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2017-07-24 19:46:39
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2023-10-04 18:19:18
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2023-07-01 19:38:44
The event ended early, thanks for participating
1, Madara Uchiha, Nagato, Obito Uchiha, Hagoromo 2, first heart by kakashi, second heart by hidan (non konoha) because tricked by shikamaru, third heart naruto, fourth heart naruto and fifth heart kakashi kakashi, shikamaru (trick hidan), naruto, naruto, kakashi 3, two pots with 3 flowers each = 6 IGN : SukunaUID: 200000096368823Server: s26 Kisame
General Discussion
2022-10-29 00:03:46
Misbehavior Report - Official Thread
- Name of offender: Hansel - Offender’s Server ID: S90 - Short description of the situation: Disparaging, taunting, bad-mouth, belittle, cry down, decry, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, derogate, boastful comments, trying to intimidate each other - Screenshot/s as evidence:
Bugs & Support
2024-04-04 17:27:26
Fuku deals
monthly cards, froggies, dailies? lol
Bugs & Support
2022-02-26 01:25:52
Create new system for recharge rebate
Like i mention in 1st statement. It can be any rewards. Besides, its optional package. If this kind of thing doesn't work for some people that have higher BP, the rewarding system can be change into something similar like seasonal reward. Where u must recharge at (for example only); 500 ingots, 1000 ingots, 2500 ingots, 5000 ingots, 9000 ingots, 15 000 ingots; u will get a ticket on the end of the year. Like u can spin gatcha to get equivalent items for recharging max 15 000 ingots for a year (like secret scroll pack optional, magatamas, etc). But u also have a chance to hit jackpot. This ticket give a low spender to either get an item that equivalent to their recharge or hit something higher (lucky) for once a year. This system totally different from lucky feast and crazy slot machine, because : 1. the player gain a tickets to use it at the end of the year (same like seasonal ticket) but this system last a year 2. the process go slowly but surely. the player will guarantee to get the items that equivalent to their recharging. At the same, can hit jackpot. So, due to your statement, I propose this idea, combination of crazy machine slot + seasonal ticket recharging system, that can be spin at the end of the year, based on the tickets they have. Lets say (just an example), they will get 100 tickets after full 15 000 ingots recharged, they can spins to get an item 100x. If lucky, can get hit jackpot. I hope this acceptable for u (assuming u have higher bp) since magatamas, keys, or etc not so important bcs u are at endgame. If this proposal against by others, since they impatient to spins, it can be shorten to 6 months at least.. not below than that. Since this system focus on low spender that want to have a chance to have miracle (hit jackpot) in their account. Totally pure RNG, no guarantee for jackpot. But the standard power items are the as normal gatcha. *Like mods said, they just can suggest, but my idea not 100% will be implemented. Bcs lots of event, the Devs only focus on big spender.
Bugs & Support
2022-01-28 22:32:53
Create new system for recharge rebate
Sounds great, I like it. But at the end, depends on Devs what kind of name to be put, if this thing happen
Bugs & Support
2022-01-28 22:32:53
Create new system for recharge rebate
The best max limit for this system i think below 15 000 ingots milestones, that duration last for a year. If above 15k, already category of large spender, since infinite tsukuyomi the minimum one is 15k ingots. The reward, i think should be optional. [secret scroll, portions, or even stamina portion] since I think a lot of player want to start a new chapter in new server, with this optional power up, that included early tier item - myoboku, stamina, magatamas, are solid choice for them to lvl up faster and be competence. Like I said, its optional. So, the rewards c*so include all mid or end tier items power up. The difference will be the quantity for every items.
Bugs & Support
2022-01-28 22:32:53
u double check the version of mini client? v3.3.0.0. if so, then, these are 3 steps that mods told me in discord. (if u join discord, they will tell you the same step) 1. Clear the client cache 2. Flush your DNS cache (type cmd, enter ipconfig/ flushdns) 3. Reboot PC (last thing u want do to) In my case, I just delete every naruto files, and download it back from v3.3.0.0. And its back to normal. *u might want to edit your title, cause u using uppercase, i use to type using uppercase, then my thread deleted cause of that reason. Hope this will help.
