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2017-07-24 19:17:03
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2018-04-29 01:29:37
Plundering Abuse
IMO if they just limited the number of alts to be multi logged in it would lessen the impact. I would say main plus 2, 3 total, that way missions and and ti and Sa could all be completed and even the plunders/convoys(which is still a problem). And yes they could have several main accounts to exploit this as well , but at least it's a bandaid, putting more stress on well as the luxury of having many pc's.
Bugs & Support
2018-06-05 16:36:10
matsuri problem
I dont know how this may work, but if you know that it does this every time, you could just refresh right off and re-enter midfight or earlier. It does put you right back in battle upon relog, if you dc.
Bugs & Support
2018-04-29 01:09:28
Matsuri Loss = Matching Higher Levels?
When the match timer comes up, it does say that. It just takes a little foresight to see it goes both ways. The bp thing is what makes me fume. Say youre lvl 95 at 80k and you get matched to lower lvl thats is lvl 83 and 100k. Of course all within the constraints of the random match 60 secs.
Bugs & Support
2018-04-29 01:04:48
Matsuri Matching
I cant explain the 20 sec match with the same guy scenario, but being matched 5 times to higher level is explained by those higher lvls have just been waiting and 60 secs has already passed for them. Especially doing the event after 9 tails. Bad luck, bad timing in the event. Not that everyone enters the event right when it starts but odds are the pool would be higher because the lower lvls/powers have not been knocked out yet. I do know it was stated it searches lvl not power, so it's possible to match a lower lvl that has huge bp(level freezer) as well as vice versus(higher lvl/low bp). Capping the event isnt as simple as 10k difference higher because a 90k with right team to counter a 120k is possible albeit the rarity of the occurrence. If youre in servers 1-13 the pool isnt the same as 14-****. Again, timing might be a possibility if it was at start, who can really predict when the whales decide to do their matsuri.
Bugs & Support
2018-04-21 04:39:17
Matsuri Matching
Matsuri has always been a gamble on your match, but if you read the matching screen it says you'll get matched to random player if you wait more than 60 secs. Paying attention to these odds kinda helps. For example if you just lost and says you'll be matched to player of lower lvl, dont let matching timer go over 60 seconds. As well as vice versus if youre to be matched to a higher lvl, let you timer go over 60 secs and you may end up with a lower lvl player who isnt aware of random match. This isn't fail safe by any means because being in the advantage that p2ws or plain higher lvls have. They can let their timer go over 60 secs because it doesn't matter to them. This works 75% of the time. 3 to 4 wins most times, I wouldn't skip the event just because of frustration, get the 3 matches, win or lose and you'll get rewards.
Bugs & Support
2018-04-21 04:39:17
Plunder Abuse
I think this thread got misdirected. The original post was about main accts plundering their alts and then using that alt to clear themselves. I also am annoyed at this exploitation. One player has 10 alts(that I know of for sure), 7 in his group and 3 in others. He is strong enough to support 3 alts and runs himself freely as well as running ss from the 3 alts to plunder them as well. I have caught him several times clearing himself right after plundering his alts. I understand this loophole and am not so annoyed at some one like him sharing his alts to plunder to give to everyone in the group, but he takes them all for himself. I also know he has conspired with a friend in another group to share his alts(as in he logs them in himself) to do this to no end. So on top of that this group he leads, joins gnw every week, but there are only 4 real active players and loads of alts. They aren't successful, but thats not a real problem, this alt laden group *s around deterring any possibility of a server merge request. There's only 2 real groups left that have any real activity and then his. To the tune that he gives the majority of the packs he easily gets from 3rd place to his alts. 4 of those alts have done 300 pulls for rebate. How to report this abuse and what would be the likelyhood of any action.
Bugs & Support
2018-03-16 11:12:31