (pos3)

Fire Main (pos3) - Gengetsu (pos1) - Jinpachi (pos2) - Mei (pos4)

Those are some viable teams, if you get Kushimaru then you c*e the typical Kushi-Jinpachi-Onoki-LM blitz

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On 2018-09-12 09:11:21Show this Author Only

Know any good teams with Fuguki Suikizan for a Midnight blade F2P?

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On 2018-09-13 17:58:23Show this Author Only
  • Enriki-Kirby On 2018-09-12 09:11:21
  • Know any good teams with Fuguki Suikizan for a Midnight blade F2P?

Nope, he doesn't work with Midnight Blade

Use him with Water Main , the Water Main - Fuguki - Roshi - Sailor Sakura or so is one of the most viable f2p teams

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On 2018-09-14 04:52:18Show this Author Only
  • ICExx On 2018-09-13 17:58:23
  • Nope, he doesn't work with Midnight Blade

    Use him with Water Main , the Water Main - Fuguki - Roshi - Sailor Sakura or so is one of the most viable f2p teams

Hmm... that's what I was afraid of.

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On 2018-09-29 23:07:13Show this Author Only

any Ideas for the team with Kushina / Kisame Samhada / Roshi or Masked Man???


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On 2018-09-30 02:01:54Show this Author Only

Can someone share more info on Skill Trial vs Frag break through?

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On 2018-09-30 16:44:12Show this Author Only
  • 2xMachina On 2018-09-30 02:01:54
  • Can someone share more info on Skill Trial vs Frag break through?

I did a thread about skill trial, it should have the info you want I believe, just look it up in my "collection of info threads"

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On 2018-09-30 18:41:51Show this Author Only
  • ICExx On 2018-09-30 16:44:12
  • I did a thread about skill trial, it should have the info you want I believe, just look it up in my "collection of info threads"

Ok thanks.

I think it is not in that thread I think.

I managed to find in your posted topic list tho.

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On 2018-09-30 19:30:23Show this Author Only
  • 2xMachina On 2018-09-30 18:41:51
  • Ok thanks.

    I think it is not in that thread I think.

    I managed to find in your posted topic list tho.

If you have a specific question feel free to pm me

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-30 19:32:20Show this Author Only


Not sure if you meant all those ninjas together

But for Roshi there are tons of teams however outdated, there is water main - roshi - fuguki - kurenai , lighting main(earth) - roshi - yagura - Killer Bee , also something like Water Main - Kurenai - Roshi - Kushina Habanero can work

For Kushina Habanero anything with water main + poison tai is good as long as you can tank the enemy hits, but here's another good team Wind Main - Kushina - Gaara - Killer Bee

For Shark Kisame not really , I'd recommend getting either Edo Deidara or God Angel Konan as he works great with those ninjas, personally I love the Wind Main - God Angel Konan - Shark Kisame - Mangetsu team

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On 2018-09-30 20:45:21Show this Author Only
  • ICExx On 2018-09-30 19:32:20
  • @akuma

    Not sure if you meant all those ninjas together

    But for Roshi there are tons of teams however outdated, there is water main - roshi - fuguki - kurenai , lighting main(earth) - roshi - yagura - Killer Bee , also something like Water Main - Kurenai - Roshi - Kushina Habanero can work

    For Kushina Habanero anything with water main + poison tai is good as long as you can tank the enemy hits, but here's another good team Wind Main - Kushina - Gaara - Killer Bee

    For Shark Kisame not really , I'd recommend getting either Edo Deidara or God Angel Konan as he works great with those ninjas, personally I love the Wind Main - God Angel Konan - Shark Kisame - Mangetsu team

Thank you.

Do you know some teams for Masked Man?

I noticed he's very useful when you need to fight against Edo Blitz Team (Kushi - Sasori - Jinpachi - LM)

This post was last edited by ⛧Akuma⛧ on 2018-09-30 20:48:53.
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On 2018-10-01 23:27:50Show this Author Only
  • ICExx On 2018-09-30 19:32:20
  • @akuma

    Not sure if you meant all those ninjas together

    But for Roshi there are tons of teams however outdated, there is water main - roshi - fuguki - kurenai , lighting main(earth) - roshi - yagura - Killer Bee , also something like Water Main - Kurenai - Roshi - Kushina Habanero can work

    For Kushina Habanero anything with water main + poison tai is good as long as you can tank the enemy hits, but here's another good team Wind Main - Kushina - Gaara - Killer Bee

    For Shark Kisame not really , I'd recommend getting either Edo Deidara or God Angel Konan as he works great with those ninjas, personally I love the Wind Main - God Angel Konan - Shark Kisame - Mangetsu team

Know of any newer/updated newbie guides? Pretty much all the ones I can find are for 3.0 and earlier

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On 2018-10-06 07:16:05Show this Author Only

What kind of guides would you like to see ?