General Discussion
2022-01-13 23:30:26
Christmas Event - Story Telling
In-Game Name: SukunaRegion: HKServer: S26: KisameUID: 200000096368823 When the Christmas come, we plan to do all the daily task together in game. Every Monday, we will form a group of 3 to complete a strong approaching together as the rewards is more promising. Every Tuesday, we will provide a help towards team instance to help group members complete the 5 chances given daily. Every Wednesday, we will remind each other to free their time to go for Great Ninja War and help the team. Every Thursday, we will chatting to each other on other platform to help others get the right answer on cat quiz. Every Friday, we will form a team of three to beat the rogue ninja and fill in the top spot during rogue ninja event. Every Saturday, we will remind each other to do a group summon to gain free coupons and every Sunday, we will provide a help on rescue to the jinchuuriki. Its beautiful when we keep helping each other during convoy by provide a support and every night do a decisive bonds together. Its become exquisite when this Christmas Fuku deals comes with great offer, most of us decided to go for lucky sna-tch with a tactic to hit the jackpot. Ironically, with good advice from old members, most of us can hit the 50k milestones by spending wisely during each events to grab this opportunity. That's how we spend the Christmas together, by prioritizing to helps each other whoever in needs.
2022-01-01 16:07:33
Defend the Spirit of Christmas – Team Making
In-Game Name: SukunaRegion: HKServer: S26: KisameUID: 200000096368823 PositioningFire main as a damage dealer p1, using Fire Blast that would hit 4 units. Follow up by Hashirama as p2 deals damage up to 3 - 4 units and cause Enfeeble to a random unit and Akatsuchi as p3 that also deals an AOE damage up to 3 - 4 units. Shikamaru as a support p4 to provide his buff to either reduce mystery cooldown, provide immunity to debuff and chases for a round. BuffFire main provide fire and earth enhancement, where hashirama, akatsuchi and shikmaru are earth elements that would benefit them. Hashirama at the start of each round will cleanse debuff and increase chase for 1 round to random unit. Akatsuchi, before each action will clear 2 debuff from earth main and gain 40 chakra (2 units 20 chakra) and increase their resistance by 20%. Also provide shield based on 35% and gain super armor when armor is up. Shikamaru on the other hand will provide 20 chakra before each action. This team has tons of chakra supplier which is good for mystery attack.
2021-12-31 13:21:50
Naruto's Christmas Event!
In-Game Name: SukunaRegion: HKServer: S26: KisameUID: 200000096368823 Obito Uchiha [Christmas] MysteryHellish Christmas Blaze Wave[Prompt]: Deals fire damage, Ignition and 3 combos for whole opponent team, causes Suppress Armor, Extreme Kamui Tag and Repulse to selected unit. Units suffering from Extreme Kamui Tag will have their evasion rate reduce by 35% and will reduce 3% of their ninjutsu and attack whenever they execute any actions. Extreme Kamui Tag cannot be dispelled and neglect immunity for 1 round. Battlefield cooldown:1 Mystery cooldown:2 Chakra:40 AttackSpace time - Christmas Present: Attack a random lineup from the opponent's team, causes 5 combos and Tag to every unit hits. ChaseDivine Assault - Christmas Tree: Triggered with at least 15 combos, deal damage and 3 combos up to 6 units in the opponent's lineup team and absorb all their chakra, as well has a chance to reduce Obito mystery cooldown for 1 round. PassiveSanta's here: At the start of each round, remove all debuffs for whole lineup team and increase ninjutsu and attack by 10% OR resistance and defense by 15% (stackable up to 5 times), as well keep at least 60 chakra if being absorbed. PassiveKamui Christmas: Summons a barrier 1st, 5th and 9th round which limit the chakra gained to 60 and remove shield from both sides. Obito has a high chance to dodge chase. During this barrier active, have 45% chance of units attacking Obito will suffer from Extreme Kamui Tag.
2022-01-02 17:15:35