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Topics 8 |Posts 46
2017-07-24 19:19:43
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2019-10-03 17:45:31
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2019-10-03 17:45:31
[Player Guide]
Fire Main Death Mirage Passive
I hope it's true - that would make this passive quite nice because if it's not stacking and only untill the end of the round then it's totally useless. Thanks for the help!
2019-10-03 17:45:31
An Open Letter to Oasis Part 2
How about answering any of my other questions? So far all We can see is thay yo only post things to either clear yourself out of this mess/justify the update, or to just keep assuring us that 'you do care about our opinion' and 'our feedback is always heard and taken into consideration'. Smoke and mirrors. Could you provide me with at least 3 times our feedback was actually taken into consideration? Or our voices were heard? Just 3 specific examples for 3 years of the game. And no, you cannot consider Tsunade NPC as she's just a husk of her true shell she should be and nothing like we were asking for, so she doesn't count (and I think everyone will agree)
General Discussion
2019-09-23 11:06:04
An Open Letter to Oasis Part 2
PS. How can you ask the players to 'give this update a chance' if for the last 2-3 years all we do is giving OG staff a chance and yet they fail us once again?
General Discussion
2019-09-23 11:06:04
An Open Letter to Oasis Part 2
Ok, so a couple of questions I would like to be answered. JUST LOOKING FOR ANSWERS, NOT TO "INCITE DRAMA": - "No one is blaming moderators, they were aware that this survey is not official." - question is, why weren't we aware? Why there was no disclaimer informing us, that the survey is not official? If something is posted in the NEWS section, posted by a MODERATOR without any info that this is NOT OFFICIAL, then by all means IT IS OFFICIAL. You can't just back out of it because you don't like the results. - "We also deeply care about your opinion and we take your feedback into consideration." - how exactly? How? You see our opinions in each and every topic that gets deleted, every post that gets removed. Additionally - you say you care about our opinion and then lock the Events topic so that noone can state their opinion? How can you care about something that CANNOT BE VOICED OUT? - "due the feedback we've made decision to include ultimate runes in more events and also include more ways how players can obtain them so this update won't have such impact on the game" - first of all, not a single feedback voice from the players side said they accept the update, but with more access to runes, so what actual feedback are you refering to? Do you have any posts? Conversations? Screenshots? Anything? Second of all what exact 'ways of obtaining' do you have in mind? Because if you mean putting them in recharge/spending rebates, pushing them for coupons in every event cycle or letting us redeem 1-10 runes per week for 'free' then NO, this won't help us at all, nor it in any way could be considered as 'accessible' or non-impactfull - pushing them for coupons.ingots will just further raise the gap between whales and f2p/low-spenders, as the latter won't have any profit from the mentioned 'ways to obtain' - could you please specify what do you exactly have in mind by speaking of this 'accessibility'? Additionally I would like to add two things: - This update WILL BE IMPACTFUL on the game unless adv refines will take place of med refines in ALL possible redeem ways and ultimate refines will take place of adv (and yes, I mean group shop, grocery store, space-time store and such) - Since the survey was, as you state, not-official and made by your moderators and you do not associate yourself with the ones responsible for the survey, then tell me why did you took part in it?: AS MENTIONED ABOVE - I"M JUST LOOKING FOR SOME ANSWERS/DISCUSSION, NOT TRYING TO INCITE DRAMA - IF MY POST BY ANY WAY BRAKES THE FORUM RULES, PLEASE MESSAGE ME AND I WILL EDIT IT REMOVING THE 'WRONG' PARTS!!!
General Discussion
2019-09-23 11:06:04
Where are the rewards for anniversary cake?
Will the winners be announced? Something like maybe 10 fastest people at least?
General Discussion
2019-08-02 10:08:18
WHy was the topic deleted regarding the refine runes? that they were nerfed?
And then when people start asking why this was done, the post gets deleted without a reply
General Discussion
2019-05-10 05:28:26
WHy was the topic deleted regarding the refine runes? that they were nerfed?
And since the gold refines implementation was postponed due to players complaining about having a lot to catch up with purples left, they made it harder to catch up with this group shop update...
General Discussion
2019-05-10 05:28:26
WHy was the topic deleted regarding the refine runes? that they were nerfed?
That's the point exactly - since a lot of us saved the group currency due to no interesting redeems before, I for example was able to redeem 70 adv refines weekly and now it's reduced to 14 - that's a huge nerf if you ask me
General Discussion
2019-05-10 05:28:26
WHy was the topic deleted regarding the refine runes? that they were nerfed?
Yes, can we have a reply from mod why was the Group Shop (it was about group shop, not monthly event) changed? Or this whole situation gonna be ignored?
General Discussion
2019-05-10 05:28:26
RIP , oasis once again nerfed the group shop adv refine rune redeemab
I mean I totally don't understand their business plan: 1. Try to implement gold refines to milk some more money 2. Players complain that it's too early because they have a long way ahead of them to catch up with purple ones 3. Postpone the update so that people can catch up 4. Nerf the group shop to make it much harder to get purple refines 5. ... 6. PROFIT?
General Discussion
2019-05-09 21:15:38