I have tons of guide/info threads which some were made quite early yeah, but most should still be valid even now

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On 2018-10-07 04:41:15Show this Author Only

Hi guys. I have a few questions and in order not to make many different posts i hope you don't mind i just toss it all into this one.

1. From the day i started playing i've noticed something strange about plot missions. Whenever i completed them and acquired all treasure chests on the map, which is usually 2-3, the game would only open 0-1 of them:

My question being is this a bug or is this normal? If not, same as above, whom should i talk with regarding this issue?

2. Is there some way to get 15 fragments of Suit Sai? Or 1 fragment of Training Tanto got from Shisui Uchiha Team Instance Event? It seems the game truly punishes you if you are new and a day late :). What's more, is there some place players can make their suggestions that would be considered for being implemented inside the game? I would suggest players getting Suit Sai when they reach level 30 or 40. Players that signed up on day 1 already have enough edge, especially p2w players, just by reaping the numerous rewards from day 1.

3. Why do mods make a new thread "Upcoming servers" in news when the servers have already been up and running for multiple hours? I've been waiting and wanting to get a heads up on a HK server that will be opening so I can start on day 1, hour 1.

4. There is currently a Jonin Minato in Naruto's Birthday event for 16 points. Would you tell me 2 things about that:

a) Is that a good price on Jonin Minato or should a f2p player aim for a power item?

b) If i get some fragments of him, since it's imposible for me to get all, would i be able to get him sometime after again from some event at a similar price or would i just be wasting my Naruto's BDay points on him?

5. I read on a guide for Bond Gifts that Kakashi loves Make Out Paradise (+20 bond), but ever since i got him on day 7 he hasn't been accessible for inviting or has showed up himself. Is that some kind of a bug because judging by the Gift Guide he most certainly should be available at home?

6. Is there some site that will help you create combos between teams and such things? Some kind of a simulator? I came upon some Chinese one online, but it's not working for me.

I hope you don't mind me being overly inquisitive and thank you for listening to me and thank you for helping us all out selflessly.


This post was last edited by CasualGamer on 2018-10-08 21:58:51.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-11 23:06:29Show this Author Only

First of all sorry for the late answer I've been a bit busy

1. It's normal

2. Ah just look out for it in future events, you can't get it without events

3. It happens that the mod who announces the server opening is a bit late with announcing

4. It was a decent price, he is a good ninja generally yes, I'd say it's worth to pick him up in future

5. Hmm weird, you should have him

6. There are tons of simulators such as the Chinese one and the new Konoha Proxy official Brazil/Germany one, google them

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On 2018-10-12 20:12:16Show this Author Only

Thank you for answering and helping me out no matter how late. Would you please help me further and expand on point 2 and 5.

2. Is it possible to suggest implementing Suit Sai into some near upcoming events and have that taken into consideration? Where can the players make their case about it?

5. Where can I report and ask for a problem fix about missing Kakashi from day 1 at home interface?

This post was last edited by CasualGamer on 2018-10-12 20:12:31.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-13 19:46:20Show this Author Only

You can write about suggestions in the Events Feedback survey that's posted every week on News section by Sans

About Kakashi, did you recruit him though ? If you did then go to customer service tickets, but personally it's the first time I hear about that kind of bug

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On 2018-10-14 18:41:46Show this Author Only

Hey, I can not get stange stones. I know how to get them but i simply cannot go beyond the weekly cap of moon coins. I do every TI (Five kage summit) , every SA on Expert, and basically every arena mission. Is there any other way to get them, because i really want to get items from mysterious shop.

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On 2018-10-16 05:25:33Show this Author Only

You can get them by capping sun coins also, which would mean performing good in all nightly events

For capping moon it's quite easy IF you do bond arena every day , otherwise it is hard yes

So I recommend trying to find someone strong to help you out to do bond arena daily

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On 2018-10-18 05:42:46Show this Author Only

Quick question, are the legendary summons technically F2P?

Quicky Post

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