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2024-10-09 23:18:17
New Event Cycle - March 28th
And now that Obito [Rage mode] has arrived, should I risk waiting until Fuku to get 60 more frags or taking part in the events today? I don't trust oasis, they always disappoint when they bring new Bt they stop bringing ninja to events.
2024-04-03 09:20:10
Where can I get Itachi anbu?
3v3 Arena ninja packs.
General Discussion
2023-05-15 09:08:37
What are the best ninjas and lineups for f2p players right now?
There are quite a few meta ninjas that a f2p can get. madara edo full bt, Jiraiya toad chant, Itachi edo full bt, sai suit bt, Tobirama NY, Hashirama Ny Bt and hopefully you can try to get Orochi gnw in some 60k fuku deal, however it's very scarce.
General Discussion
2023-05-17 22:31:00
Manage coupons currently
It's too exhausting to spend a year ac*ulating coupons for there to still be a chance that nothing good will come of it. The last 100k wasn't all that. The most I ever got into account was 60k (I even caught Orochi ggn like that). The issue is not planning to ac*ulate coupons "I'm going to collect up to 120k and get one or two rare ninjas" the problem is time, playing every day is already tiring, imagine spending a year without relevant strength gains and without acquiring interesting ninjas even if they are not very rare. Maybe I'll start ac*ulating for the next one, now with 11k I can't reach 120k by the end of the year. For now I'm thinking about getting Tobirama New Year in fuku and finishing leveling amulets. At least I wanted to have more possibilities to get rare ninjas in roulettes, the most I got was a Jiraiya in Lucky *, at that time few F2P had it. It would be of great help if I could get a Pain SSP. But on these roulette wheels... I very much doubt I have a chance.
General Discussion
2023-04-26 16:43:33
I can not get in the game
I'm playing for puffin, sometimes I get in the first time and sometimes I don't. S1698 NY. I also want to report other bugs, but I will open another topic.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2023-04-24 02:26:53
New Event Cycle - April 13th
coékkkkkkkkk. Slv Van
2023-04-14 22:14:10
F2P Improvements.
I've never seen anyone who caught shisui at the capsule event. If you have an example please show me. Also show me an average of coupons spent. As for KGT the rates in other regions are better, 130k you can get Shisui, Indra and Ashura 4s. It would be more logical if ninja rates and prices were the same on all servers, if a ninja's frag costs 3000 coupon in all regions it should be that amount.
Bugs & Support
2023-05-21 16:36:01
F2P Improvements.
-Improve the chances of the lucky stars jackpot (I spent more than 140k in this event and I never smelled the ninja, I also spent 60k in a single cycle and it didn't come). -Update the prizes and chances of shisui on the top floor of the tree, no one in their right mind would spend +100k coupons to just get Shisui and other generic ninjas that everyone has. -Improve the chances of the Wheel fortune main prize (another event that I already spent a lot and never got) -Return with the general mobilization -Stop repeating ninjas every cycle. Toroi is an example of this, came carnival recruitment, Myobuku and now in 3v3. Why does a trunk ninja come every week? there are almost 400 ninjas in the game and you only bring the same ones. -Stop repeating fuku pack ninjas, ninjas that everyone has keep coming all over fuku. This just shows how lazy they are to change a little. -Place Experimental Protection Vial in the storage. It's past time. -Place all the Shinobi test scrolls in the space time exchange. There are several scrolls that cannot be exchanged. Some of these I have more than 5k in my backpack without being able to sell them. -Facilitate to bring bt that already exist in the eastern. We are waiting for Madara five kage, yugiti edo, lee gate of joy, Asuma edo and ao. Meanwhile you bring new ninjas released after the bt and still costing the price of a house. -Back with the dueling arena. Game is very repetitive, when it arrived for the first time it was possible to relax, spend more time in the game and farm good items
Bugs & Support
2023-05-21 16:36:01
Stolen Account
hey bro, don't doubt what moderators are capable of. On the Brazilian server I learned of cases of people who were unfairly banned by moderators who played and some who also lost their accounts.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2023-04-04 12:56:58
Summoning all F2P.
bro it's kinda complicated to say which is the best event to spend coupons. Events are losing value for money. Compared to other regions we are way behind in quality of events. Maybe the best one is Lucky Stars + Fuku, lucky gives potion, refining and you can get a ninja or power pack at store, too bad the jackpot is impossible to get. The amount you should get without reloading will vary depending on how often you do the events, it will depend on your rank in the illusion and the releases you do. The average is 10 to 15k per month that you can collect. There is no good ninja to get with seals, if you are a beginner maybe a gengetsu full bt or zabuza edo bt can help in the beginning of the server. I suggest gathering 500 sealings to spend on compensation + Carnival recruitament that gives a ninja (the last ones were horrible so don't expect too much). As for the meta: They trample everything and everyone: Shisui Susano bt, Ashura bt, Indra bt(coming soon), Guy Gate of Death. It has its space: Madara Edo, Gaara Swinsuit, Pain Six parth, Itachi edo bt, Jiraiya genma, Nagato winter, Orochi GNW, Zabuza Ronin, Hashirama New Year BT. Of these being F2P it is only possible Madara edo, Jiraiya, Hashirama ny, itachi edo and Orochi gnw.
General Discussion
willi bond
2023-04-01 03:08:18
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