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2017-07-24 19:34:44
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2018-11-10 06:46:28
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2017-07-24 22:04:48
9 tails max damage!
your answer is in the question - elemental dmg. Anko + FM both do elemental dmg + Iruka boosting and giving shield + Asume WB and boost the fire ninjas with the fm skill, 10combo chase from main aswell as from iruka. The boss is also weak to specific type of ninjas like yamato that deals more damage on the 9tail because of the passive. + the unparalleled talent gives ur main extra dmg boost vs summons/clones etc.
2017-07-24 21:12:23
Going to need someone in charge around here to respond to this one.
drop it the law was known way ahead whoever wants to can sue oasis/tensent now and fk them up first in china and then again internationaly.
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2017-07-24 22:03:25
Not to brag but..
"100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10km run EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!"if im not wrong its 20km per day not 10km :P OPM? and GZ ^^
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2017-07-24 22:02:14
bro lol i thought u worked for them XD sorry for not talking on discord much more XD
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2017-07-24 22:03:04
for all you ppl saying all mains are balanced
run the pains with earth, works very nice.
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2019-04-07 18:52:46
[Player Guide]
Bonds Points Table
yup made my sas lvl 10 but you get just the regular one as frags.
2018-01-24 16:59:05
Should entire oas staff resign and leave new, fresh team take the lead?
Here back on topic:The "marty and hero Aris with his true face"And if you want me to delete the video, and stop talking about, I want to start on a new server. With all the salary and money I have topped up in coupons on that server. Under a new name, so people won't know it's me. And I want a additional 2000,000 coupons. I will stop posting on the forums. I will stop streaming, stop making videos etc. Because if you want me to sell these people out. It has to be a lot, and i can't use the same account and name, or I will get bombarded with hate.As to why Oasis waiting? Its a mind game where u play with the small minion and save the K.O. hit when u want the person to lose no matter what he tries to "provoke", nothing bad nor illegal with this from Oasis side.
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2017-07-24 21:56:06
Should entire oas staff resign and leave new, fresh team take the lead?
ofc its nasty stuff between both parts, and i myself dont really care who is most nasty. Well in this case i sort of do with all this "hyped" drama about something we all knew. If close to 70% of the userbase knew 60pulls=1rare 1000pulls=1 ultrarare ("pretty much, even then its not 100%) it is more RNG then rigged. Its rigged in a way that let you know get an item for sure. But the topic was not pulls just an example. Over to the Issue is the spinning wheel event, and Oasis did not know this themself. A couple topics ago i saw people saying "Dont do the bug-search yourself we can do that for you just launch stuff out) in the events case it worked ok till people startet spending lots, ofc for the test team if they just try it by commandprompt run it works smooth, and when they test it themself 10-100-200 "accounts" doing 200spins nonstop for hrs and it works its legit to throw the stuff out in public. But then having a defect THAT TENSEN knew about (HERE IS THE REAL ISSUE) TENSEN KNOWS AND KNEW about this bug/issue it most likely with 99% happend in China and they gave this update/patch to Oasis without informing about the bug part. Instead of QQ on Oasis we have to complain to Oasis about the delivery part from Tensent. Its just like buying an iPhone/Samsung in USA/UK and it has some defect within, the defect is a error from the persons that deliver. All iPhone/Samsung can say is the error is with x-part and we are gonne talk with them.Anyway back to aris and my view opionion and personal *yze on why he is corrupt/manipulative.1. He said i need 200k coupons to start over with a new account/name (on a new server).2. If im not wrong the 200k coupon deal was a stop between part 1 of his stream and part 2 (correct me if im wrong here, just what i read im not gonne bother watch 3hrs of no value).3. IF Oasis were * enough to accept/agree on nr1 Asis guy would save screenshots and evidences for future blackmailings. Good Oasis * to their ToS on not giving special treatments, and idk if they were capable of "prediciting" this last move but if they werent, they do need a bit change in staff. I Noticed on the new news update stuff was a lot more clearer published and a lot more certain. All we had to do was how stuff can be interpretended as. NO Aris is not THE CAUSE of this, the forum people requiering this is. If we had made that topic with a poll we would most likely if not 100% at least with 60-80% certenty obtain the same, and if it doesnt happen this week we pu* again till they agree.Here thanks to other youtubers we can start the topic "How will magatamas be sortet out" topic be open already know since i know with 60-70% certenty it will follow the Chinies setup. This is what Oasis wants to avoid, and honestly i do understand them on that. We are forcing them on specific fields. Oasis is trying to pull Naruto Online on a more Western Cultural way, but its not easy when the core of the game is based on Asian tradition and cultures. To those saying Oasis is forced to do as tensent/china does or thaiwan its bs. We are forcing them to follow those paths. Yes we will get all the major updates from those versions more or less. But Oasis is free to program on that as they want, but when they know all we want is a copy of China they cant do anything else then sit and wait for the next patch Tensent hands out. We are in 2.0 China is what 4.0+ and we are getting the level rewards from the 4.0 patch, this WILL cause delays for us to get new stuff. Since the process.1. Ok we got the new patch. Lets check the manual for this one.2. Ok implement it and check for errors.3. Ok no visible errors run some real game tests.4. Ok its working the patch is legit.Will be a lot more complicatet just because of 2 "*" packages we wanted 2 versions before its time.1. Ok we got the patch. Lets check the manual for this one.2. Ok now lets check if this causes any conflict with the adjustment outside of the suppost working framework. Yes/No - if No good af, if yes ok back to that * level 80-90 package patch and check what we can do to make it work. Over time till we hit 4.0 that patch can cause delays/problems over time for the programmers so much and so unneeded.Edit: as for the remaining mods they are if not all a bunch of them worthless *. Saying ask us on private message and not answring back fkings worthless garbage go ahead try ban me from forum if you dare Tobeiand i didnt want to start a drama on pm with u Tobei, but since the *face of the mods are being shown - fker the topic was going onto page 2 ofc i bump the topic up when its a friend of mine were talking about - why tf do you say "ask us in pm" and u dont answer u piece of worthless title, same goes on about the 3 prev warnings which iv never recieved. And a piece of * like u consider it as "spam" FK U come ban me and then explain Oasis why 20k+euro was pulled out of their bankaccount. This post was last edited by BabaKsA at 2017-3-30 00:04
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:56:06
Should entire oas staff resign and leave new, fresh team take the lead?
1. He tried to blackmail the company. 200k coupon part. (If thats not corruption and pure bs towards his heroism idk what is)2. He knew in advance about events - He had benefit from them, knowing when to spend ingots/coupons and when to save.#PutThatGuyInDeeper*UseYourTOSAgainstPeopleThatHarmYourCompanyEconomiclyIWillForFunRequestMyOwnMoneyRefundedJustToMakeTheDebtBigger!
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:56:06
Should entire oas staff resign and leave new, fresh team take the lead?
like that Aris guy?
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:56:06
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