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2017-07-24 19:50:10
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2025-03-13 04:35:55
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2024-05-16 10:24:56
Event Suggestions
Point exactly. I actually worked (and paid) for my s.Temari, which became a hard staple in my teams since... Then that fireworks rolled around and I 4 starred her but by then she became so common that copycats in my group got her 4 starred f2p and I havn't lived down the ribbing for having paid to get her on release. I'd hate to start seeing more and more people annoyed over bigger nin like SOSP, Edo *hokage* etc, showing up. However I'd love to see HB Kushina appear in fireworks If only to playout and start killing her meta -insert syndrome quote.
General Discussion
2020-04-28 14:00:06
Event Cycle - March 5th
No it starts counting when you can access the event in this case at lvl 30. They would have to add a new background counter for that and that isn't really a priority for early game players. Unfortuantly between the effort of adding such a feature and how niche the benefit is it may never happen. (that and having access to the event is technically a reward for your effort which gives you an additional benefit for effort/recharge) That aside I don't get the Mei hate, is this because of the overwatch character? cuz this was totally expected since fireworks primarily has dealt with event nin freebies. I for one know that it will in no way negatively impact our clusters race to 4k day 1, etc. and I doubt any ninja will really cause a boycott of the event except suit sasuke, or one of the cat ninja.
2020-03-09 14:29:37
Events Cycle - August 15th
I know I'm an outlier but I'd like to see Girl Power packs again. Ofc Kushina will be 4star Imagine the meta shift if 3star hb.Kushina was available to BT/ST The cycle looks promising probably only gunna focus on tree though.
2019-08-21 16:29:52
Events Cycle - July 18th
hmm week looks to be promising, atleast the new features oughta help add some variations to the stagnate meta of SOSP, Uchiha, or you ded. (IK there are others but every decisive it's those 2 meta's clogging it up.) here's hoping for girl power to return in a later cycle... but maybe with S.Samui added as an option so I don't just go for temari frags xD
2019-07-23 16:19:08
An Open Letter to Oasis
Honestly... and I know my opinion is rose tinted due to my cluster and more specifically my group no longer caring about the ingot incentives...but this was an unnecessary explosion over a feature that does have some whales and employees looking forward to it despite the out cry that "only the top 1% could realistically even make use of the change" of course this injures the other 9% that have maxed a pos1 but it's not game breaking or even a real issue for current competitive players to be concerned over as the bleeding edge is still the same... just a little higher of a cap. I personally have stayed in the top 10 of my server (top 100 in cluster) since early 2017 despite still being ~150k this said... I welcome changes, sure the non-existent login incentives have caused many to become "will of fire farmers" in s78-92 and the huge pow divide has encouraged many players to give up and move to a new server... but for that exact reason this update shouldn't have become such a divisive situation, us vets have been through this shat before, and it has been worse. -early 2018 recharge event flashbacks- *shudder* End of day, yes our feedback gets through, but without enough voices saying the same thing it amounts to nothing as it's seen as a minority making such n such request. As well if the average recharge rate for a season dips it's not going to cause them to try and fix something that we the players haven't voiced properly en masse, it'll just cause them to have to put up more incentive events to cover losses, there will always be whales, and so long as the game isn't a buggy POS like fallout 76 we should all be happy that Oasis has atleast provided a playable game that save for one bad week and a few questionable in-house events has been above and beyond all of its competitors in the field (flash/webmmo) the fact there are still diehards after three years is a testament to the game. -_-_-_-_- I was more upset at other out of game content that became out of control recently and further pushed the s52-s121 players away from being as active, some even quitting over unconfirmed drama.
General Discussion
2019-07-26 07:13:09
Events Cycle - June 27th
It could be worse, it could be stock Naruto or enma as the sign in reward. I agree it's a bad reward for activity, but it's not total tr@sh... I mean you can burn the frags for Iuka or kyubi naru points. Common complaint aside the cycle itself isn't too bad, a good time for f2p to save up, and the bad sign-in nin will make "will of fire" farming as viable next month as those who choose to take a week or two off wont miss a daymn thing.
2019-07-02 23:04:58
Shin [Edo Tensei] Fragments
Unfortuantly that's how any chimes event works, as well he's a new ninja ( a meme one but...) so ofc only the super overly active and the p2w will get him out the gate, I'd figure there'll be another chance to farm frags in a couple cycles (some time August-October would be a fair bet.) He might be meh, but by no means is he sh*t tier. That'd be Hanabi, Kid Obito/Kakashi, Most GNW's... Shin is a possible stand in for a low tier super... So he has a use, just not one that makes him easy to justify burning a lot of farmed cps on and def not ingots.
General Discussion
2019-04-25 18:32:14
Question About Level Freezing
Level freeze or don't. it's really your call. Yes delaying the grind does give you an edge but if you're in an older server there will always be a p2w level freezer that vastly out-powers you... in fact as a few have said 9+ in most tiers, but that still isn't a bad thing, actually while you're at it why not WOF farm, all you have to do is not play for weeks at a time and reap the benefits now that sun and moon scrolls allow the classic freeze items to be bought. Figure if you cycle freeze and wof farming from lvl 32 on a fresh server it'll take approx 8 months to hit lvl 85 and if the farmed resources are used appropriately you can easily grind power with virtually no effort out of intentionally doing everything you can to not progress the game. Done proper you will still be in the zabuza arc once you actually start playing again, which in turn is where the rubber-banding begins. you will never be toppest kek but you can abuse this to farm coupons, scrolls, sun n moon mats indefinitely, with 40k coupons you can get both shisui and jounin minato (or shisui + anbu itachi @32k) Or alternatively you can just play, communicate with other players, have fun with the community and even have fun hazing players... I mean this is supposed to be an mmo d@mnit it's not just a min max spreadsheet, this is supposed to be a game you play not a game that doubles as an accounting career. But alas you be you, if you derive joy out of ev and iv training pokemon for the perfect stats for months... even years then you should participate in freezing, if your the type that just picked up the latest title to enjoy a campaign and maybe casual battles with friends dont freeze. Either way theres hundreds that do whichever path you take that can help you or even become a new friend.
General Discussion
2019-05-22 16:54:52
We are looking for new Player Guide!
I'll toss a hat in... I actively answer questions and resolve disputes in my home server cluster (78) I have enough of a grasp on the game functions to have a few past doc'mented loopholes in game mechanics, of which those that we're made public have been patched :P While I'm generally active In world/discord I rarely post as I rarely have anything to contribute, as such my typical actions are to derail topics. Generally I log more hours than healthy but of the hours I'm actually active (9-14:30 18:30-23) so approx. 8h a day with occasional exceptions. Fond of the game... I passively make crude comments time to time, but clearly I must be fond if I've kept the above routine for just a touch over 2 years. Be civilized... well I've been staff in many communities over the years... that says nothing though outside of an understanding that with status comes a higher minimum standards for interactions as your actions represent the community to a greater measure than they would as a normal player etc. The only real deal breaker is that I'm a LA player and only speak English with a mild understanding of Finnish and Dutch (not significant enough to really matter)
2019-04-07 05:58:36
Events Cycle - March 14th
Another farm cycle, don't get why people bother complaining about a chance to save up for a better week.
The Fourth
2019-03-20 06:10:55
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