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2017-07-24 19:27:53
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2017-08-24 16:48:23
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2017-07-24 22:21:51
Event - Feedbacks 20th July
Example:-Server : 145 Region : NY Current BP : 30K Events : Call For Duty Opinion : This event is impossible lol Reasoning : People quit the game out of frustration and other things. I don't think I can call anyone back. Suggestions : An event with rewards for those still playing. I don't know, maybe some login rewards like with Myoboku or Mad Anniversary. I know you guys are stingy with ninja but what about adv runes or maybe charm fragments. Maybe mood scrolls since they are never going back to the wheel.
2017-07-28 07:25:35
Would you rather have..
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:21:49
The Purpose of Titles in Game?
My experience keeping battle armor or titles is that people avoid you like the pest. I am fairly weak I only get title cause our server is ded. I end up chasing people who runs away from me, I mean it doesn't matter because usually they win and the scare I gave them probably goes away XD
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:21:21
Well I did actually think people hated me, but it doesn't seem like anyone actually does. If you talk with you members you can figure out where they are standing or how do they feel about the group. Like, when you see someone that says something in group chat or see a person playing less you can ask them what's going on and offer advice. When people move on from a group to another, yes sometimes they plunder members from their old group, but it is not always personal. I feel like some people may resent their old group, like I said I thought people had it against me, because they seemed to plunder me and other things that let me think they did, but they were actually happy to play with me again so they did plunder me because I was online at the same time than they were plundering running convoy. It was just my bad luck, I guess. I never insulted them in fight chat so there's no bad blood between us, but I do know sometimes things are said and people become negative towards each other. You may want to talk with some of you members that left, I often did and found out some of the top groups weren't nice or fair to their members. You would find out if your fears of being treated unfairly are justified or not. In another server I was senior and my group had bad blood with almost all of the other groups. Our leader constantly harassed and recruited from lower groups. It kept us active, but it didn't win any friends in our server, the leader of a group even ranted on world chat about that. The top group kicked some people out and some of them ended in our group, after that things got weird, our leader kept pestering people about donations and GNW. I was changed from senior for this other person of the other group and became a normal member which isn't so bad, but I do think the new senior did not do, some of the things I did, like putting summon capture at an hour in which we had actual people to fight it (When our leader scheduled it there was no one on, not even the leader I fought the summon so many times alone cause of this dumb thing our leader did XD). Long story short people quit the group, including me it just wasn't nice to stay there. Most people joined other groups since #1 group is widely hated. I did went and joined #1 which is surprinsingly friendly and helpful. I still find it weird to get support from the people who used to plunder me, but everyone seems nice here. I felt like our leader on the other group was out of touch with our members and their goals. So I would advice you to talk with your members and get a feel of what they think and want. If they are competitive, they are going to grow frustrated and move on, they will do it even if you don't merge with the other group. Talk with people, if someone wants to quit ask them to report back how they are treated upon having joined the other group. There are still choices left, if your members quit and join the other group even if the members of said group won't help them your members c*ways promise to help each other, y'know? Like even if the group dies the group still lives on because the people who were there are there for each other even in a different group.
