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2017-07-24 20:22:44
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2022-07-22 10:47:44
Bad start
Imho, you should always save resources until you can get enough to get the best out of rebates and fuku deals. Meanwhile, if you can't wait, you can't go wrong with spending 3k coupons monthly on konoha outlet's training potions. For power, coupon-wise, prioritize flags and potions. The ninja assist feature frankly trumps all the others. The other resources can be gained passively by playing the game normally and collecting free stuff anyways. If you are ever close to achieving something you want, of course go ahead and spend for it then and there. Just my 2.
General Discussion
2019-06-21 09:29:01
bias against the Uchiha. 6 paths Naruto should be Nerf . Sasuke should be buffed
This post genuinely had me laughing out loud. A very good laugh this afternoon. First, I like how you said Sasuke was about to put an end to Naruto's aspirations. That's like saying Izuna was going to totally destroy Tobirama. None of it matters since their opponents countered them enough to subdue/kill them. Madara is also the wrong person to put into the argument because he lost his major battles against Hashirama. Madara admitted Hashirama could defeat him (Indra vs Ashura line). The 1 thru 4 lines you have are basically excuses for why Sasuke failed in trying to get what he's after. For example, #4 says dead men can't talk. Yes, Deidara ended up dead and when Naruto wanted to save Sasuke and keep him alive, Sasuke stays alive. The point is Naruto is strong enough to secure his goals while Sasuke is not. For number 6, if we listed out all the times Sasuke won his major battles versus Naruto, Naruto will trump Sasuke. And no, they aren't equal else the show would be called Naruto and Sasuke and not just Naruto.
General Discussion
2019-06-20 22:50:39
bias against the Uchiha. 6 paths Naruto should be Nerf . Sasuke should be buffed
Kishimoto himself said he never drawn Naruto at full power. The image here is pretty random too. With Sasuke, Naruto had to show restraint so as to not kill him. Sasuke also admitted defeat in the second fight: Think of it this way. Your friend attacks you in an attempt to kill you. You don't want to kill him, but you want to at least stop him and get him to rethink what he's doing. You manage to stop him even though you are both in the same physical condition in the end. Did you win, lose, or draw in the fight? Overall, Naruto is stronger than Sasuke
General Discussion
2019-06-20 22:50:39
bias against the Uchiha. 6 paths Naruto should be Nerf . Sasuke should be buffed
The point in listing those battles was to demo that Sasuke has not been better than Naruto since the chunnin exams and that includes the final fight when he tries his best to kill Naruto. He's always a bit further behind Naruto even with the Rinnegan. The Ashura line has always been able to ultimately defeat the Indra line in battle despite Indra's line appearing more weapons and chakra savvy. The major fights between Naruto and Sasuke are no different.
General Discussion
2019-06-20 22:50:39
What is your most frustrating aspect of this game?
For me, it's the drop rates/amounts. For example, it will have taken me 9 months to get 1 piece of equipment to lvl 10 for refines for example. Is it really supposed to take me 15-20 years to complete my sets??? The other thing is the matching in decisive bonds. Being matched with people with several hundred thousand power and in level 100's while our server isn't old enough to catch that is maddening. Otherwise, even in decisive bonds, I usually have a good time and the game overall is pretty fun.
General Discussion
The Fourth
2019-06-25 19:00:55
bias against the Uchiha. 6 paths Naruto should be Nerf . Sasuke should be buffed
A fun topic--just want to explain why the anime may not be the best source for reasons to buff Sasuke. If we use the anime as a guide, Sasuke can't be on par with Naruto and here's why: 1. In the final valley (earlier battle), he realized how much stronger Naruto was when he saw the Rasengan damage compared to his own. 2. He had a tough time beating Orochimaru and the snake man couldn't even sign and was sick in bed. 3. He got beat all the way up by Killer Bee. In three rounds he lost all three, even failing to capture Bee. 4. He basically lost to Deidara--Dei's suicide aside. Lightning style is stronger against earth yet he had trouble dealing with Dei. He also had to summon Manda to escape Deidara's last technique. IOW his summon saved him, not his own technique. 5. The last final valley battle after the last war, Naruto won. 6. Naruto won more major battles than Sasuke did. Sasuke lost more major battles than Naruto. I list these even as a fan of Sasuke's in the game. In the game, a sb normal Sasuke is pretty good and I want the Rinne version too. But in no way should he or any of his other forms be in the same league as Naruto if we were to go by the anime.
General Discussion
2019-06-20 22:50:39
Bug during team ninja exam
Thank you sincerely, I learned something. Next time I'll check the assists and will pass this info on. I now concede this is not a bug and thanks again for sharing your insight.
Bugs & Support
2019-06-24 20:41:12
[Strategy Share]
Ninja Tools Cane & Blade
They both exist in Brother's normal and Pain hard. It's just super rare at this point. I'll get teasers for them, but never able to get them.
2019-06-12 16:53:14
Bug during team ninja exam
Had the same issue a couple of times. Once for me and once for a friend of mine. When you get to a certain point even after passing several exams together, the error occurs. The first time it happened, I saw that my friend had already passed the exams beyond where the bug took place. He passed them with other people. The same with me (at another time) when the bug occurred; I had already passed those levels with others when the bug occurred. It could also be a cross-server bug as those from the same server were able to bypass the bug when it popped up (I'm in a merged server). Whether I'm wrong or right, it's still a bug and it keeps us from helping other people in team exams. Please fix.
Bugs & Support
2019-06-24 20:41:12
Sage World Battlefields
Haha. I was just in another thread writing about the ridiculous matching in another mode. Regarding Sage, at a certain point (cross ;) ) the game stops being a competitive game and turns into a feast for the grossly OP players. Some modes, intentional or not, are designed to keep a mass amount of people from progressing. Keeping the player stagnant and unable to advance in a reasonable amount of time. If you aren't among the top players in sage it will take you several months to get the advance runes required to max on a single equipment. The game becomes even more tedious because of it. Those people who are OP should fight each other or have their own sage. Maybe extend cross to more clusters so enough people will be in the sage. The moderately powered people can have their own sage and the casual player or lowly powered can have their own sage. This would introduce more competitiveness in sage; maybe even drive more people to spend because the competition is there. If you read this and have the power to influence this, pass the posts on will you?
Bugs & Support
2019-06-02 23:50:50
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