2017-08-03 13:32:38
Well when I was leader, all the time other groups were recruiting from us so I was always forced to recruit people of low level that no one wanted at the time, I invited people rather than recruit in world chat, but as you say even weak people preferred the top groups anyway. Our original leader made a group that he intended to turn into a top group and managed to recruit the few strong people we had left at that time. So even though I used to be the weakest person in the group I found myself in the position of leader and the strongest member of the group at one point which made me feel bad to even consider leaving XD.What I did was simple, I kept the group going helped people when I could, I didn't talk much in chat or pm'd a lot cause I * at socializing :/ but when people asked I tried to answer and I let people know if they wanted to quit the group it was fine I wouldn't hold a grudge against them. Most of our people is still playing the server even though they quit the group the fact is that when they couldn't join a group ours was open to them and I always helped so people could do their TI every week. From the merged servers, the one I started in is the one with the most players still left and I recognize most of the names, a bunch of them are in my friend list. This week when I joined the group I am in I got instantly pm's and people talking in chat glad we were back in a group together. And even though my former members have out grown me in power by a f**kton lot. I didn't think they would think about me or that they would think I was *eless leader. This post was last edited by 104***@facebook at 2017-7-17 14:02
2017-08-03 13:32:38
Cave in and merge with the rival group. Those who cannot enter the one group active should avoid running convoy until the server is merged or the top group have space for them. If your server is merged and a group after the merge is stronger than the one that is now, join that group. Cause honestly, even after a merge the bulk of people in the server end up in one strong group and the others won't stand a chance. I'd tell people not to run coupon convoy not to give up on those coupons, but on the constanst frustration that convoy and being plundered generates in them. Focus on keeping a steady amount of active friends watering the tree daily. I'll tell you my sad story, I started playing this game in a server without knowing much about what happens to servers over time or the game in general. I was in #2 Top group, in my group people didn't help each other much, aside from the people who apparently played other servers together and knew each other, our leader was quite ambitious he was the strongest player in the server (at the time) and wanted group to be #1. For GNW friends of the leader were the one who got packs and stuff. We were more less even in power with the other group, but they always knew where we had our strong people and our weak people lol. Our leader became frustrated blamed it all in the group members wanted to have a group meeting and talk things out (It did seem like he wanted to kick people out). One day before said meeting he quit the group with a few friends and dropped the group on some random dude who quit leadership and quit group in a mater of minutes lel. The group just jumped from leader to leader almost 80% of the people originally there went to join group top #1 or #3. In less than a month our group was #9. Because group #1 had taken and accepted only the strongest from our group they became unstopabble. The group that was #3 became #2 and they had quite a vicious rivalry with #1. So generally GNW was those two groups getting toxic at each other and the rest just doing GNW as an attendance event. This situation only changed after the merge, the merge brought an even stronger group that took the place of #1, there were fights, grudges over GNW pack and other stuff and the group that was #1 doesn't do GNW, now most of it members either quit or joined some of the other groups it seems it ac*ulated too much bad blood there. What happened to me is that I stayed in that group and when I had the chance I took leadership of the group, but I was new and I didn't know how to do much. I recruited whenever I could and I managed to keep us active enough to do GNW even if we had like 3 people every week on that. At least no one got to fight for a pack because at that time we got enough for everyone. What we didn't get is enough people to do convoy, because back then you needed two people and those two needed same scroll and the merchant seemed to love spamming too much of one scroll and too little of the other. When we finally started to lose activity for GNW I had enough, I started to look for another server, though I did eventually quit playing altogether. When I got back, the server was merged the other lower groups were recruiting like crazy. I was still leader and there were surprisingly people still playing in the group. I asked people if they wanted to join other groups, apparently no one cared and I let it be. I got back to playing, the game updated to 2.0 at that time so it keep my interest. The group finally died out as recently people finally left or quit playing, there are still 3 active people there, I left the group last week and joined another group the group that is currently top #2 on the server and I like it here, though our leader seems to think we can beat #1 even though they have the strongest people on the server. In my opinion the dinamic of the people of the server plays a role, I never joined the top groups and stayed in my dead one because people there seemed to be "toxic" and stuff. Top #1 and #2 currently are polite to one and other, they don't cause drama in world chat and I noticed plundering does not happen as often as it used to because even though we are merged activity is going down, some plunderers just have to run convoy nowadays or most people get support. There are five active groups from them 4 groups do GNW. All of the active groups have strong people spread out. Top #2 in GNW is the group that is the most active and top #1 is the one with more power. The merged servers still lose players every week, but I think if the current balance is kept we can hold on for a while.
2017-08-03 13:32:38
Mood Scrolls in Group Wheel???
It is what it is. Most of the other stuff they did. They have a schedule if the cross sage poll showed anything is that what people say/vote for and what are they going to do are different things and they will follow their schedule and do changes only when those don't mess with their own agenda.I'm not saying they're evil, but just adjust your expectation according to those facts.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:16:46
Post it here: include screenshoots or they will delete your post
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:15:53
1st year anniversary
Maybe we'll get another mail with a rename card, some coins... and at most 50 coupons. If they feel generous well get a seal scroll and not seal fragments too.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:15:57
Server Merge Request - Week 19th June
2017-07-24 22:15:31